• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders

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This story is a sequel to Spiderman: Equestria's Hero

Adam has finally got the girl; the Rainbooms have formed a little group that scan the city for crime. They help Spiderman against the villains in the city; and ever since Doc Ock left, a lot more have turned up.

You all know what a Meta-Human is, don't you?

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to WHAT I'VE DONE

Equestria, the birthplace of not just the ponykind, but so many other races, as well. All these species are very much like our own, capable of both great compassion and great violence.

The story takes place during the events in the MLP: FiM episode, Princess Spike. Both MLP and Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (4)

Glida with her friends decided to make a joke on Fluttershy. She kidnapped her and left in Los Santos city.
Fluttershy was completely lost and sad, but she suddenly found help from the angriest guy in the world.

Chapters (8)

Loneliness. That what was feeling Pedro after killing everyone he knew. Now he stuck in another world. Different one. It was a peaceful town, but the crime is still was there. Welcome to your new home, Pedro.

Cover art isn't drawn by me. The link:https://co.pinterest.com/pin/671528994419425696/

Chapters (6)

Four months have passed since the Sons of Sparda were successful in severing the roots of the Qlipoth in the underworld and turned their attention towards each other to see who is superior.

However, a moments rest turns into a new opportunity for the pair of them. A chance to lay waste to an army of demons that have invaded a world separate from the human world.

Before they can seal the deal, the brothers are torn away from each other. One is trapped in a duel and the other is sent to Equestria.

Now, wandering alone, Vergil chooses to honour his summoners wishes and put a stop to the demon horde that infests Equestria.

All the while, Dante stands alone against the General of the Army.

Will they succeed? Will Dante survive? Will Equestria be free?

Extra Information
~ Set four months after end of Devil May Cry 5
~ Set after the Season 3 Premiere
~ Entry for the Devil May Cry Writing Contest

Chapters (5)

After a mishap with a spell lands Twilight Sparkle and friends in the village of Konoha, Tsunade and Jiraiya turn the accident into a plan to shield Naruto from Akatsuki...whether he knows it or not. Now living in Ponyville, Naruto must adjust to being a pony, but with his assistant and the Mane 6 to keep him company, that might be easier than he thinks. Crossover with Naruto. Originally posted on Fanfiction.net

Chapters (15)

A ninja and a DJ.
A human trained to eliminate his enemies, and a pony skilled in destroying one's hearing.
Both of them have an... interesting fashion sense.

It's like they were made for each other, isn't it?

Rated for mention of naughty bits.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to This War of Ours

(This story is part of the shared Marvel/MLP universe created by this guy.)

Derpy was only trying to deliver a box of fireworks (that were due for transport days ago) to somepony by the last name of Lulamoon. As it happened, the pony turned out to be a really famous showmare and she didn't seem very happy when she arrived in the middle of the night, though the oddly emotionless mare beside her...well, she wasn't sure. Anywho, Ms. Lulamoon wasn't mad at Derpy; a really big metal bird thing demolished her home when it fell out of the sky, and she was really bent on finding the owner and giving them an earful. In her defense, Derpy didn't know she stepped on any buttons inside the blasted thing; nopony should leave stuff like that for a mailmare like her to step on. But then they were suddenly in this giant black space and Equestria had completely vanished. Then the showmare got angry at her. The other pony? She just kept staring blankly.

Lucky for them, these cool alien creatures came out of nowhere and offered to get her home once they finished a job they had to do. See, they're apparently Guardians of the Galaxy or something like that, and they help out folks in the galaxy. So, Derpy naturally assumed that they'd just tag along for now and they'd be home in no time at all, where she could finish her delivery andjust maybe keep her job!

Then the talking raccoon stole a few batteries from these golden people, and everything went downhill from there.

Like,way down. Like falling of a cliff into an endless void-down.

Chapters (33)

Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That was how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war - a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called... EQUESTRIA.

But we were already too late...

In terms of MLP continuity, the story takes place before, during, and after the events in the episode, The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone.

In terms of Transformers continuity, even though it is unrelated to any of the universes, it does borrow elements from several timelines (most importantly, the Aligned continuity).

Also, both MLP and Transformers are owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Infinity Era

Sure, it all technically started when she turned to dust suddenly. One might even say it was five years after that, when she returned in a single blip. She would argue it all started with that weird looking Zap Apple.

Fresh out of a fairly emotionally tough day in itself, Apple Bloom found a very early ripe tree of Zap Apples and (despite the usual traditions of her family) ate one in her saddened thoughts. For reasons yet unknown, the apple not only teleported her to a whole new world but imbued her body with unfathomable, silly abilities. It was probably pure luck that she landed on probably the only person in all of Queens who knows more than other humans about Equestrians.

It's only been a few hard weeks since that fateful fight in the ruins of the compound. Peter Parker is really looking forward to the School Trip to Europe, probably his only chance of getting a break from Superhero stuff and the bad memories that targeted him in his sleep. Knowing full well that attending to Apple Bloom's dilemma will destroy his vacation opportunity, and with Apple Bloom already not too eager to return home, they agree to an idea. They'll travel together on a partnered vacation, to each take a much needed break from their lives.

When One-Eyed Agents, Magical Fishbowl dudes, Elemental Giants, Nightmares and Girl problems arise-- Spider-man and Apple Bloom partner themselves up and forge a strong bond in the process.

Chapters (2)