• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders

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When the Four Fallen appear, destruction seems near, but do not lose hope, for the two who slumber will awaken, and even the gods will tremble at their names... - Unknown prophet, CR 132

10,000 years after Discord was stopped by two strangers wielding strange powers and abilities, a new threat has appeared in Equestria, a threat even older than Discord himself....

But a single prophecy tells of the return of the two, and with the help of Twilight and her friends, these two will be able to stop this new threat... or Equestria will fall....

A Brave Frontier Displaced story

Midnight Storm and Co. belong to Chaotic Ink and his story 'The Witching Hour'

I do not own MLP:FIM or Brave Frontier, they belong to their respective owners

Rated T for mild gore and some language

Chapters (10)

Jakob is a quiet man trying to raise his daughter in peace. He is haunted by the loss of his wife many years ago. The choices of his life have led him to this point, leaving him in a state of constant contemplation.

He once shared an adventure into a new world filled with colorful equine-like creatures. His wife waded in among them, embracing their offers of friendship, leaving him bemused in her wake. Gladly he followed her through all the joys and pains, the peace and the conflicts.

Now, all that is left are the memories of a love that once filled him, and the daughter that was the result of that same love.

June is now coming of age to notice her father has a serious problem. He is lonely and she intends to do something about it, but how?

It begins with a single, magical candle and a touch of meddling from the Alicorn of Love.

Art by Corina Chirila.

Edited by Chapter 13 and TuxOKC.

Chapters (20)

This story is a non-canon spinoff of Kamen Rider EqG

When the Hikari Studio appears nearby Canterlot High, Tsukasa has to find out what must be done in this world for which he has no sealed Rider Card.

(Kamen Rider Decade stumbles upon an A.R. World version of my "Kamen Rider EqG" story. Some details are shared between the two worlds, but don't take everything here as fact for the main story.)
(This story is most conveniently read in Indented format instead of Double Spaced.)

Chapters (2)

Strange things are happening around Canterlot High. So what else is new? A mysterious armor-clad figure protecting citizens from invisible monsters, that's what's new.
When rumors begin spreading that this nighttime warrior may be nothing more than a hoax, the HuMane 5 and Sunset Shimmer begin an investigation into the vigilante, but quickly uncover something far bigger than they had expected. Monsters from another universe are invading, reaching out from behind the mirrors…but through the darkness shines a helpful light. Is there a part for these six friends to play in this struggle against an unknown enemy attempting to conquer multiple worlds?

When you look in the mirror, what other than your reflection might be looking back?

(Kamen Rider Dragon Knight reaches into the Equestria Girls world.)
(Select Rider and attack names and powers suggested by MythrilMoth and KR Chrome.)
(This story is most conveniently read on Indented view instead of Double Spaced.)

Catch the non-canon spin-off: Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider EqG & Decade

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Kamen Rider Alchemy

While Scootaloo Dash is still recovering from her last adventure and enjoying a bit of quality time with her friends, things start to take a turn for the especially weird, all while in another universe things are pretty much business as usual. Another day another monster for Phoenix Feather and his friends to fight, but things quickly spiral out of control, and they find themselves in a situation they could have never prepared for.

With two worlds clashing and familiar faces showing themselves again things quickly turn from bad to worse. Faced with this seemingly insurmountable challenge things look grim, but there is one thing that rings true in every world, Kamen Riders never give up!


This story is a crossover between my story Kamen Rider Alchemy and RuinQueenofOblivion's fic Kamen Rider Justice.

This story takes place between chapters 44 and 45 of Alchemy and between chapters 14 and 15 of Justice.

Chapters (4)

Zeek was an infamous friendless prankster parkourist, he'd climb up to really high places and either defile something by spraypainting on it or drop something gross on someone. Zeek was also a Conduit Positive, He never learned what his power was cause he was drugged soon after the D.U.P caught him, he was rescued by a group of Conduits but still never learned anything about his "power".

But all that would come to an end when he is presented with a choice, either give up his life to save a child's or just run away from the scene. Zeek chooses the former and dies after saving a kid from being run over by a D.U.P truck. Zeek thought it was over until he opened his eyes to find he was reborn in a world known as Equestria, as an anthro colt and Equestria's first Conduit in an orphanage, with all his memories but still didn't know what his power was.

As he grew up, around age 9, nearing 10, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came to the orphanage looking to adopt a foal and ends up picking Zeek for his 'Uniqueness'. What kind of life awaits him in the world? Will Zeek ever adjust to life as the new Prince of Equestria? What will his power be when it awakens? Will he get friends in this new life? How many nobles will he punch in the face? Let's find out...

A/N: Thanks to new editor; Jason Monroe

Chapters (2)

Ben is a recent citizen of Ponyville, and has warmed up to his neighbors quite easily. However, another less recent resident is in a bit of a mood and needs the only solution that he knows of.

Note: Rated T for language and drunken antics.

Image by SLB94 on DA.

Chapters (4)

When the caribou invaded, it seems all hope was lost. Even Luna and Celestia were no match for the cruel King Dainn of the caribou. However, in their darkest hour, Luna called upon one last hope to save them all.

She summons a champion.

She summons a Kamen Rider.

Chapters (1)

A Kamen Rider Crossover

Magic – a mysterious force in this world, capable of bending reality. At the beginning, magic was considered to be a form of science, with as many kinds of magic as there are stars in the night’s sky. As civilization advanced, many forms of magic were forgotten.

As time passed, only a few forms became common place in Equestria.

But when an ancient magic surfaces from the pages of a lost legend, Twilight learns that there's more to magic than what she's learned in her studies. A new world of magic and wonder is revealed...

And remember: Life is Showtime!

This is an Alternate Universe story that starts after the episode - The Ticket Master.

UPDATED: Featured on October 2, 2014!
Featured again: November 13, 2014

TVTropes Page! : Friendship is Showtime

Chapters (42)

well this is not what usually happens in this situation. My name is James McCain and when someone sends me a blank ride watch at a convention of all places when I could have swore I saw Woz nearby I now have to go to school in a movie series while also having to deal with Kamen rider Zi-o's story. Luckily I got more of a social network compared to the original zi-o and a clear idea of my future. Still time jackers, orma zi-o, geiz and other surprises are going to keep me on my toes. The past, present and future are mine to protect! Let's restore time!

Chapters (12)