• Member Since 8th Sep, 2013


I'm a misfit gamer who see illusions.

Favourites 113 stories
  • Favourites 113 stories - 551 unread chapters
    Created by CJN
    - October, 2014
Found 78 stories in 51ms

Total Words: 6,322,283
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Following the destruction of the Collector Base, the crew of the Normandy-SR2 go their separate ways. One squadmate, an AI 'Geth' named Legion, is sent by the Geth Consensus to investigate the possibility of a Quarian attack. However, when Legion is discovered and forced to make an emergency jump through the Mass Relay, it finds itself in the most unlikely of places... Equestria.

At the same time, the ponies of Equestria are dealing with their own problems. A mysterious disease threatens to topple pony civilization, while tensions along the border are growing and could escalate into full blown war.

Join Legion in its journey in Equestria to both return to the Geth before the arrival of the Reapers, and to help the peaceful ponies who inhabit the world.

Notice: As of 9/12/2016, this fic has received comprehensive updates to grammar/spelling/sentence structure, with a few minor plot alterations. Enjoy!

Chapters (24)

I should be dead. The chances of me surviving the explosion were 999,999 to 1. But despite the overwhelming impossibility, I live. And yet, I live in a world that I cannot understand, that defies all of the scientific knowledge that I have spent my life accumulating. They tell me that friendship could be a form of magic. I can not believe them. But with nowhere else I can go, I must either make peace with these talking magical ponies...or be destroyed by them. But I know this. The Crystal Empire and those who dwell within it are not ready for the freeze I bring.

My name is Victor Fries. And I am in Equestria.

Mr. Freeze will be based on BtAS and Beyond version. And yes, almost all the chapter names will be terrible puns. This will be shorter than most my stories, but I still think it's just as good. Written after season three.

Chapters (21)

General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, conqueror of star systems, and slayer of Jedi. And... stranded on Equestria?

This can't end well.

TV Tropes page.

Now featuring a dramatic reading by LimeyPony!

Chapters (30)

This story takes place between Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic one and two and after MLP Season 3.
We all know that somehow HK-47 was seriously damaged by the time the Jedi Exile found him. And we all know that he was damaged sometime after the first game. This story shall take place that instead of being destroyed, he was mysteriously transported into equestria.
Do i need to say anything else?
Credit to AwkwardTaco for new title to the story
This story will take parts from SW KOTOR that are huge plot twists in the game into the story. So if you are playing the game or don't want spoilers from the first game DO NOT READ THIS FIC! read at your own risk. now on with the story!
Proof-reader: Twi-Guy
Note: finally got around to posting a image for the story XD lazy me

Chapters (10)

A man with nothing much to live for in the world comes across the three sirens, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria after their defeat at Canterlot High. They have regressed down to a child like state and have lost all their memories. Cuteness and laughs are ahead but the future is not nearly as happy as it looks.

Edited by Trixieisthetruemagic101

Chapters (50)

The reign of Morgoth in Arda is over. He has been defeated by the Host of Valinor and the Valar have bound him once more in the chain Angainor and cast him through Doors of Night into the Void. There he has drifted for many long ages, pondering his deeds and his defeats until Ilúvatar comes and offers him a chance at redemption. Softened by ages in the endless Void, Morgoth accepts this chance at freedom. He is given a new body and sent to a new world with the task of learning the values he has shunned for so long. In this new world, under the watchful eyes of Equestria's Valar, the Dark Lord will come to realize that there are yet things greater than the power of darkness.

Also yes, I understand that there's no "e" in Silmarillion, it's a pony pun. Sil-mare-illion. Geddit? GEDDIT?

Chapters (11)

After Starlight Glimmer's misadventure beyond the Magic Mirror, Twilight Sparkle creates an artifact that will allow its wearer to travel between planes of existence without allowing excess magic to leak from one world to another and upsetting the delicate balance of worlds.

In doing so, however, she soon discovers more about herself and the spark that awakened the Element of Magic than she could have ever anticipated, and learns of a secret that Celestia had been keeping from her all her life.

Stranded in the world-spanning city of Ravnica, Twilight Sparkle must now seek to understand herself and the strange new plane of existence she's found herself in, and come to terms with her own role in Equestria and the Multiverse.

A Magic: the Gathering crossover. Cover art by Beavernator on DeviantArt.

Chapters (17)

That's right, the Joker, otherwise known as the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, and the White Duke of Death, is now in Equestria. Will this unpredictable, murderous psychopath learn the true magic of friendship and abandon his old malicious ways? Or will his arrival kick off an unstoppable crime spree to shape Equestria into his own image? Like I said, the Joker is unpredictable.

Special thanks to my awesome prereaders X19, LDSocrates and The Alpha, who are the best of the best! Read their stuff or just thank them for reading my unedited monstrosity before I release it to you guys!

Now on TV Tropes because of the greatness that is Shadow Sora94. Give him some thanks!

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The Perfect Mate; Twilight Saga

It's been a good while since Ryan and Twilight had gotten married and the years have been good to them. Even after being together for so long though, the spark between them that kept things alive never seemed to die. One might beg to ask the question; How?
Ryan's way of doing it is as simple as it is difficult. Keep her happy, but keep her guessing. And never lose your sense of adventure and mystery. Because love is a fire; mystery will keep it burning, but adventure will keep it alive.

[Just a sweet little Valentines short]

Chapters (1)