• Member Since 8th Sep, 2013


I'm a misfit gamer who see illusions.

Favourites 113 stories
  • Favourites 113 stories - 551 unread chapters
    Created by CJN
    - October, 2014
Found 78 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 6,322,283
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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The battle for Chicago ended with an unexpected twist. Ripped from Earth and thrown into an unfamiliar world, the Autobots find themselves, not only in strange surroundings, but also in strange bodies. Watch as they forge new bonds of friendship while defending the innocent from the return of an ancient evil.

All characters are anthro in this story.

Chapters (7)

When Soundwave losses hope for Decepticon cause after Megatron's death he leaves Cybertron to find a new home, but when a freak accident lands him in the peaceful land of Equestria he must adapt to this new world with the help of a down on her luck DJ, Vinyl Scratch. Watch as they try to survive the wrath of Princess Luna, Soundwave's old rivals, and the evil Equestria has to offer.

(Takes place during the old 1980's movie of transformers, also Soundwave is gonna be a combination of 1980's Soundwave and Transformers War for Cybertron Soundwave. Also including Fall of Cybertron and small amount of Beast Wars references)

Credit to Hasbro for Both MLP FiM and Tranformers *Transformers duh duh duh duhduh buythetoysbuythetoysbuythetoys*
Credit to StaticWave12 on Deviant Art for the idea of DJ-COL-7

Chapters (24)

A unicorn by the name of Keen Eye has traveled far and wide to find a place to start his life. He decides to settle in Ponyville and open his very own magic shop to teach magic and sell magical items and books. Sure, a few things are alittle off about him. He wears black tinted goggles all the time, has a hard time understanding colors, and doesn't let anyone touch his personal collection of books, for ANY reason. But with such a gentle colt, he must have his reasons, right? No harm in keeping a few secrets. At least until those secrets and history comes back to find him.

Chapters (12)

Darth Vader is one of the most despicable forces in the galaxy. Once a powerful and respected Jedi Knight, he betrayed the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order for the dark side of the Force. The newly christened Sith Lord was apprenticed to Darth Sidious and quickly became a master of the dark side. Vader was soon the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge by slaughtering all remaining Jedi.

An extension of Emperor Palpatine's will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings and kill any surviving Jedi. This mission brings him to the edge of the Outer Rim into the Unknown Region of the galaxy, in an unknown star system. High above an unnamed planet he duels with one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy in a starship battle. But during the battle his ship is damaged, and he crash-lands on the mysterious planet.

With his connections to the Galactic Empire severed, Vader must find a way out the land known as Equestria, inhabited by the strange creatures known as ponies. That, or he could take it over.

Chapters (12)

(The Redone Version) (EFH has it's own TV Tropes page! Thanks to redandready45! )

A human has been teleported to Equestria after a lightning bolt struck him. The ponies of Ponyville had never seen anything like him before. Full of fear and uncertainty, all of Ponyville, except for the Mane 6 and Spike, avoided him. The human, with the help of the Mane 6, must earn Ponyville's friendship before a way back home is found.

Rated Teen for some language and mild peril.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to The Epic Quest of Ford Mustang

Shortly after their wedding, Ford Mustang and his wife, Rainbow Dash, have already made plans to have their first foal together. With each passing month, they go through the usual joys and struggles from starting their own family as they cherish what they have from their friends and family. But as his beautiful, blue angel goes through her pregnancy, Ford starts to receive terrible visions that may determine the ultimate outcome of Rainbow Dash's fate. Mustang has gone through many challenges in his previous adventure, but can he find a way to change her fate in time or will he have to accept the inevitable in the end? Don't miss out on the final chapters that will ultimately conclude the Trilogy of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (37)

Once, Ford was just a human who led a boring and lonely life. But suddenly, his life is turned upside down as a mysterious golden light not only transported him to the magical world of Equestria, but has also transformed him into a Pegasus Pony without a Cutie Mark! Despite how much of a fan he is of MLP:FIM, he can't help but feel concern on what kind of consequences his presence might bring on account of his knowledge of a fictional cartoon show.

Now, under the identity of "Ford Mustang", he must face many trials ahead of him. Will he be able to blend in with the rest of the pony community? Will he ever be able to earn his Cutie Mark? Can he make it back home in time before the ponies learn the truth about him? And what happens when he starts to fall in love with a certain cyan Pegasus with the spectrum-colored mane? Find out on the incredible journey of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (29)

When a pirate named Captain Jack Silver steals the Elements of Harmony and kidnaps the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it's up to Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six who now must take to the high seas in order to get them back. When the Mane Six finally find them, they all soon find themselves joining Jack and his crew on a swashbuckling adventure filled with challenging spirits, terrible storms and demonic pirates, all of which act as obstacles that stand in their way of finding the SEVENTH Element of Harmony.

Chapters (18)

An Earth Pony by the name of Maestro is moving into Canterlot with his foster parents. He was raised his entire life up until now in Manehatten, until his foster father Revenue, found an interesting oppotunity in the prestigious city. Maestro had been learning to play the cello ever since he was about five or so. He was good, but he needed a teacher. He stumbles across an Earth Pony however who seems to catch his interest of learning from her. Her name is Octavia, and many things seemed clouded about her to him. But later on will he discover that she is not the typical refined Earth Pony he thought her out to be?

Chapters (48)

Thorax is a junior processor, class Q, and has lived his entire life in the hive, yet he dreams of things bigger. Grander. Much more important than watching pH levels in vats all day. Wouldn't you know it, his application to the espionage services gets accepted, too! Maybe he really is going places!
Except he nearly flunked the exam, and knows nothing of the outside world. Regardless, Queen Chrysalis charges him with a very important mission: Spying on the inhabitants of Ponyville, especially Twilight Sparkle.
Nothing, of course, goes right after that.

Cover art by Chicmonster

Chapters (28)