• Member Since 8th Sep, 2013


I'm a misfit gamer who see illusions.

Favourites 113 stories
  • Favourites 113 stories - 551 unread chapters
    Created by CJN
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 6,322,283
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Weeks after the failed assault on Canterlot by the Chrysalis Hive, things are tense in Equestria. A lone changeling looking for somepony to feed on is discovered in Ponyville like many often are. But that's where his involvement in Equestria ends, for his adventure in Skyrim is about to start.

Sent to a new and frigid land where people can be as cold and unforgiving as the weather, this changeling will find that all is not well; a civil war threatens to tear its people apart, dark forces work in the shadows to gather followers and waiting for the opportune chance to strike, and an ancient prophecy is about to be realized, as Alduin the World Eater returns to raise an army of his dragon kin to destroy all of Nirn.

But all is not lost, as the Dovahkiin, dragonborn hero of legend, is on a journey to fulfill her destiny, and save the world from Alduin's wrath.

Who better for out changeling to join up with.

Read on as their tale unfolds.
A long needed rewrite/ revision of my first attempt at a story, A Changeling's visit to Skyrim.
9/15/17: Changed title from the way too lengthy original "Escapades of a Changeling Soulstoke: Skyrim".

Chapters (23)

I want to visit Equestria the same way a historian wants to visit the past. It would be cool just to look around, but I don't wanna run around touching everything or stay forever. Life is pretty good for me, so ditching it all for something else wasn't very high on my list of priorities. One bonk on the head later though, I've got a bunch of parasites calling me their king. I don't want to be king, though! All I really want is to go home.

Chapters (26)

Caramel is a pony of many secrets, one of which being that he isn't actually a pony at all. Revealing his true identity to his beloved marefriend Applejack turns out to be a far more painful experience than he had originally believed, and now he is left alone and heartbroken. Perhaps, with the help of the professional tips on mare courting everypony seems so inclined to give him, he can win her back? With advice like this, not likely.

Be warned, this fic includes terrible dating advice.

Cover art created by a very generous MindEdge.

Chapters (11)

Twilight had found love in a man from another world, but after a terrible encounter he was taken from her. However, she has found a way to bring him back... or so she thinks, but to ease the ache in her heart she is willing to do whatever it takes.

Leon lives each day as a lie; though on the surface he is calm, with a tendency to make light of nearly any situation, on the inside he seethes with hatred towards his world for a terrible injustice committed against someone he had cared for many years prior.

Fate will bring these two together, and through their shared heart-ache, will create an everlasting bond. This is just the beginning of their story.

Human/Brony in Equestria, Anthro-ponies, Some modern technology, Twi x OC, Crossover (don't ask what, many things make an appearance).

Warning: Story name subject to change if I happen to think of a better one.

Chapters (32)

Smaug is the mightiest of all beasts in Middle Earth. No creature can match his prowess. As the last of his kind, he has no obligations to anyone being other than himself. The only thing he cares about is his hoard.

But this new creature, this alicorn, may just change that.

Chapters (52)

My name is Eric, Eric James Carlson if you want to be formal and this is my story of how I got sent to Equestria by the Eris, the greek God of Chaos because Discord presented her with a game but i find out that Equestria isn't the land of sunshine and puppy dogs that it is on the TV show. Now i have to figure out what I'm gonna do while I'm here and stuck in the middle of a three-sided war. Admittedly I took a few ideas from Rust and Blackwing's Chess Game of the Gods world in that outside of Equestria sucks, the gods who like to mess around with mortals and a few of the weapons used but it is a different universe. Picture isn't mine but it matches pretty well what is in my head. This is my first fanfic and I know my grammer probably isn't the best but I'm not a professional writer so be gentle. Will add characters as they appear.

Chapters (7)

Random guy ends up in Equestria story, yet for reasons unbeknownst to him, he finds himself in an Equestria much like the one he barely remembers from a show he once watched, yet very different in all the wrong aspects.

It can't possibly be because he turned into a changeling right after their infamous invasion.


And now with an editor. A huge round of applause to Kablam Pony for helping me with editing this story.

A giant round of applause for mix-up for drawing such splendid cover art.


AU: This is literally an alternate Equestria, where grim events happen as normal occurrences, also, the story starts from season 2 and moves up to season 4.

Comedy: who doesn't like to laugh at the misery of a fictional character?

Adventure: if that wasn't obvious I don't know what is.

Dark: Some of you pointed out that it has some dark elements, but don't worry, I will not write anything overboard.

Human: dare I need to state why.

Teen because of a couple of death scenes here and there, no gore, unless it's written in an extremely scientific language.

Oh, it's a shameless self insert by the way. I want to see how much I can write myself as a character in my own story and how much it relates to other characters I have written.

Chapters (13)

Tai is college student who despite being in a not so bad position in life, isn't so happy. Having never been much of a social person, he's now reached a point of boredom and loneliness. His life is turned around when a strange girl teleports into his living room one night with no memory of who she is. Now finding himself stuck with a roommate, Tai's life takes a turn for the better as this girl starts to show him what he's been missing all these years. And in the end, the two might become a little bit more than just friends.

This story was inspired by My Little Dashie, Enchanted, Lois and Clark and all the humanized pony fan art out there.

Audio Reading on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqP5ou9cK_4&index=1&list=PL0fzo-8cnvinWfxKAOeSLD6Me03vBy_Zi

Chapters (12)