• Member Since 8th Sep, 2013


I'm a misfit gamer who see illusions.

Favourites 113 stories
  • Favourites 113 stories - 551 unread chapters
    Created by CJN
    - October, 2014
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I've had my fair share of critics in my line of work. It's understandable—someone with the power to invoke fear in those he touches? Yeah, that's someone I want to watch over me and my children.

But that's what I am now; a Metahuman Agent, using this and the other 'perks' of my unique condition to help my team in taking down the baddie of the day. Of course, it was while taking down the baddie of the day that I fell victim to his malfunctioning machine; a Rift that tossed me, randomly, to a head-scratchingly insane world of magical, talking ponies...

All I can do now is wait, pray I can get home, and try to show them I'm not the monster I appear to be.

(Dread's homeworld is based somewhat on the Little Victory comics by jollyjack; an Earth where metahumans are enlisted and trained by the government to defend the populace from threats, big and small.)

Chapters (21)

Based on a true story. Kinda. Not really.
A man named Jason previously led a rather melancholy life before he died violently. No surprise there. But as he wakes up in Equestria and is thrown into a foreign body, he is forced to survive with the guise of a changeling. Taking place shortly after the failed changeling invasion of Canterlot, how can he keep from being revealed by new security measures, and blend into this new world, while making use of the most unlikely of allies? But of course, avoiding ponies only turns out to be the easy part when trouble has a habit of reading its ugly head. Really though, what could go wrong?

Props to the ever epic Zubafa for his cover art.

Chapters (52)

There is a thing that does not see, that does not sleep, and does not dream. It waits and ponders while it watches with bait. Tantalizing the youngest and fooling the eldest. From a myth forgotten, from a nightmare ended, he walks the forest of the cursed.

The Slender Man.

Prior to Season 3
Story two in my Twidash Challange: Dark Theme
Poem by kitten-ears11

Chapters (9)

Shortly after a changeling drone leaves her egg in the human world in a last-ditch effort to save it, a young man named Eventide Oath finds himself struggling to decide what to do with a newborn changeling nymph. He has no idea what it is, where it came from, or anything else about it. But with a little help from a good friend, he commits himself to take care of the little guy. Who knows? Maybe the small, bug-like equine will be just what he needs to make his life a little bit brighter.

(Inspired by the original premise and opening chapters of "I Am A Pet Changeling," with some smaller sources of inspiration coming from the anime movie, "Wolf Children."
This story is also the spiritual successor to 'The Bug in The Herd,' which was the first multi-chapter Fanfiction that I wrote that I also managed to see all the way to completion.)

Now with a reading!

(Cover art provided by the absolutely wonderful AureliaCharmCutiees. Go and show her some love!)

Editing now provided by Mister Hypothetical!

Featured on 8/7/2018, the same day I posted it! Glad to see people like it!

Chapters (67)

"Why are you late?" questioned Applejack. Her countenance continued to wrinkle in worry.

"Because this is not an appointment, Applejack. There were others close to you that required my attention," responded Death

Others close to you that required my attention. Disbelief roiled inside Applejack. Her entire body turned hot, then cold, then hot again. Anger rose within her, so great it seared the breath from her lungs. She turned to Death screaming, "Who did you take th—" That's when she saw it.

Sweet Apple Acres was on fire.


Thanks to Killsy for proofreading. Also, thanks to CalamityB31 on deviantART for the cover art. Make sure to check out his work.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Something Sweet to Bite Too

Sunset Shimmer hasn't been sleeping well lately. She doesn't remember her dreams very well when she wakes, but what she does remember is always the same.
She's back in Equestria. Only Equestria is very different from how she left it. The Palace is deserted. The land is a bizarre, twisted, candy coated version of what she remembers. The night never seems to end. And there's something in the dark... Something that laughs and sings, but it's somehow more frightening than the bizarre landscape ever could be.
When Sunset is awake, it's the start of a new year at CHS. The Fall Formal is just around the corner, but she has other things on her mind. Will she discover the truth about her dreams? Or will Halloween bring with it tricks and treats that make her Nightmare Night memories seem pleasant by comparison?

Candymare Cover Art by kvernikovskiy

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Something Sweet To Bite

After the strange disappearance of everypony in Ponyville and half the population of Canterlot, the citizens of Equestria live in fear and uncertainty. A year passes and while Celestia tries to once again shoulder the responsibilities of the crown without her sister Luna by her side, the investigations into what happened and why have born little fruit. Rainbow Dash, the weather pony of the now ruined Ponyville, may be the key to discovering at last what happened to Luna, her friends, and her town. And perhaps what exactly it is the Candy Mare wants.

Candymare Cover Art by kvernikovskiy

Chapters (15)

My name is Frosty Winds. I was just your typical, rank-and-file Enclave scout. I had an ordinary life, living in contentment among my loving family and good friends. Things were good.

At least, I'm pretty sure that was the case; I honestly can't say for certain anymore. One moment, I was being recruited to take part in a routine Wasteland scouting mission, and the next moment I wake up as a prisoner of the Steel Rangers.

On the bright side, I’m not missing much. Just all of my memories. And my left foreleg. Nothing important, really. Pile on a disease I’m not vaccinated against and being a few clouds short of a weather system probably doesn’t make any of this much better.

As if that wasn't enough, apparently I made a deal before I lost my memories. If I don't complete my task I agreed to within a month, I'll die. Of course, it would be helpful if I could remember what the agreement was.

So here I am, floundering aimlessly about the Equestrian Wasteland. I have absolutely no idea what happened, what I should do, or how to uncover the secrets that lie within my stolen memories.

Help. I need an adult.

(Read the official Prologue here!)


I'd like to thank Kkat for creating this amazing world of Fallout: Equestria!

Thanks to Toaster Repairpony for the awesome cover art!

Equally great thanks to my editors Unknownlight (all) and LeprechaunPoni (Chapter 29 and onward)
Previously edited by K4 (Chapters 1-21) and mikemeiers (Chapters 22-27)

Follow Frosty's out-of-universe adventures here!
But wait! Frosty's been spotted in other universes as well!
Somewhere in the Jerichoverse
Somewhere in King Sombra's Robotic Retaliation
Fallout: Equestria - Outlaw (In canon, too! Current rewrite isn't there yet.)
Fallout: Equestria - Frozen Skies (In canon, too!)

Chapters (34)

While on her way home from a day with her friends, Apple Bloom runs into Twilight on a trip to Zecora's hut. After insisting to join her, little Apple Bloom gets lost in the woods after chasing a mysterious mare hiding amongst the poison joak. She stumbles upon a town completely isolated within the Ever Free Forest, but something about this town just doesn't feel right...

Chapters (1)

Commander Thorn was just another clone out of millions. He was strong, he would never back up for a fight, and he would give his life for the Republic... Unfortunately that last thing became reality.

While on a mission to escort senator Amidala while she would begin negotiations with the Banking Clan, Separatist forces landed in the neutral-zone and began attacking Commander Thorn and his squad.

They were no match for the Droid forces and were all killed.

5 shots in the chest was all it took to put Commander Thorn down.

But what if his journey as a Clone isn’t over? What if this is just the beginning of something new?

Let's see how everypony will react to this Clone Commander.

He's got his blasters, he's got his armor, the only thing he doesn’t have is a way home.

but he will find a way home, of that he is certain.

Chapters (31)