• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2017

Humpuny clockwork

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Stop me if you heard this before. Guy goes to costume convention as a fictional character. Guy or girl meets a merchant. Get a piece for there costume then goes to Equestria. Here's the thing the guy I am is already in Equestria. Its set in good read the story.

A displaced fic of different direction instead of the usual goes as something else for a change my little pony. Eric Smith went as a MLP character his favorite character. Got some hand made Elements of Disharmony and the rest his history.

Now he is Loki. Let the chaos flow!

Co-written with Thunderclap and our second story together.

Come on you know you want to

All art belongs to its owners.

Looking for a Editor.

Chapters (27)

The Merchant, who has sent countless people off to different Equestrias was once a normal person, till one fateful day an act of kindness turned his world upside down.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has finally found her eternal partner in love. Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, savior of Equestria, and co-ruler of the nation. Celestia feels nothing but pride and love for her student, friend, and lover. However, a secret remains hidden in her heart, hidden from herself. Why did she choose Twilight, of all ponies, to be her student?

Unfortunately for her, Discord knows the answer all too well.

Got the art from the greatly talented StePandy. Go check them out for even more awesome art!

Thanks to my prereaders/editors Skeeter the Lurker, HellRyden, Vexine, Ghostwriter95, Cozmosus, Flint Sparks, Merc the Jerk and SpaceCommie!

Chapters (1)

I am tom



I am tom

Chapters (2)

Celestia, and Twilight are in canterlot one day to catch up. And they come across something they never could have dreamed up of. As well they will learn that monsters don't just happen, There's reasons that their bad.

This fanfic is based on a song I found by 4everfreebrony & DragonwolfRooke. [Link] And if he finds this, I love the song!

Disclaimer - All rights go to Hasbro (Characters) and 4everfreebrony & DragonwolfRooke (Lyrics/Cover art). I own nothing besides my PC and the story itself, but the lyrics belong to 4everfreebrony & DragonwolfRooke and the characters Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity

I'm stuck in Equestria, which reminds me of the dark ages. Instead of internet and fast-food, I have Rainbow Dash. She's been asked to help me learn to fit in... I'd like a refund.

I suppose we got off to a good start, aside from being told that after all I'd done I'd never see Earth again. So long as I can look on the bright side of life, and not get arrested for running pranks on everypony with Dash, I might just survive long enough to find my purpose in Equestria. So help me, however, if I get any vegetable related cutie marks I will choke a Princess.

Cover Art by JinZahn
Sequel to Dash of Humanity
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron, Cassius Litner, Seven Fates,
Refro, BronyWriter

Chapters (17)

Have you ever woken up as a vegetarian cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I can’t seem to do anything right, and it’s even worse when she’s in charge.

Now, we’re in a back and forth war for control of her body. I just want to eat meat again, and have a little personal space. She’s convinced I’m hitting on her friends and trying to score. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix this.

Edits by: Selbi, Abcron, Breath of Plagues, Refro, Jaestring, The Parasprite, Starbound Gurren
Pre-read by: SkeeterTL, Solidfire, Penjacker, TypewriterError, Pearple Prose
(It took all of them to corral my insanity.)
Cover art by Tsitra360
V1.1-Rated teen sex for strong innuendo.
V1.2-Pinkie Pie now enforcing RIAA guidelines.

Chapters (18)

The foals of Ponyville have always enjoyed Hearth's Warming eve, everyone is so cheerful and they get great gifts from their parents. But this years something else has come to pay them all a visit, and it is not happy with how they have been acting. Is hides in the dark and wait from them.

this is a Krampus story, for those who don't know who that is, he punished wicked children.
There is a lot of foalabuse in this story so if you don't want to read that, please don't read this story.

cover art from guterrez on deviantart

Chapters (1)

Spike realises there's a pretty noticeable gap in Twilight's otherwise encyclopaedic knowledge - and tries to fill her in. Confusion and embarrassment ensues (of course - this is Twilight we're talking about!).

(Teen rating and sex tag for discussion about sex and pony genitalia, no actual sex.)

EDIT: Featured on 19/3/19 to 23/3/19 - a huge thank you to you all! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)