• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2017

Humpuny clockwork

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A human soldier goes for a mission one day with a bad feeling.
A princess finds out that her crush returns her feelings.
A soldier doesn't come home.
A princess grieves.
And a man returns to the girl he left behind him.

Coverart is "Exhaustion" by KumKrum on DeviantArt. (Apparently the artist deleted the drawing above, so I can't link it anymore.)

Chapters (2)

All her life, Professor Lyra Heartstrings has passionately sought scientific proof for the existence of "human" beings, a technologically-advanced race of sentient creatures who theoretically ruled the world in a time before ponies. But now that Lyra stands upon the brink of Equestria's most important anthropological discovery, she's haunted with the gnawing thought that not all projects that begin should necessarily be finished.

(This is an entry into Obselescence's The More Most Dangerous Game Contest, with the Prompt Being a Re-Interpretation of JasonTheHuman's classic fanfic, Anthropology.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight is practicing an experimental trans-dimensional teleportation spell. The spell is successful, and the Mane Six find themselves on Earth. Agincourt, France, in 1415, to be exact. They appear on a hill overlooking the brutal and bloody battle of Agincourt, and witness the barbarism of war for the first time in their lives.

Chapters (1)

The girls decide to listen in on alien transmissions. But will they like what they hear? This is a bit of a random one off that suddenly popped into my head when I was looking at the features page. If they could tune in to human music, why not military transmissions? I realize that the story is not very coherent, but it was a good distraction.

Chapters (3)

In this behind-the-scenes explanation of the Mare in the Moon incident, follow Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna as they encounter strange, artificial beings from another world. A Portal 2 crossover. Contains two stories:

Of Cores and the Alicorn: After what seems like an eternity, Wheatley and Nightmare Moon cross paths and discuss their respective exile in space.

Guerrilla Corefare: Nightmare Moon is free, but the magical accident that released her did more than just send her back to Equestria. Now, from behind the scenes, Luna exploits Nightmare's newfound weakness in order to sabotage the plans for eternal night.

Note: As older stories (in fact, written before the debut of Season 2), these are fairly amateurish, relatively speaking, and contain speculative-at-the-time characterization for Luna. With the exception of a few minor edits, however, they have been submitted in their original forms for posterity's sake. This isn't Airstrip One, after all, and I don't work for the Party.

Chapters (2)

Family Disclosure Protocol: Revision 90

Jeremiah Cimmerian, Phillip Foster, Jeffery Jacobs, Green Spoon, Moondancer

Abstract: Humans and Ponies, by our very nature, are social creatures. We gather, we find partners, and we form families. This is no less true for members of the Foundation than it is for any other group. Unfortunately, due to the nature of our work, such relationships create the potentials for massive breaches of security, and in several cases, have required the use of amnestics. By granting the loved ones of specific Foundation personnel a special class of Level 0 clearance, not only does one decrease what could be considered a potential security breach, but also reduces amnestic use, and in many cases, helps alleviate the stress and physical/mental strain constant deception of loved ones has upon Foundation personnel…

Twilight has been working for the Foundation for several years now, ever since she rose to become Celestia's personal student and turned 18, she has been working with the Foundation.
But now, after all the adventures she and her friends and family and gone through, all the tears and laughs, they still do not know of her affliction with the Foundation, or that the Foundation even existed.

After witnessing how Dr. Deep Study's daughter denounced her father as a workaholic who never pays attention to her and loves working more than her, even though he died preventing a ZK-End-of-Reality Scenario, Twilight has decided it was time to activate FD90, and reveal to her freinds and family...what she does in the dark.

Crossover with the SCP Foundation.
Inspired by this Tale

Second Story, tell me how it is, constructive criticism is encouraged and needed.

Rated Teen for mention of Death, mentions of things that are deadly and disgusting.
Basically everything the Foundation does that's not 18+ and I'm gonna mention it in this story.

(The Sequel Prequel to A Cold Day!)

Chapters (7)

Humanity is at the brink of Extinction. After a brutal year of fighting the humans are at its last stand in NYC. Being outnumbered 5 to 1 the human race has no choice but to use Project-X.

Chapters (2)

You know all those stories about cos-players disappearing? Well this is kinda like those. Jason Hughes was just a normal guy attending a con for the first time. Of course he had to buy that omnitrix replica right? Well now he's stuck in a world of talking ponies and has to learn what it means to be a pony.

**This somehow got on the popular stories list on 8/16/14, which is only a day after I published it. Thats a new one*

**So this got featured on 8/17/14 I have no idea how that happened but thanks everyone!**

Big thanks to m2pt5 for taking on the role of proofreader/editor. Also want to thank DuskShadowBrony for being my other editor.

Chapters (56)

The Pony of Shadows. For generations, this creature of myth has terrified every pony who heard about it, and it became known as the source of all the darkness, cruelty and wickedness in the world, the wellspring from which evil flowed. Twilight, who has led her friends against many foes in the past, seeks out this ancient enemy of her people, to vanquish it once and for all.

But when she finds it, she and her friends instead discover a different story. One the young Princess would never have expected.

Chapters (2)