• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2017

Humpuny clockwork

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Falling into a volcano trying to impress people isn't very fun, and while it was quite hot for a very long time, eventually I actually started to feel a tad chilly, after a while though I blacked out, and woke up in a burning field, as a horse no less.

Featured 06/09/2016 (what did I do? How? I'm not this popular, if I knew this would happen I would have gone through and re-edited my grammar before I posted. Now I feel like a jerk.)

Featured 06/11/2016
Featured 3/26/2018
The editor is The Wind King
Proofreader is Nonameknight

Chapters (13)

Story version of the post of the same name! Credit for the concept goes entirely to Whiskeylullaby.

It's been a couple years or so ever since the Dimensional Tear Incident of 2018—something that no one would've ever thought of happening. On both worlds, everyone is still getting used to the fact that alien life does indeed exist, some coming to terms faster than others. Cultural exchange is slow but relations only continue to get stronger.

In a show of kindness, the U.S sends a volunteer over to the Equestrian side to help manage their security problems; something that's been plaguing them for quite some time now.

It is quite the shame that MA Brandt is in for quite the shock.

Chapters (5)

This is a one shot. It is the first one I've ever written and it was done in one session.

Dark tag is for implying certain outcomes.

Alexander suddenly finds himself in the world of Equestria without any explanation at all. He finds himself as one of the Pinkie Pie clones from the episode "Too many Pinkies" and staring at paint. He dares not move as he knows what's coming if he does. With only his knowledge of MLP:FIM and the memories of the clone he now inhabits he has to find a way to stay, while keeping the real Pinkie Pie out of danger as well.

This one, is a hard one.

This idea hit me like a truck after reading "Drifting" Written by: ShadowKirby

Featured: (2015-05-14) to (2015-05-18) Thank you all! Also, this story now has a sequel, it's called "This is worse!".

IK+ likes? Holy Guacamole!:rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

Unable to take the cruel and wrongful accusations of her being the secret-posting blogger, Anon-a-Miss, by her former friends and the rest of the students of Canterlot High; Sunset Shimmer runs away vowing never to return. When the true identity of Anon-a-Miss is finally revealed, it is too late. The guilty and remorseful students of Canterlot High set out to find Sunset. Little do they know that their holiday season is about to get even worse. Their mistreatment of Sunset has attracted the legendary punisher of the naughty, the Krampus. Krampus and his helpers begin hunting the students one by one with the intent of giving them a Christmas in Hell. Can Sunset Shimmer find in her heart to forgive all who've wronged her and save them from a fate that is probably more than they truly deserve?

Chapters (14)

I was a forty year old volunteer for a experimental drug that was supposed to cure me of a rare genetic disease. It cured me, but the side effect was that it turned me invisible. So I went into hiding. Then, two years later I end up in Equestria somehow. Now I'm a legend here That's about to be proven true.

Chapters (10)

It is Discord’s reign of chaos and disharmony. Everypony is living just fine, having peace and plenty of food, yet they are still sad! And, try as he might, Discord just cannot seem to figure out a way to solve this conondrum.

But, a few days ago, a man fell into the world. Exploring around this place with plenty for all, and no death except from age.

Discord has seen him traveling. He plans to make an offer.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Rest

Three Hundred Years.

I've spent all that time teaching both humans and ponies to never forget the war. I've slowly become content with not just my life, but the fact that I am the last dragon. I've made and lost friends, students, and gained a great deal of respect from both ponykind and humanity. I've seen things change for the better, yet there is one thing I am forced to confront one thing that I fear most.

Falling in love.

Can I, a long lived being who has already outlive those I care about, accept a future with a lover? Or am I too afraid to face such a devastating loss once more?

Edited by Chaotic Note and Socks

Artwork done by MajorDude

Please help out at the NegotationsVerse TV Tropes page

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Useless

Twilight has suffered for so long. I've seen her lose friends, her family, her innocence, and more from the war we had with humanity. Ever since the surrender, she has spent every waking moment trying to earn both her redemption as well as Equestria's for our sins against the humans. Now that she has finally done so, she is ready to rest at last.

I just wish it wasn't her final rest.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Artwork done by Pedro Hander

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Truth

This is the end.

I've lost everything. My home. My family. My friends. My pride.

Equestria. My Equestria is gone. The humans have won and have come to finish me and the others of the Freedom Fighters off. I'm going to die, but I'm not afraid.

I've been dead for a long time.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Reunited

Six years.

For six years she has slept in a coma and now she has awakened. The entire world wants her to die for her crimes. Equestria wants her to die for her lies. Even I will admit I just want to see her die so I can move on with my life.

But before I say goodbye to my mentor, the former Princess Celestia, I have to ask her one question.

Why? Why did she do all this? Why transport us from Equestria to Earth? Why try to turn Humanity into Ponies?

All I want is the truth.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)