• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2017

Humpuny clockwork

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This story is a sequel to Negotiations

It's been five years since our surrender. Things have gotten better, but we have a long way to go before our home is repaired and our name redeemed. I have spent these five years working nonstop to fix all the mistakes my former teacher left us.

But now I have a chance to make up one of the biggest ones I've ever made.


She betrayed us and sided with humanity. I hated her for her betrayal. Called her a coward. Now I am cowering in front of her house, begging for forgiveness. I have lost so much. I just want to gain one thing back.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam ]

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

After an average day at The Foundation, Doctor Alto Clef suddenly has to deal with an entity quite unlike the ones he usually has to deal with...

I originally posted this on the SCP wiki itself. Needless to say it was met with plenty of downvotes on account of it being terrible.

Anyway, I'm posting it on here because, why not? There are already SCP Foundation/MLP-FiM fanfics so I'm hardly bringing massive attention to ourselves. Plus I'm curious to see how you'd all react to it.

Chapters (1)

Greetings I am Thrin. After purchasing a robe from a anime/video game store in the local Mall I'm transported to Equestria the day of Luna's banishment with the knowledge I can now transform into the Champions from League of Legends, and the first thing I do is intentionally get myself trapped in stone. Now one thousand years later I'm free, but soon I learn I'm not the only one sent here. Are they friend or foe? Join me on this journey to find out.
Thrin's Token's message: I am Thrin an Heir to Legends and the Half-Elf of the Wild Woods, if you need my aid in battle, problems with magic or merely some advice then hold this to the sky and say my name.

Edit: I've been thinking about reworking Thrin's story. more info can be found here

Inspired by MLPfan438 In League with the LegendsĀ 
League of Legends is property of Riot Games. Dragon's Crown belongs to Vanillaware and Dragon Quest belongs to Square Enix. Please support the official releases. Tags will change as needed.

Chapters (14)

Lawful Crane and his girlfriend Pearl Lane happen to be in town during Anon-a-Miss' reign of terror in Canterlot High. Crane, being a skilled detective, is easily able to determine that Sunset Shimmer is being framed. Having devoted his life to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty, he decides to expose the true Anon-a-Miss as an invisible avenger known as The Shadow. Through the use of a mysterious hypnotic power he learned in the far East, he is able to cloud other people's minds so they cannot see him, rendering him invisible.

Soon, Anon-a-Miss will learn that the weed of crime bears a bitter fruit. . .
Crime does not pay. . .
The Shadow knows!

This is a crossover with The Shadow Radio Show (1937-1954), a weekly radio program that dramatized stories from the pages of Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine.

Chapters (3)

Someone recently did an SCP file for Lyra. I was inspired to post this bit of sillyness which has been on my computer since 2012, so apologies for now non-canon elements.

Chapters (1)

Kendrick... some would describe him as an asshole, some would call him ambitious. Nobody would call him normal, or kind, or caring.

Karma needs a warrior, someone who could reach for greatness, someone who is brave. She finds it within someone never expected.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Spike: Lord of Disharmony and Chaos

Discord retired, yes, he retired from being the lord of chaos; and now Spike is his replacement.
With fresh new ideas and all the energy of youth, Spike is ready to make the life of the Mane 6 impossible; along with his loyal partners: the CMC

As all my other works, this is a translation. You can find the original in spanish here

Chapters (60)

It's the same old story these days; Brony goes to a convention, wearing the costume of their favorite game or movie character, buys something and gets teleported to a world full of friendly ponies becoming said character, story becomes an adventure with comedy or romance. Maybe an evil villain once or twice...

Got all that? Good. Because I got sent to Equestria Girls as Alfred Molina's Doc Ock From Spider Man 2!!!

Chapters (11)

Angela was just a petty thief at a convention. All she wanted was to grab a few things, leave, and make a few bucks off of them. She had no idea just how complicated her situation would become because of it. And now, the ponies inhabiting the town of Hollow Shades will find themselves at odds with what many would call a living nightmare.

First attempt at a displaced fic, featuring a blend of the game Evolve and My Little Pony.
If you don't like that sort of thing, then don't read.

Tags may be added later on. Gore tag for mild gore, nothing too overt.

Featured 4/25/16

Chapters (23)

Shortly after Tirek's defeat, Celestia chooses to descend back into the depths of Tartarus to have a few choice...words, with the one being who's sole job is to prevent escapes like that of the mad centaurs'. With questions unanswered plaguing her, she decides the only way to silence her fears are to go to its source. To speak to the jailer of Tartarus.

While few know his name and fewer know what he exactly is, many call him by what he does. He is simply, The Warden.

Trigger Warnings: Displaced, Slightly OOC Celestia.

Chapters (3)