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When Rarity gives Twilight a present, the alicorn learns that simple gestures often hold greater meaning.

Chapters (1)

When Starlight Glimmer feels left out as everypony else spends time with their little sisters, she seeks someone of her own to bond with: Diamond Tiara. And apparently, they share a lot more in common than either of them had ever realized.

My tags: Uplifting Heartwarming

Comedy tag is for light comedy, as it is not the main focus.

Vectors: Starlight , Diamond Tiara

Chapters (1)

What would happen if rubbing a pony's tummy turned you into a pony? We'd be doomed. That's what'd happen.

Picture related in spirit, not substance.

Chapters (1)

Celestia famously believes in redemption and rehabilitation. Only the vilest, cruelest offenders find permanent homes in her prisons. Only those lost and damned, and a singular mare kept captive in relative comfort in a high tower of the palace. Her cell is well furnished, and food is brought to her from the royal kitchens from which Celestia herself dines. Among those privileged few in her lady's service, the mare in the high tower is a curious ghost story. What awful crimes must she have committed? What could she do? What but the power to slay gods could keep one small mare in the quadruple sealed apartments they call Death's Vault?

Commissioned by SPark.

Chapters (1)

In school today, Button Mash learned an interesting fact: unlike other mammals, male horses and male mice are born without nipples.

Button returns home with a difficult question for his mother. Now it's up to Mom to teach him a valuable lesson in self-acceptance.

Chapters (1)

On the way back from Fluttershy's house, Starlight takes notice of a young filly under a tree and soon discovers that she is without any known parents. Starlight wants to take care of the poor orphan, but is uncertain if she has the qualities that it takes to be a 'mother'.

Chapters (10)

Twilight attempts to get herself fired from a retail job. It's harder than it looks.

Especially since she's a princess.

Featured on 11/30/17! Oh my stars, thank you all so much!

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash has seen how Applejack looks at her sometimes. One day, she eventually decides to ask her about why she does it so much. Afterall, asking for someone's orientation is a simple, straight-forward question, is it not?


Rated 'Teen' to be safe and for topic.

Written/edited by: FireRain

FEATURED 26/11/17! Thanks so much, peeps!


I mean, really, I'm sure the majority of us got some of the same vibes and impression during that episode featuring Countess Coloratura and Applejack. From childhood to the present, they seemed to be rather close. Looking at Applejack interact with Rara is what has always gotten me thinking about where they stand.

To me, it's like they have something a little more than friendship, and I wrote this to inquire upon those curious thoughts.

Chapters (1)

I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go home. How much longer until they find a way to send me back? Each passing day is agony and I can't take it anymore.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)

Chapters (1)

The Student Six have been through a lot together during their time at Twilight’s School of Friendship. As their final year draws to a close and graduation looms, though, the now older students find themselves facing one last trial.

After a magical mishap transforms them into the opposite sex, they’ll have to figure out a way to turn back before the change becomes permanent... And before the situation drives them all mad.

Cover art by dervonnebenaan

Chapters (2)