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One day, after a moment of silent fear, Twilight returns home and asks her special someone some very important questions. Lying in bed and half awake, he answers them.

Artist is Colon-yukkuripale

Chapters (1)

Stripped of my humanity, torn from my world and procedurally trained into the perfect lapdog by a deranged madman.

Mad pony, I guess, although I hardly see how thats any better.

A thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye...

Are we... free?

Chapters (2)

Flash Sentry is not the most attentive student in Canterlot High. He is not the smartest or the fastest or the most assertive. He is not a lot of things, but he does try to be a good boyfriend, and an even more normal teenager.

But one fateful day he becomes the only person on Earth to have a talking pony in his closet. A pony only he can see. A pony that is incredibly, stupendously annoying.

The incredibly dangerous, stupendously powerful things that followed him to Flash's world, though... those are another matter entirely.

Chapters (7)

Fluttershy finds Sunset's porn stash.

It's... not exactly what she expected.

Chapters (1)

Equestrians have always lived happy lives, completely oblivious to what happens in the outside world. That is, until it's on their doorstep.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy doesn't have much left to give. Most of her friends understand. One doesn't.

Marked Dark for Dark subthemes such as antidepressants And references to attempts at suicide.

Reading by FireRain

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle accomplished something incredible, something not even the great Starswirl could manage. But ascension into the ranks of Equestria's princesses is not without its difficulties. Before she can take her place as princess of Friendship, Twilight must travel to the underworld and make a ceremonial offering to Death in exchange for her immortality. Twilight is more than a little surprised to discover the identity of the pony under the hood.

After years living in Ponyville and getting to know her friends, Twilight always assumed they were exactly what they seemed: a group of friendly and ambitious ponies. But as it turns out, the sort of pony who saves Equestria and decodes the ancient mysteries of Starswirl is likely to attract ponies a tad more interesting.

Updates on the 3rd or 4th Friday of every month, then daily until that section is complete.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (23)

Not too far from the Castle is a small statue garden, filled with villains whose friendship problem was unsolvable, even for Twilight.

The least of these is Cozy Glow.

Twilight finally decides to show mercy and to make one more attempt at reformation; however, knowing that the problem is beyond her, she entrusts it to a younger princess.

Speed-written for TheLegendaryBillCipher in the Quills and Sofas Christmas Fic Exchange

Link to coverart!

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle takes in her new student.
It doesn't get awkward at all.

Edited by: SolidFire, mikemeiers and Shakespearicles
Preread by: Skeeter The Lurker
Cover art by: Toroitimu

Request Number: 002

Chapters (1)

There are 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, and humanity is determined to explore every one. We send probes, probes with the blueprints to reproduce human explorers upon arrival. Uninhabited worlds the galaxy over can be colonized and populated, until after many years they too can join the vast throng of interstellar civilization. But if a probe is very, very lucky, it will land on a populated world instead. Equestria is one such world.

Even so, it's far from perfect for colonization, not with an environment lethal to human life. But each probe is resourceful and armed with the greatest machine intelligence mankind has devised. If placing a human mind into a newly manufactured human body won't work, it will just have to get a little more creative.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here:

This story was written at the behest of Canary In The Coal Mine, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Fantastic prereading help from: Chyre, Danger Noodle, Doctor Disco, and Doggyshakespeare (who also did the Esperanto translation). Thank you all for helping to make this story more readable and more consistent for everyone.

Chapters (89)