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Nothing can stay the same forever. Scootaloo always knew that her days with her perfect little friendships in Ponyville was numbered. Scooters break, friends move away, but some injuries run too deep to fix. No number of stretches, no mystery cures, nothing can give her the flight that other pegasai take for granted.

Then comes Nightmare Night, and some dangerous advice. There's somewhere Scootaloo can go, somewhere where any flaw can be overcome. Assuming she's willing to pay the price.

At this point, Scootaloo will give up anything.

The winning entry for the Human Transformation Contest. Cover by Zutcha.

If you want to check out some of the other entries from the contest, you can do so here.

Chapters (3)

Flurry Heart's Crystaling didn't quite go as planned. After vanishing in a powerful magical surge, she became the most high-profile missing pony case in Equestrian history. Twilight leads the search to find her, before it's too late.

Unbeknownst to her, Flurry has already been found, by an unfortunate human who happened to be hiking near the place she appeared. Flurry Heart's magic is irresistibly powerful, and soon changes all around her to suit her whims. Soon Flurry's rescuer is fighting to reverse the magic, before the authorities notice and separate him from the only possible source of help.

Cover by Zutcha, editing by the Eevees in the hood Two Bit and Sparktail.

Updates most Tuesdays.

Note: This story was written as a commission for the generous patron of the arts Crescent Pulsar. If you'd like one of your own, feel free to PM me.

Chapters (63)

Twilight learns what comes after life ends.

Winner of the Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, written in 60 minutes.

Do you want to learn to sharpen your skills as a writer? Then join the speedwriting Discord channel!

Chapters (1)

No matter what anyone else says, Sweetie Belle knows that whatever that is in the mirror isn't her. That doesn't mean she can do anything about it.

An entry to the seventeenth Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Competition. Written in sixty minutes. Prompt was "Mirror" and genre was limited to horror. Presented here as is.

Now with a Russian translation, thanks to NovemberDragon, Randy1974, and Nuclear-pony-Jack. Find it here, here, and here.

Chapters (1)

The guards are scared to say it.

Sunset Shimmer has returned to Canterlot.

And the Princess is furious...

Not in continuity with my other stories. Just something that popped into my head one day.

Spell Nexus (mentioned only) is from Past Sins, by Pen Stroke

Chapters (1)

So many changes to get used to. Twilight can now raise the sun and moon, but all that power comes with some strange consequences. Everypony is getting used to the new order, but one pony seems to be terrified of the new ruler. Why is he like this? Perhaps a letter to Celestia might bring answers.

This story made it into the Featured box! (10/22/19)

Now in Chinese, thanks to Flint44!

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rarity decide to put a foalhood rumor to the test.

Edited by Undome Tinwe

This story is part of the First and Only Raritwi Bomb: A week's worth of stories and art all centered around Rarity and Twilight. If you liked this story, the previous story posted was Tactics by Rose Quill, and you can find a master list of all Raritwi Bomb content Here. :twilightsmile::raritywink:

Happy Halloween!

Chapters (1)

Ponies have particularly floofy chests (or 'barrels')...have you ever noticed that?

A worthless one-shot based entirely on a dank meme ShobieShy posted on Twitter the other day.

EDIT: No way. Featured at #1 almost immediately on 10/7/19. They like the Floof!
EDIT: Audio Reading Link from StraightToThePointStudio same day!

Chapters (1)

Magic is something to be shared.

Magic helps ponies achieve great feats.

Magic is powerful and she is the master of magic.

Magic never goes wrong...

This is a story about Twilight and quite possibility the cruel nature of chance and circumstance.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, running is a very efficient method not to run out of time. And Twilight certainly has every interest in making sure she doesn't run out of time, and therefore in doing things as efficiently as possible. She wouldn't want to be late, after all.

Chapters (1)