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Spike considers himself to be a strong individual. Healthy, happy, but most importantly, sober.

Unfortunately for him, that changes during a night time Summer festival courtesy of Pinkie Pie. After a few dances and spiked drinks from Ponyville's delinquent Berry Punch, Spike finds himself getting drunk....by accident of course. And before he realizes what had happened, he finds himself in his room the next morning sleeping on top of Griffonstone's newest resident baker Gilda Gruff.

Spike will soon see if he is to come out of this situation beaten to a bloody pulp, or come out with a new special somepony to share his feelings with.

(I figured it would be interesting to try my hand at my first shipfic)
(Be gentle with me on this one, this is another one of my experimental fics)

Chapters (3)

In this one-shot idea, Fluttershy asks her friend Discord if he would be interested in taking up the job as a teacher at the new School of Friendship. Discord agrees to teach them something if he were given a chance to test-drive it by having a few students to see if he would take up the job. What follows is a lesson on the meditations of Reniegh Haycartes.

A special thank you to DuskHeart13, The Hat Man and SashimiPony for taking the time of proofreading this.

Note: this and its sequels were written before "Matter of Principles."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Discord Teaches Philosophy

Warning: The following is currently unedited and contains a significant amount of Philosophy.

After deciding on taking up the role of a Substitute and finding out that the main Philosophy teacher is boring his students, Discord decides to step in to take up the responsibility of teaching. And he will do it by teaching it in plain Equestrian, in a way that these young students would understand. As well as in his own unique way.

Lesson Plan (in no particular order):

Socrates: His Method and How We Ought to Live ✅

Plato: Allegory of the Cave ✅

Marcus Aurelius: How Stoicism Deals with Hardships ✅

Confucius: Who is Ruling Whom? ✅

Kintsugi: The Art of Imperfection ✅

Machiavelli: In Defense of the Prince ✅

Montaigne: Usefulness of Humility ✅

Rousseau: Of Savages and Civilization ✅

Kierkegaard: Subjectivity and Truth ✅

Nietzsche: Of Suffering and Happiness ✅

Chapters (13)

Update: The story is edited into a proper read without many of the horrors I originally put into it. Enjoy the ride!

Deciding he could be given another chance, Luna and Celestia come to an agreement to release the Chaotic God from his rocky imprisonment, locking his powers with a powerful spell. Magicless and with a chance at redemption, Discord's ways seem less chaotic than ever.

He does cause a lot of chaos though, to the faithful student of Celestia, who had eagerly taken over the task of watching over and teaching Discord by giving him a home under her own roof, in the process hoping to learn more about his species, powers and motives but surprisingly learning much more about both himself and her head... Which puts her in pretty amusing situations most of the time.

An adventure of a silly one sided (???) love and a look into the heart of Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic

Ever since Discord did NOT tell Twilight just who planted the seeds that nearly threw entire Equestria in disarray, Twilight has been giving this secretive relationship-y thingy some serious thought. But it is hard to hold Discord down from doing what he wants and getting what he wishes. It is going to be hard to juggle his chaotic persona with the harmonic balance of the kingdom she was chosen to rule.

It is also probably going to be quite funny.

Chapters (10)

Shortly after her coronation as the new Princess of Equestria, Twilight is visited by a creature she never expected to see in person. What's even more unexpected than the identity of this petitioner, though, is his reason for coming.

Maintenant en Français grâce à la traduction merveilleuse d'Acylius!
(Now available in French thanks to the wonderful work of Acylius!)

Partially inspired by the Imposing Sovereigns II contest under the prompt "Twilight/The Old."

Chapters (1)

After getting blasted by a wave of happiness, Sombra wakes up months later with a completely different personality and is forced to live with the memories of what he did and what he was. However, with a little patience, and a lot of help, maybe he can change that, and become something a bit better.

Story inspired by the coverart, courtesy the lovely GigaSparkle on DeviantArt.

Fun Fact: This is the first story (and currently one of only three) on this website tagged with Redheart and Sombra.

Chapters (28)

Probably the best thing to happen in Discord's long life was finding the magic of friendship. As much as the old Chaos Lord might complain, without it he would never have found so many that were dear to his heart.

When that heart finds itself empty, he comes to the Princess to ask a favor: allow him the opportunity to bring friendship to other dark hearts. All she has to do is lend him a statue.

The rest is in his chaotic claws.

Featured on 10/18/19, 10/22/19 and 10/25/19!

Featured in Equestria Daily on 6/18/2020 and in their 40 Fanfics to Read for Villain Day on 11/12/2020!

Reviewed here by Javarod!

Also reviewed by PresentPerfect with the rating of Highly Recommended! And it also made the Top 10 of 2020!

Death tag - no horrible murder, just a few mentions and the natural consequences of time.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Discord 2

It's been a month since the Discord incident, nearly thrusted Equestria into chaos. Since then, both Twilight and Discord's relationship has blossomed. Though a new threat rises, a new league of villains emerge under the command of Grogar.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Discord

After the events of "Discord" Twilight Sparkle, the new princess of Equestria, daughter of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour, decided to remain in the Everfree forest with Discord, who once was Equestria's greatest foe. Ever since then Princess Twilight has been getting frequent visits from her parents and Celestia. Even though Discord has become an ally, he fears their bonding would ruin the only friendship his ever known. And when Twilight asks to visit Ponyville and make very best friends his insecurity is tested.
And give a very big thanks to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/330413/PurpleWonderPower for allowing this to exist and to the fic "Discord"
There also will be romance tag, as their relationship builds up.

Chapters (14)