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Congratulations, Equestria Legends Online is now side-story compatible: These other authors would love your support in their own adventures in this virtual world. You can find them in The Equestria Legends Online Fan Group, located here.

It's the year 2020, and millions of people are raving about the new game console known as Nervegear, which will literally take a player's mind into the game. But thousands of bronies are raging about a new pony game made for the Nervegear. After several months of waiting, the game is released, as a way for the players to actually travel to Equestria as ponies themselves.

But... things become screwy when Discord appears. Whether it was in the game design or not, this being of chaos has gained control over the virtual Equestria, trapping every brony wearing Nervegear inside the game. However, there is one way to get out. The bronies in the game must find and acquire the Elements of Harmony, which Discord has hidden throughout all of Equestria. But there is one drawback: If a player dies in the game, then the Nervegear will fry their brains in the real world, killing them on the spot. If they die in the game, they will die in the real world.

This idea was given to me from the Japanese Anime, "Sword Art Online." Please, no hate comments or dislikes for this fact. At least read the first chapter before outright disliking it.
Thanks to Raybony for making the cover art for this story.

Chapters (48)

As Rainbow Dash attempts to break new barriers of speed, she finds herself transported to a mysterious world, inhabited by creatures with unbelievable powers. While her friends in Equestria search for a way to return her home, she is forced to search for her own way home with the aid of her new friends, a trio of humans named Ash, Cilan, and Iris.

Chapters (15)

Betrayal is a horrible thing. You take the trust of somebody that cares about you, and you crush it. But what if you betray someone for a good cause? That's the story of these two brothers and how their destinies were separated.

Cover would be thanked.

Chapters (1)

Being a young dragon while doing chores every day for a unicorn who strives for perfection and hardly receiving any praise already hurts enough but saving an empire and still not feeling appreciated by your friends is even worse. Now add slight depression, boredom and MORE work. These feelings have been going on for quite some time and trying to hide how he really feels certainly isn't easy. Luckily for Spike, he finds a way to relax even if it probably isn't considered "normal." Then again, since when has normal ever been both relaxing and interesting?

Warning: Will eventually contain diapers and depressed Spike. Do not read if you are not into these kinds of stories.
You have been officially warned!

Chapters (6)

Well, the Nightmare Forces kidnapped Rarity, they broke her, and then were going to possess her right? What if Rarity absorbed them instead? She's still a powerful Nightmare, she looks even more beautiful than she did as a flesh and blood pony, and she just wants to give gifts, spread generosity, and help Equestria's ponies. But first she needs to convince everypony she's not just pretending to be Rarity and isn't evil incarnate. She's convinced Spike . . . now how does she convince the rest of the world?

The Benevolent Reign Of Queen Nightmare Rarity
STORY BY Alex Warlorn and trooper924
Inspired by and SUBVERSION of the Nightmare Arc of the My Little Pony comics.
And fanart by Hellbeholder, used with permission. http://hellbeholder.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Rarity-and-her-Spike-404955331

This started out as a simple RP in the comments section inspired by the art seen here.

This story has ZILCH to do with the Pony POV Series universe.

MLP FiM Copyright Hasbro

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to [Misplaced]

Jeremy has survived the nightmarish hell that was Tartarus, the prison of all deemed too evil to roam the surface world. He has broken the Harmony Barrier, freeing his four new friends from the prison, and they have escaped to live their lives on the surface. Happily ever after, right?

...Not really.

The game isn't over yet.

(Ask the characters questions here! Password is 'crystal'.)

Chapters (19)

A human falls into a strange, underground land full of monsters, mayhem, and intrigue. Along the way, they find themselves faced with a choice: Befriend their foes, or eliminate all.

Dying is not an option.

[A parody of Undertale by Toby Fox, set in the MLP universe.]

Featured 11/9/2017!

Chapters (7)

You meet all kinds of ponies delivering the mail. Some are nice, some are angry that their package is two days late, soggy, yet inexplicably on fire. Then there are those that you meet, and you just know that they’re going to change your life forever. 

Dearest Heart, a.k.a. Muffin (to her friends), a.k.a. Derpy Hooves (to slightly less good but still good friends) just delivered a package to everyone’s favorite Draconequus, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Inspired by a conversation with Technitrose! Thanks to them and Steel Resolve ,Nova Quill/Firimil, and TheGreatEater for their edits and suggestions.

Wonderful cover art by TheDoggyGal.

Chapters (3)

Spike's life was rough to begin with. He lives with a single mother, and neither of them know what happened to his father. One day during a walk in the forest, Spike comes across a strange capsule machine in front of a giant tree. He hears a voice telling him to put a coin in the machine, and against his better judgement, he does. He releases a strange spirit known as a Yo-kai named Whisper. He is given a watch called the Yo-kai Watch, which lets him see the mysterious spirits known as Yo-Kai. He soon finds out he's not the only one with a Yo-kai Watch, and that there's a secret organization called Y.U.C.S, also known as the Yo-kai Undercover Combat Squad. They work together to stop Yo-Kai from causing too much chaos. But little do they know that in the Yo-Kai world, an evil Yo-Kai is plotting against them. Along with stopping this evil Yo-Kai, Spike is also on a mission to find his missing father.

Chapters (8)

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

This is a random thought that popped into my head one day. I figured I'd get it out now. Still don't quite know where this'll end up, so let's take this adventure together.

Character tags and categories will be added as needed.

Proofread by Zannblade.

Have any theories? Can't remember who is who? Fear not! Thanks to Adenbadens for starting up a Google docs to help with this. You can veiw it here. Beware, wild unmarked spoilers abound in the grass.

Chapters (158)