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Thousands of years after being imprisoned in stone, Discord returns. Seeing the new royal baby, Twilight Sparkle, he curses her to fall into an eternal sleep on her sixteenth birthday. But as the years pass, his stone heart becomes softer and he starts to care for the filly. Will Discord be able to right his wrong and save his friend, or will his curse be fulfilled and Twilight doomed to sleep forever?

Inspired by the My Little Pony: Maleficent Trailer from the Hub.

Chapters (14)

After having his heart broken, Spike finds himself in a parrallel world. He must race against time as he only has three days to recover a dangerous mask before the moon crashes into the world. Based on the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask by Nintendo.

*Takes place in Season 3 before Magical Mystery Cure.*

The cover image was made by flawlessvictory20.

Chapters (24)

Discord is doing a great job being a good friend, but he's been rather passive in the endeavor--he never makes friends of his own. Celestia decides to remedy the situation and complete Discord's redemption by having HIM redeem somepony special himself--our own late King Sombra. Classic Discord-erly antics and copious amounts of character development ensue.

Chapters (2)

It has been said that everyone deserves a second chance. It could be a decision made, a choice to make, or even to live again. Usually the last one is literal in the sense of having only one life to live. Unless you're one of the rare, lucky people who get a chance to live another life. I happened to be one of those few lucky people to be reborn again. Oddly enough, it happened on a Tuesday, a day that was going to be a normal, boring day. As to why I was picked... well, you just have to sit back and listen as I tell you my story of being born into a different life from the one before. Ah, before I get to far, I wish to thank daughterdragon for letting me use their pic as a cover for my story. You're awesome like that.

Chapters (27)

The ponies within Ponyville had enough trouble with the horrid onslaught of vines infecting, and spreading all over the place. What if, thanks to some off-screen shenanigans by a particular Draconequus, the vines didn't just spread to Ponyville, but also to the grand fountain of Rose Quartz! And what a time for that: the grand gems themselves need it the most. Just how much trouble will both worlds end up in, especially when one world is connected to another thanks to a force beyond them both? Will there be friends, foes, or both? Let's see where this ride will go. Many songs, adventure, and silliness to come!

Ponies and Gems unite!

Chapters (23)

Confused, devoid of memories and lost in a world filled with mythical creatures, little Raichu faces ferocity of monsters. Taken for a creature from the Everfree Forest, sheā€™s adopted by Twilight and her friends as they show her friendship and compassion, doing their best to help her restore her missing memories.

Determined to make friends and find purpose in her new home as she slowly regains her memories, Raichu gets attached to her new owners and is willing to repay their kindness, no matter the cost. Little does she know that a chance to repay them draws near.

Special thanks to proof-readers:

ChudoJogurt (For pointing out issues and quality check in chapter 1 and the prologue)

Georg Ā (For massive improvements in emotional scenes in chapter 1 and the prologue)

Jay+Tarrant (For grammar/mistakes fix in the whole story)

Uber_Shy (For detailed proof-reading of chapter 2)

PoisonClaw (For detailed proof-reading )

Tapestry (For additional proof-reading of chapter 2 and futher)

Sonik (For taking over after PoisonClaw for all chapters after chapter 18)

SilverDiamond (For taking over after PoisonClaw for all chapters after chapter 18)

Chapters (53)

Following King Sombra's defeat at the hooves of the mane six, Grogar visits the Storm King in the depths of hell with a request to join his ranks. But, the Storm King does not like what Grogar will say to him in response...

Chapters (1)

After the Storm King steals a dragon egg from the Canterlot castle, he slowly starts his plan to rule Equestria

Chapters (12)

Alright, this sounds utterly stupid, I know, but... I've made a deal with Discord. WAIT! DON'T LEAVE YET! I... I didn't want to... much. Alright, I was just too scared to tell him "no". He wants to play a game... help?


The rules?

Oh, from now on, every time I fall asleep in the human world, I get transported to Equestria, into a new body. I can stay as long as I don't give up, even until I die apparently! If I do, I get sent back to our world. Discord, being so bored in his statue, will influence my fate while I'm in Equestria. The game will only last ten rounds, at most.

...I'm doomed.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

What do you get when you place a pompous, prissy and petulant prince with an absolutely insane former extraterrestrial individual with a bad case of Chaos?

Love, adventures, spying, strong desires to strangle the other, romance, lots and lots of foals, grimdark, pudding, cults, injustice, justice, strong friendship, weak sanity, history, stories, a rocket jumpsuit, three opportunities to take over the world and a cockatrice. On Sunday.

Thingsā€¦ You get things.

And when you're especially lucky, you get a great cover art from an artist like Mix-up (also seen on fimfic here)

Chapters (7)