• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 8 392 stories
  • Season 8 392 stories - 1211 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 8 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2018
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Total Words: 2,730,989
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  • Featured 23606 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Before the changelings were turned good, Ocellus was next in line to be queen. She explains this to her friends one day during lunch. The rest of them just look at her in shock. They can't believe their friend was a changeling princess under Chrysalis. There's still so much about each other that they don't know. That's for sure.

Chapters (1)

The Tree of Harmony has gained the ability of verbal communication, though it speaks to a select few. One these few now includes a mysterious being who goes only by the name of The Doctor, an alien who travels throughout all of time and space and has lived longer then both alicorn princesses. They have a chat about loss and immortality; what they have meant, and will continue to mean for both of them.

Chapters (1)

In the middle of attempting to ruin Starlight's tenure as headmare of the School of Friendship, Discord's business takes him to Maud's class. She looks to be an easy target. But considering Maud's apathy towards him, he really should've known better.

Takes place during "A Matter of Principals".

Chapters (1)

(An indirect followup to "The Washouts" that takes place after it but not immediately after it. Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are from the Ponyville Mysteries series. Dedicated to Matt11. Proofread by Smity91 on Fanfiction.net.)

Despite having a fan club of her own, Scootaloo is still coping with the belief that she'll never be able to fly or be a Wonderbolt. And it's something that still troubles her greatly.

But that's all about to change now that her father, Quick Shot, is coming home. Eager to spend some quality one on one time with his only daughter.

However, while the focus of the father/daughter time is on bonding, the conversation will shift to recent developments. And Quick Shot has a few words he believes his daughter needs to hear. Words of encouragement and not giving up.

Can Quick Shot convince his not so little filly of his point of view? Or is he attempting to do the impossible?

Chapters (1)

Warning: The story you're about to read is currently unedited and contains some m/m themes, cultural misunderstanding and an awkward situation. And it contains some very minor spoilers of the episode: "Rockhoof and a Hardplace."

During the events of "Rockhoof and a Hardplace," the ancient hero tries out for other jobs to find out where he fits into modern society after the failure as a professor from the School of Friendship. In his stay in Ponyville, he decides to try out as a farmhoof at Sweet Apple Acres. While there and through a cultural misunderstanding, he thinks that Big Macintosh purposes something life-changing.

All from offering an apple pie.

Chapters (1)

A chance encounter in Professor Fluttershy's class makes Sandbar ponder Ocellus in a new light. Namely, what makes a changeling... a changeling? And not a spider or an insect? Thankfully, he has his friends to talk to, and together they arrive at an articulate and scientific conclusion.

Stuff is weird.

Chapters (1)

News of Yona's experiences at Twilight's School of Friendship prompts Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan to meet with the headmare and 'clear the air' with regard to recent school events.

Chapters (1)

Spoilers for season 8 finale.

After reforming Luna, Discord, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Gilda, Stygian, and others, our heroes are going to punish an ordinary, albeit nefarious, filly by sending her to Tartarus for all eternity in the company of adult villains?

Yeahhhh...no, just...no.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rarity Makes a Ponequine

Chancellor Neighsay feels personally offended; as Tilight Sparkle is challenging his authority. At least, it is how he feels, when she is standing him up; not just once, but twice.

What an upstart; thinking she could challenge him and the authority, he built up.

He thinks; Twilight needs to learn her place, if he needs to play it dirty, so be it.

Niece and Nephew should fit right into this plan; Twilight and her friends do not know or recognize them.

Two ponies are about to enjoy their time, Royally; while another will be facing a challenge he had never been prepared for. What the ponies are awaiting, is in a pair of very capable and slippery hooves.

A Marshmallow at the helm; riding the adventure as she pleases, to the destination of her choice.

Chapters (1)

Possible SPOILERS. Sick of life behind bars at Tartarus, Cozy Glow gets an unexpected visitor in the shape of former bully Diamond Tiara. Their conversation is interesting to say the least, and is documented here for posterity (and future evidence).

Featured on 11/9/18. It's true.

Cover credit to Squipy-Cheetah at Deviant Art.

Chapters (1)