• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 8 392 stories
  • Season 8 392 stories - 1211 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 8 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2018
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Total Words: 2,730,989
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Cozy Glow has been locked away in Tartarus as punishment for her crimes. There she meets her pen pal and new neighbor, Lord Tirek. She then proceeds to drive him completely nuts.

Chapters (1)

Every day for a year Starlight Glimmer has visited Cozy Glow in Tartarus in an attempt to get through to her, to try to understand why she did what she did. Every Day Cozy has refused help by telling more lies and fake stories about her past. But Starlight knows from experience that no one is beyond saving, so she decides to put everything on the line to help Cozy Glow, whether the stubborn filly wants it or not!

Chapters (13)

Celestia had decided to become better at acting. It was a skill that could become useful in the future, and also something she wanted to learn. So she found the most expensive, well-regarded, respected, praised and recommended instructor in all Equestria and arranged a private lesson with her.

She was rather surprised when she found out who her teacher was going to be, and so was her teacher when she found out she would be teaching to Celestia.

Things didn't exactly play out the way they'd planned after that.

Chapters (2)

With the six cultural artifacts in her possession and her teachers trapped in the single most out of the way location possible, Cozy Glow effortlessly captured the clueless Starlight and begun draining all the magic from Equestria. Soon, she would be able to call all the ponies in the world her friends, ruling with an iron hoof and free concert tickets. Her plan was working perfectly.

That is, until a factor Cozy had never considered reared her extremely peeved head: Chrysalis. And the one-time queen was going to open up the biggest can of whoop-ass anypony had ever seen on Cozy’s poor, soft hide.

The third installment of my ‘vs’ crackfic series. Not a direct sequel to Scootaloo vs Chrysalis, for obvious reasons.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow's plans failed. She was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment in Tartarus, sharing a cell with the likes of Tirek and locked away from the world. Everypony is in agreement that justice has been served, right?

Well, her parents aren't. What parent could ever stand by and allow their child to suffer all alone? And if Celestia won't listen... then they'll just have to take matters into their own hooves.

Inspired by the dobermans' A Letter to Cozy Glow's Parents. Special thanks to Telaros for proof-reading. Vectors for coverart: Sad Cozy :( | Dark Cozy >:3

Chapters (1)

Takes place after Father Knows Beast.

It has been a couple days since Spike's encounter with Sludge, but now he's back in Canterlot due to Royal Business. Celestia asks him what's been going on, and Spike shares his stories with the Princess. But how would she take it when finding out information about this particular dragon?

Cover art by NadnerbD.

Chapters (1)

After a brief talk with Fluttershy and Applejack, Pinkie Pie suddenly comes to a startling conclusion! One of her friends is hiding something, and it's up to Pinkie to get her to admit it!

Chapters (1)

It really did seem like a good idea at the time. He could get away from all the crazy stuff that happened around Ponyville. But why were there students sleeping on the floor? Surely studying couldn't be that tiring, now could it? Or was there something more sinister going on? Conspiracies could wait, he had a job to do.

Chapters (1)

(Collab with yodajax10. Takes place "Father Knows Beast".)

Sludge has left and taken with him the false pretenses that he's Spike's father. But the effects of his visit are just now starting to settle in.

Worried about the lack of closure Spike faces, Twilight turns to a pony well experienced in helping others deal with past traumas, Princess Luna.

The night princess takes it upon herself to help Spike and Twilight reconcile and cope, so that they'll draw closer together. But Luna also intends to use this opportunity to interact with Spike one on one.

Can Luna give Spike the closure and comfort he needs? Or has Twilight drafted her to do the impossible?

Chapters (1)