• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 8 392 stories
  • Season 8 392 stories - 1211 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 8 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2018
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Total Words: 2,730,989
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(Takes place immediately after "Friendship University".)

Flim and Flam's fraudulent university has been exposed and shut down, Twilight's School of Friendship is busier than ever. But all is not well.

Now aware of the practices and statements made by the head of the EEA, Princess Celestia realizes she has no choice but to call in Chancellor Neighsay for an important discussion.

The Chancellor is most surprised to be granted an audience with the princess, but he'll be even more surprised by what she has to say to him. Has the chancellor gone too far this time?

Chapters (1)

Good parents want what's best for their children. It can be very difficult, however, when things don't go as planned.

Contains spoilers for School Raze (Season 8 finale).

Featured on 9 Sep 2018 (!)

Recommended reading for EQD's Villain Day 11/13/20

Chapters (2)

[SPOILERS: Season 8 Finale]

Alternate take on how Cozy Glow's story ends, 'cause I feel it deviated a bit from the standard pony formula and could've been better. Also I liked Cozy :(

Cozy Glow is put on trial for her crimes, her fate to be decided by the High Court of Equestia. Starlight Glimmer has decided to show mercy on her once-friend and defend her, but can she succeed?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Friendship School

When the friendship students learn that the staff are "on vacation", they get suspicious, and tell Spike. As a "normal" school day comes to its end, Chancellor Neighsay swoops in and forces Twilight to pay the price for turning against his rules, by setting fire to the building. Can they notify Celestia, call the Christians, and stop him before it is too late?

Chapters (6)

Thunderlane finds himself in a sudden friendship with the daredevil mare Lightning Dust. It would be fine if he didn't felt way more for her than a friend should. Fortunately he has a few plans in mind to work this out.

Unfortunately for him, Lightning's plans are mostly about getting herself killed.

Chapters (19)

Smolder was just flying down the hallway. Until she saw the strange brown pony with a plastic thing on his head. And then things got out of hand. Also, Silverstream is a psychopath.

Chapters (1)

Gallus has left Griffinstone, only taking his younger sister, Viola with him. But he does remember his best friend, Flame. He writes to him continuously, he misses him and wishes that he could see him again. He may be given that chance soon enough, but his health may risk that if he isn't careful.

Chapters (8)

The new School of Friendship is opening. Twilight had everything running smoothly after the incident with Neighsay. That is until she found that she still needed one last teacher.
Starlight had an idea.
One that Twilight wish she hadn’t.
One that will haunt her scholarly halls for all eternity. Or at least the ripe old age of eighty or so. An idea Twilight believes is an act of unbridled desperation.

Twilight needs a teacher, and Starlight knows somepony who is always free.

Chapters (1)

Spike is growing up, a little bit at a time. It has its upsides. He can carry Rarity's luggage more easily, he gets to have a bigger bed, he doesn't fall asleep all the time, and, hey, wings are pretty cool, too!

Unfortunately, part of growing up is outgrowing things you used to take for granted. Alicorn Princess or not, Twilight's still a pony, and ponies weren't built with carrying adolescent dragons in mind.

Something random that popped into my head while rewatching some of this season's episodes. It could be read as something of a tie in to my previous story, "Seven Hour Bubblebath", but it can be read as a standalone story as well.

Chapters (1)

Warning: spoilers for the episode Father Knows Beast. Having apparently been reunited with his long lost dad, Spike is about to celebrate! Twilight isn't quite so certain though, and decides that's there's only one way to be absolutely sure...

Clue: It involves the 'magic' of science.

Chapters (1)