• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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We all know the story of how the Princess’ young student and five friends defeated Nightmare Moon and brought Princess Luna back to our lands. But what if the tale were false? What if the young Twilight Sparkle on the event of her entrance exam had not been rescued by Princess Celestia, but instead lost her mind among the power of her youthful surge and had to be sent away, far away before she could destroy all of Canterlot with her newfound power. Now the feral unicorn prowling the Everfree Forest only vaguely remembers her past, slipping away from constant terrifying attempts to capture her.

And she is beginning to remember what true power felt like.

Editors include: Peter, Justin, Featherprop, Mitch H, and Bad Horse
Featured on Equestria Daily
Reviewed by Chris on One Man's Pony Ramblings and by Paul Asaran on his review blog
Now with a TV Tropes page

Physical books are available on Lulu.com
Monster in the Twilight (Paperback) 272 pages
Monster in the Twilight (Hardback)

Chapters (35)

Another Anon -A-Miss fanfic.

What if the Humane 5 had been more rational when they confronted Sunset? And what if it had been Sunset who stormed off?

Chapters (5)

Arceus has been imprisoned for many millennia, and in that time he has watched his world fall apart. But once he is finally freed from his prison he decides that to protect his Pokémon, and his family, that he will move the Pokémon, and a few select 'humans' to a world where they might live in peace, Equestria. However, not everyone on this new world shares his view of peace and the very presence of the Pokémon upsests some of the citizens of the world, even some of the ones he brought with aren't too happy with the situation. But a god's will is a strong thing and without his willingness the Pokémon and the citizens of Equestria are going to have to learn to get along, or at least tolerate each other. And there's a slight problem with some of the humans too, well, former humans that is.

Big thanks to tdnpony for proof reading, editing, helping me with ideas, and so much more.

Just a few of the side stories from my growing collection.
Pokemon, A Whole 'New' Frontier
A New World, A New Way-Swarm.
The City is Always Bustling On the Other Side
A Brave New World
A new World, Burning an Old Way

The rest can be found here, in my Fan Group. Group Linky.

Big thanks toxBUBBA1995x for the amazing new cover art!

I also have a Tvtrope page that is kept somewhat up to date by Kingofsouls if you know how to Trope, and want to help set it up, go here Tvtrope Link.

Since a lot of people keep aking this I'm gonna put an explanation here. I'm not following any one canon-verse here, I'm making a hodge podge universe with bits from the Manga, Anime, Games, and Movies, as well as some etcetera concerning issues addressed in none of them to great lengths. (Arceus' power is far beyond what he has in the games or movie and this does contain some Pokephilia, which comes from pretty much no canon material ever.)

Chapters (72)

Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, is sent by her teacher to retrieve a very specific book from the Royal Library. The only problem is, she doesn't know what it's called or where to find it.

Fortunately for her, libraries are the most orderly, most mundane and certainly the safest of places one could possibly be. Or, so she thinks.

Twilight is about to find out how very strange the world of books can truly be.

This story takes place before season 1. Many thanks to Coandco and Ekevoo for editing and pre-reading.
Cover image: Old Book Bindings

Chapters (1)

One thousand years ago, King Sombra ripped the Crystal Empire from the world, leaving the crystal ponies a nation without a home.

One year ago, the Empire returned and Sombra was defeated, thanks to the valiant efforts of Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Spike the Dragon.

Today, a handful of the Crystal Empire's lost children finally find their way home

Chapters (2)

The stakes are higher than ever in Sam's latest adventure. Instead of having to recover his personal property, telling Thunder and Lightning to knock it off, or getting revenge on the cookies that spoiled his dinner, Sam must save his... big brother Mark from the clutches of Queen Chrysalis? Talk about a step up the hero ladder.

Why does she want his brother and what does she plan to do with him? Sam has no idea, but that won't stop him from diving headfirst into Equestria, swiping everything that isn't nailed down, and running away screaming at even the mere sight of Princess Twilight and her dreaded tea party.

A.N.: Straight crossover between Pajama Sam and MLP:FiM.

As a quick rundown for anyone not familiar with the series, Pajama Sam is a children's point-and-click adventure game series that was published by Humongous Entertainment from 1996 to 2003. It involved Pajama Sam, the titular character, traveling to fantastical worlds full of interesting characters to achieve goals and learn life lessons. The gameplay gimmick of the series (and the company in general) was that every primary goal had two distinct solutions, only one of which would be selected per play-through. This meant you had to play the game at least twice in order to see everything, and each entry had sixteen different possible paths to choose from, greatly increasing replay value.

Custom cover art by the talented SoarinDash959.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie on the way back from visiting Applejack finds a mysterious box.

Warning: Contains minor gore details.

Chapters (1)

During the Canterlot Wedding, Shining Armor was brainwashed into submission by the Changeling Queen. But what happened in the weeks before the wedding?

After the wedding, Queen Crysalis shows up with an unexpected surprise- Shining Armor's half changeling foals. How will he and his family react to this development?

Criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (3)

Divorces can lead to some awkward situations, especially if said divorce happens on the same day as a wedding - two to be precise.

We all know these problems: Meeting your former wife at the market, lawyers, the whole business with children. And now, Shining Armor is going to experience the latter when a Changeling-Pony hybrid falls upon his doorstep. His, to be precise, the result of the short lived marriage between him and Princess Cadance Queen Chrysalis.

Can Shining Armor hide the infant from Cadance, hold together his marriage and deal with the lustful advances of an ambassador from a violent country with a goal of Realm domination?

Maybe, maybe not. Should be fun to watch though.

Preread by TheWraithWriter, and may or may not be inspired by a story made by aforementioned author.

Chapters (1)

The Best Young Fliers competition is coming up, a contest for the best of the best pegasi around to strut their stuff. Hundreds of ponies, even-non pegasi, come just to watch the awe inspiring feats of aerial acrobatics in the Cloudsdale arena.
Only the top pegasi with unparalleled skill dare to throw their horseshoe into the ring, so one would never expect average confidence, average flier, and somewhat absentminded junior weather cadet Blossomforth from Manehattan to be in the running. But after an unexpected meeting with an old schoolmate, and a wrong turn while engrossed with catching up, the flower loving pegasus now finds herself as number 13 in what is perhaps the biggest airshow next to a Wonderbolts derby.

Can she and her partner muddle through this without either of them going to pieces? Or will stage fright and humiliation claim another victim for a front page scandal in the Cloudsdale Quarterly?

Story set in the Manehattanverse
Cover art by punzil504

Chapters (6)