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After an accident involving a time device, The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. There, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the Elements of Harmony. however, New friends draw out old enemies on both sides. For Rita Repulsa had made the journey as well. She joins forces with the Changeling queen,Chrysalis. How will it all end?

Chapters (31)

Inspired by Rainbow Pony Rangers.

The Rainbooms have a contract deal, have saved the world as magical girls, and life is good. But when an evil from Equestria seeks revenge on this world...It's Morphin' Time.

Story co-written by Shadow-DJ

Spin Off: Kamen Rider Great Illusionist

Also on Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity.

Chapters (27)

All is peaceful in the thriving town of Briarwood, home of the Mystic Force Power Rangers and the newest gateway between the human world and the mystic world. It's been one full year since the defeat of the menacing Octomus, and the citizens of Briarwood prepare for the anniversary, but an old foe unexpectedly rises from the grave and teams up with an inter dimensional partner in crime. The reunited Power Rangers must travel to the lands of Equestria in order to defeat their old foe, and there, they might meet some very confused Elements of Harmony ready to battle an old foe of theirs as well. Together, they must defend their homelands and combine their magical forces in order to stop their pasts from catching up from them, but is it to late? Find out in the chapters below!

Crossover between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Power Rangers Mystic Force.
Romance Tag used very subtly; there will definitely be no non-cannon shipping going on.

Chapters (3)

The Element Pony Rangers are well know heroes around Equestria. Many Ranger teams form because them them. Spike is an friend and ally of the Rangers. He also loves reading comic books. His favorite is the Power Ponies, a group ponies that have their own powers. Unlike the Rangers, they fight crime every time they are needed. When Spike buy the new comic he find it blank. Confuse and upset Spike wanted to get his money back. Before he could the book make a strange light and he and the Rangers get suck it. It time for the Comic Book heroes and Equestria Heroes to team up. Pony Rangers meet the Power Ponies. IT MORPHIN' TIME! Chapter One now has the Intro for the whole story.

Side story to my Pony Rangers Series.

Rainbow Dash-Element Red/Zapp
Fluttershy-Element Yellow/Saddle Rager
Applejack-Element Blue/Mistress Mare-velous
Pinkie-Element Pink/Fili-Second
Rarity-Element Black/Radiance
Twilight-Element White/Masked Matter-Horn

Also joining is, Spike/Hum Drum, Mane-iac, and a new Villain.

Cover not mine.

Chapters (1)

Back at the town of Briarwood the rangers are fighting Imperious and his minions, however, the dark lord has one more plan in mind, and now, their world won't be the only one in danger. Meanwhile, in the town of Ponyville, the bearers of harmony are having a struggle of their own, against the evil changeling queen Chrysalis, who planned to conquer equestria, but somehow, she is teleported somewhere else by some unknown entity, while 6 more players enter the battlefield. Now it is up to Nick, Maddison, Vida, Xander, Chip, Daggeron, Twillight, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity to stop the incoming destruction of both worlds, will they succed, or will Evil win this time? It's time to find out, GALWIT MYSTO RANGER!

(So, this is my first story, and I must tell you, English isn't my native language, so, sorry for any grammar mistakes, tell me if you find any. Also, this Fanfic will be focused mostly on the Mystic Force side, than on the MLP side, mostly because it's my favorite season of PR and I know the characters a lot better than the ponies, cover image is a ponified version of Koragg I found on deviantart, also, i don't have any specific days to post the chapters, I will post them as I finish them, if possible I will post daily That's it.)

Chapters (22)

MCU Guardians of the Galaxy Crossover. Set in between movies.

The Guardians of the Galaxy accidentally find themselves in a different world. A world similar to Star-Lord's home, but filled with more magic than he remembered, and somehow more cartoony. And for some reason, the source of every problem is at a high school.

With a couple gifted students from that school, the Guardians of the Galaxy must protect this world from threats from their world and from beyond the stars.

Chapters (9)

Twenty-five moons ago, an accident unleashed billions of nanoscopic machines called Nanites, which spread to every corner of the globe and infected every living thing.

Most of the Nanites are inactive. A lot of them aren't.

When Nanites go active, their host organisms mutate unpredictably, becoming dangerous creatures called EVOs. Some EVOs have control over their powers. Some remain intelligent. Some even just want to be left alone.

Some have more sinister goals.

And then there's the outsider. One teenage girl who is, in reality, a unicorn exiled from another dimension. Having turned her back on Equestria and fled through the mirror at almost the exact same time as the Event, Sunset Shimmer has become the most extraordinary, unusual EVO of all...

...and she has the power to cure EVOs.

But will a self-centered, power-hungry, arrogant former unicorn really save a human race she doesn't care anything about?

Adapted from Generator Rex by Man of Action.

(Cover art is temporary; permanent cover art coming later...)

Chapters (2)

"Hey, uh, Rick, what did you want me to, uh, write down here again?"

"Look, Morty, it's not that urp complicated, just, just write down a generic description of what we did."

"But Rick, we did a lot of things!"

"Then figurp it out, Morty. Christ, and here I thought you were getting at least a bit smarter. Just, write down something about, uh, 'Rick and Morty Get Stuff From Horse Land'. 'Morty and Rick and something something horse pun'. I dunno, something."

"I want to go back to the ponies..."

"Oh, I bet you would like that, huh, MMMorty? Go back to the girly dimension full of urp friendship and magic and all that. Look, just give it here, I'll, uh, just put it up as it is."

Now with coverart by some guy named Shadow Bolt

Chapters (5)

Inspired by Comes a Crossover by MythrilMoth. A parody of a parody if you will.

When reality begins to fall apart, it is up to Sunset Shimmer and her friends to join with a bunch of heroes from across the multiverse to band together and save it and stop the source. While Twilight tries to figure things out on her end.

With heroes like the Flash, Spider-Man, Sonic, Dan, the three Eds, and Johnny Bravo, perhaps this wasn't the wisest decision on their part.

But of course, when there are heroes, villains soon follow. And there's quite an array of them too. Can they stop this random threat?

Warning: Crossover stupidity and randomness will ensue. Characters from any franchise are fair game as long as I recognize them and feel confident in using them. Happy belated April Fools!

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer's having a bad day. A really bad day. An embarrassingly bad day.

She kinda broke reality. And now the city is overrun with beings from all across the multiverse.

Both Twilight Sparkles are trying to fix the damage, but it's up to Sunset to deal with the metric buttload of crazy...

A wacky tale of unrelenting nonsense and stupidity.

Click here for a complete list of crossover characters!

Now has a TV Tropes page!

Chapters (41)