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The Rainbooms and the Dazzlings, once enemies, now teammates and along with the PomE gang, they face a new evil the like of which they have never faced before. Join our heroes and their partner bakugan as they fight to keep not just the human world, Also Equestria and the Bakugan home world New Vestroia from falling into evil hands.

I don't own Bakuagn or MLP (Obviously) both belong to their respective companies.

Special thanks to SolarEclipse912 for helping me write and edit this

I would also like to thank the PomE Gang for allowing me to use their OC's

Alright enough of the description let's get started BAKUGAN BRAWL!

Chapters (11)

Since their loss with the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings have not fared well, Adagio is given/offered a chance, at her new job, they were offered a large sum of money to seek information at the Psychiatric Hospital of Mount Massive. They come to the asylum, they manages to get inside. Once inside, they encounter the bodies of security guards and medical personnel, who have been massacred by the inmates of the mental hospital. They will try to escape from the asylum, followed closely by inmates who were genetically modified by Murkoff Company.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Secret Diary of Vinyl Scratch

Three ponies - one disc jockey; one classical musician; one junior railway worker.
Three locations - one tranquil Equestrian backwater; one prestigious named express train; one wayside junction high up in the mountains.
Three engagements - one birthday party; one musical drama; one emergency firing turn.
Three adversaries - one escape from a cruel fate; one group of narrow-minded elitists; one mistaken signalpony.
Three tales - one troubled past; one lonely heart...
...one train crash!

This is the story of how the Bridleway Limited, one of Equestria's most famous trains of all time, came to grief between Horse Junction and Winsome Peak, and how a tragic accident changed the lives of two young musicians and a nine-year-old railway enthusiast.

This fanfiction is based on Ealing Studios' Train of Events and the Hawes Junction accident of Christmas Eve 1910, and is also dedicated to the memories of the 227 people who lost their lives in the cataclysmic Quintinshill rail disaster of May 22nd, 1915.

Teen and Death tags for critical injury references.

Chapters (13)

Railways are a dangerous and deadly workplace of steel on steel. The machines used on them are unforgiving and demand respect if injury is to be prevented. Often times it is the ones who treat their engines as living things that make it through their career without incident. But when the owners of a railway loose that respect, it can rub off on the employees, and that can easily lead to tragedy. Because of this, a number of stallions created a group that would eventually spread around Equestrian, known as The Guild of Equestrian Railwaymen. Their main goal was to make keep that respect railways deserve alive.
This is a story of when that respect is still ungiven, and an owner doesn't learn from their mistakes.

(set in the WOAFOHR universe)

Chapters (15)

The Crystal Empire Railroad never had the easiest time getting big in the early days, lack luster motive power, bad decisions from management and even political problems. With so many issues it's hard to think how things could get worse, well things can always go wrong in times of developing technology, horses stuck in the past and competition. Looks like the brave stallions and mares on the CERR have their work cut out for them.

My first story so I would really love support and helpful criticism. Tags to be added as the story goes on if this story gets off the ground.

Chapters (2)

*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio (It's mostly pettiness from bullies) Give the fic chance!

"In a magical universe, the evil Vulcan broke free from an intergalactic prison.”

“It’s time for a little payback!”

“But before he could be re-captured… the Moon aligned with the stars, and in a freak accident, opened a powerful gateway into our world, sending Vulcan and an entire tower of fearsome creatures to our world, which Vulcan plans to conquer!”

“This world will be mine!”

…Now, a new team of heroes have arisen to stop him and protect us from his treachery!”

“Starfleet Magic!”

“…They are… Power Rangers Starfleet!"

Chapters (26)


Discord enters the Power Rangers' universe and partners with Lord Zedd, and it's up to the mane six and the Power Rangers to stop them, before they destroy the Earth.

Chapters (4)

Discord and Chrysalis join forces to take over Equestria, but a failed attemp turns everypony into a human, and now both villains are dead set on attaining their goal. With the help from Princess Luna and a mysterious book, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy must fight back this villainous team and stop their plan to destroy the world's balance as the new protectors of Equestria, the Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony!
First story ever that I wrote. Advises are welcome

Chapters (4)

The G1 ponies find a door connecting to the G4 world, and some of them form an expedition, with Megan and her siblings coming along. Ponies meet ponies, and the mane 6 are given a new gift. Meanwhile on Earth, a veteran Ranger finds himself reunited with an old friend he thought had left him. There is an impending gathering of friends old and new, where ponies will meet Rangers. Everything seems to be going fine.

But we all know that can't last, don't we? For an old enemy is plotting in secret, and will soon seize her chance.

Chapters (4)

The Forge, a fiery pit that contains most of the world's light energy. After all the magical energy entered the world, The Forge opened up and released its energy. The energy condensed into crystals that scattered around Canterlot. To find the crystals, people have to do good deeds, and the crystals will be bound to them.

A group of new students help out some of the hardest hit people at Canterlot High. The crystals become bound to them and they are given powers to save the day from The Anti-Crystal.

They are the Power Rangers: Light Force.

Golden Rise, Nightfall Silver, Show Time, Grande Finale, Dream Weaver, Bronze Leaf, and Yin Drake are owned by me.

Power Rangers is owned by Saban

Chapters (8)