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As they ponies of Equestria are doing most of their normal routines they are met by the ones called Creepypastas, will these Creepypasta just start killing as they always do or will some change and make some new friends?

Spoiler Alert: These chapters will be one or two ponies per Creepypasta or two.

Chapters (9)

This story takes place during Twilight's Kingdom. Story takes place from Marks POV. Mark has been in Equestria for a week now and it is probably the craziest week ever for Mark. Mark's grown to become friends with a lot of Ponies around Ponyville. One of them being the Mane 6 and Spike who are the first ones mark saw when he just appeared in the everfree forest. How did he come to be in Equestria you ask. Mark was just playing one of his most hated games vanish like he always does he never beats it but this time it was different this time when mark died his computer just flashed red and his screen turned into a seizure trap before mark could restart his computer his hand got sucked into the screen "AHHHHH" Mark Screamed as his whole body was pulled into the screen. And that's how he ended up in Equestria. He doesn't know when he'll get back but he has faith that Twilight and the others will find a way. But these next days are about to go from weird to life threatening and Mark's the only one who can stop the storm that's coming and he doesn't even know it yet.

This is also my first story so please don't be too harsh.

If you enjoyed this and want to read the sequel, click here.

Chapters (9)

Mark had just finished playing SCP-Containment Breach and had uploaded the video for his loving fans to enjoy, when suddenly, after pressing a mysterious button that came from a more mysterious letter, he finds him self in a world filled with magical ponies, dragons, and all sorts of illogical and impossible things. These are some of the mis-adventures that he has gone through when he was there.

Chapters (2)

Seán William McLoughlin was just happily finishing Undertale Genocide Route video and started to upload it to Youtube but when uploading it he received an Email on his other monitor. Curious of what he received, he opened the Email and read it.

What the jolly Irish man didn't know was that things were going to end up weird on his and others behalves...

Because nobody has yet created an actual story based on Jacksepticeye and MLP only.

Chapters (2)

Mike Patterson is a world renown rock climber whose life's goal is to climb to the top of Mt. Everest what happens when at the end of his climb there is an explosion that sends him to a new world and in this new world is populated by strange creatures with the ability to use magic, control the weather, and fly. Not to mention the size of their breast.
*Anthropomorphic Ponies*

Chapters (9)

A situation with the Dursley family gets Harry sent off to America to live with his mother's cousins, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. Of course this brings a whole new set of problems to both the world of wizards and the girls of Canterlot High School.

Chapters (16)

Equestria lives in peace and harmony thanks to Twilight and her friends. But nothing can prepare them for what is yet to come. A mysterious being with a shocking past is about to meddle with the lives of not only the ponies of Equestria, but also with another species. Will Twilight and her friends succeed in their task or is the universe going to meet its doom?

A story with laughs, tears and action.

Chapters (16)

Twilight and the girls of Canterlot High travel to New York to take on the Dazzlings who have allied with a mad man bent on revenge. The girls only hope to face the trio of sirens and their ally is in the form of four mutant turtles, their master, and their two human friends. MLP/Ninja Turtles crossover.

Inspired from a fan video.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Ms. Moon (FNaN side story #1)

Welcome to your new job at Nightmare Moon's villain party place! Where Bronies and just people in general can meet their favorite My Little Pony villains! Hasbro Studios is not responsible for death or serious injury that may occur during your stay-I mean, I'm not saying anything bad will happen! It's just that ever since Nightmare's opened up, the animatronics have been acting rather odd around the costumers, and have started to roam during the night so you should keep an eye on them with your cameras that have been provided to you by the company.

-Phone "Mare"??? (Original line-thingy)

If anyone can make custom cover art for this fanfic, I'd really appreciate it if you give me a link to it in a comment. Thank you for reading this. :raritystarry:

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Five Nights at Freddy's: The Past Horror

Unofficial sequel to the original. The incidents involving the Dazzlings ends up transforming five familiar animatonics at a local pizzaeria. Freddy and his pals are back and are more vengeful than ever. They are determined to get revenge on Princess Twilight for their Equestria versions' defeat and will slaughter anyone who gets in their way!

Chapters (1)