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Jackson 'Call me Wolfgang' Amadeus has been put asleep in a Sarcophagus for the last three thousand years as a punishment for a crime he didn't commit. He would've been asleep for three thousand more had his... containment facility... not been disturbed.

Now the might of one very confused Human has been unleashed onto an Equestria, were nothing is as it should be and worse.

Warning: Story does not include Gandalf

Chapters (5)

Fifteen years ago, a portal opened up between Earth and Equestria. Now the SCP Foundation has recreated that portal, and discovered that it leads to Equestria. What does this mean for the future of the Foundation and Equestria?

My blog about this story can be found here.

Cover art made by Aelanna for the SCP Foundation collaborative writing project, and is used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

Chapters (5)

4 friends named; Miu, Koko, Dust and Aura are teleported to another dimension by an inter dimensional being. They are each alone, separated by dark hallways and guards pursuing them, they wake in the middle of a containment breach with powers they never used to have. They must find each other to get back to equestria but guards and monsters stand in their paths.

This is based on the game containment breach although it is taken from the SCP's perspective. The 4 friends will each play an SCP although they will play as their own rather than one of the original ones. Some original SCP's from the game will be used, this includes SCP-173 (the sculpture), SCP-106 (the old man), SCP-079 (the computer thingi magig that causes the containment breach (i assume)) although this one will be used vaguely, SCP-096 (humanoid creature that wont allow you to see the face of), SCP-682 (the giant lizard), SCP-914 (the refinery machine) and SCP-409 (the crystals).

This is my first fan-fic so please don't be too critical although some advise would be appreciated.

Chapters (4)

When a strange object falls into Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and Pinkie Pie will have to use all their wits and intelligence to determine what exactly they're looking at and how they're going to deal with it.

Crossover with the SCP Foundation.

Chapters (2)

Twilight is tired of her life. Her friends, her mentor, her job, her 'special talent', everything seems pointless, frivolous and boring. After a tragic accident she discovers and decides to join a secret, ruthless organization, created to protect all living creatures by the horrible, indescribable things that lurk in the darkness: the Foundation.

A crossover with the awesome SCP lore.

Inspired by the SCP Foundation Site and community: SCP Wiki.net

Hope you enjoy!

Thanks to Tsuguri for being such a good pre-reader/editor and all around awesome.

Chapters (13)

On July 17th, 2023, satellites around the world began to pick up a strange radiation source coming from the North Pacific, just above Hawaii. Just as the US, Japan, Australia and other such nations along the Pacific begin to investigate, something covers the entire North Pacific in blinding light, a loud crack rippling through the air. When the light finally died down and humanity rubbed it's eyes in shock, they saw none other than Equestria.

The first contact had gone well enough, with pony and human delegations meeting in New York, Celestia herself showing up for a moment. They claimed that the appearance of Equestria was purely accidental, a 'magical mishap' as they put it. They established 'Conversion Bureaus' around the globe, establishments for the sole purpose of permanently changing a human into a pony.

As it turned out, this was all a ruse. Shortly after the final conversion bureau was built, Celestia herself declared humanity to be a 'vile' and 'unfit' species, citing examples such as their wars, their pollution, and so on. All at once, the Conversion Centers released hordes of Pegasi and Unicorns, bent on forcibly turning all of humanity into 'peace-loving' ponies.

All at once, millions of humans were transformed. Military bases sabotaged. The world couldn't even get a missile out of the ground in time, much less perform a coordinated counter-assault. Humanity simply wasn't prepared for this.

But as it turned out, there were other players in the game. Humanity had gotten out of fixes much worse than this before, and they didn't even realize it. Organizations, unknown to even the world elite, sat beneath the surface of the Earth or disguised as ordinary facilities, prepared to do everything in their power to prevent the extinction of humanity.

As humanity panics, the SCP Foundation takes action.




Chapters (2)

"It's not easy to be the bad guy. Sometimes you've got to raise towers of iron and magic in a testament to your power. Sometimes you've got to blanket the land in black flame just to uphold idle threats. And sometimes you've got to remind a filly that she is grounded - that's right, I mean you, missy. Don't give me that look, you've got homework to do."
- Excerpt from An Interview With Lord Ironblood.

Forgath Ironblood is a man who values power and might. He spent untold years developing his dark magics, and years more using ice and iron and balefire to claim and rule his domain. But it didn't last; a group of bold and plucky rebels broke into his inner sanctum and unleashed a magic he was unprepared for, a magic that cast him into the void between worlds. At that point, he was no longer their problem and the peasants rejoiced.

The world he fell into, however, was another story. It was a world rich in magic. A world full of innocents. A world he could bend to his will and carve a new domain out of.

He never knew what hit him.

Idea adopted from Whiskylullaby, as seen here, written entirely for the fun of it.

Chapters are dated for the reader's convenience; BNM for "Before Nightmare Moon", and AB for "After Banishment".

Chapters (10)

I believe introductions are in order:
I am or rather was Leon Ghost, a great engineer and family man with my loving wife Jasmine and my three kids, two sons and a daughter, but I'll give more detail on them in another time. I somehow ended up in another world, likely another universe entirely after buying an Eliacube replica from a strange looking merchant at comic con. I have become the character I was dress as which was Nox from Wakfu, but these days I am known as Nox(imilien) Chronos. I have been trapped in a time stasis for exactly 1126 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, etc....being a wielder of time gives you a ridiculous ability to near perfectly keep track of any time. I was trapped because of these xenophobic ponies and their idiotic, hothead, paranoid, xenophobic rulers.
These ponies are also foolish, they believe me to be frozen forever and set me up like a trophy in a garden. How I was trapped is a story to be told at a later time. Soon I will be released and I will find my family, and I swear on the name of Xelor that I WILL be free and NO ONE will stop me this time. I went easy on them the first time trying to be the good guy or neutral guy by taking only enough wakfu so they wouldn't suffer any ill side effects.....I am a patience and fair man and they are really pushing my merciful limit.

Credit to Qweeli for the over art

Chapters (4)

We all know the story, human from earth goes to Equestria from buying a mystical prop from a mysterious unnamed salesman to attend Comicon. But what you didn't expect was the prop to be a box of mask making materials and a puppeteer kit. Now with supplies to make more costumes and the super villain name of the 'Puppet Master'. You have to wonder, Just what lessons am I going to teach these Equestrians through my villainous ways.

Inspired by the grand adventures of: Malideus and Dullahan!

Chapters (74)

[Displaced] When our hero went to a costume party, he never expected to end up in pretty pink pony land as Fairy Tail's most badass fire dragon. After an interesting turn of events, he is now the Red Diamond, the King of the Crystal Empire!

Be ready for humor, fights, and maybe avoiding responsibilities.

[All Fairy Tail characters used are not mine, only the creator's. Please don't hate me...]

Chapters (4)