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As the elements were unleashed, the Nightmare knew it was over. But it would not let it's fun end. No, it would not be left behind. It would find another world to bring to ruin. As for the poor sap that was left in It's place? He was going to get blasted, what did it matter what he ended up getting from It?

Cover Image by NetherWalker

Realized there was no link, so I'm adding two, one here and one in the chapter. After the events of Don't Underestimate the Power of a Bored Mare , the juicy bits that I cant put in a T fic: Defining Love

Edit: I swear, half of you are uncultured heathens. The thing in the image with the Nightmare's hair is a substitute doll

Chapters (107)

I was on my way to Tennocon in Quebec, dressed as my personal Tenno from the game Warframe. I saw a costume shop with a perfect looking Amp, and stepped inside to buy it, and upon putting it on my arm found myself in Equestria. I was turned to stone by Celestia because of a misunderstanding about my powers, and now I do my own thing in Equestria, occasionally helping at Celestia's behest.

A Displaced story, will be doing crossovers if approached for them. However, I won't do a crossover if there is no reason to.

Chapters (7)

"Ponykind must have run out of colours when they finally got to this pony. Everything from his mane to his ass was all seven colours of gloom and doom. He was so dark and brooding he probably ate glittery emos and shat vampire bats.” - Quote of the Week

1000 years the ponies have prayed for a saviour to deliver them, whether it was their long lost sun goddess Celestia, or even Nightmare Moon, maybe even the chaos lord Discord, anypony! After suffering under the yoke of a tyrant god for so long, they decided any saviour will do, even a dark demonic overlord. One unicorn sorceress finally decides to take matters into her own hooves. She sets out to the frozen ruins of a long lost Empire in the Crystal Mountains bearing a grand sacrifice of 1000 ponies in an attempt to summon the dark demonic overlord of the Crystal Empire.

When the dark ritual turned up a blank, the universe decides to shuffle in the next best thing. Will he rise up to the expectations of his newfound flock? He'd better, and quickly, for the tyrant god's inquisition is out to get him and the 1000 'blasphemers' involved in his summoning. With a nation to build and an evil tyrant god to fight, never has there been a taller order to fill. But it's alright, he's a dark demonic overlord, right? He quickly finds that with some smokes and mirrors and the help of 1000 very magical ponies, anyone can look the part, even an entirely magic-inert pizza delivery dude.

Now a long-haul fic! Many thanks to everyone who convinced me to make this a reality!

Many many thanks to the Editing team, Dumbgamer99, Not A Hat, and Brad The Brony. Be sure to thank them by checking out their pages!

Our lovable number one overdude assistant, Crystal Heart, now has a musical theme, aptly titled 'Dual Core A.I.', kindly provided by AdmiralTigerclaw! Epic now comes in an entirely new flavour! Many thanks!

Somebody kindly messaged me and told me I should announce here that the story was featured from 27 - 30th of April. I completely missed that but many thanks for making that possible, everyone!

Cover Art: Placeholder drawn by me. Will be a background for a full cover at some point.

Chapters (12)

A group of four students that investigates the paranormal for funzies, Zade, Chris, Sera and Jace, were investigating the disappearance of six students of another school when they ended up stumbling into a incident. The managed to escaped without any harm and decided to keep what they saw a secret.

Nine days later, they stumbled into a young man with undefined powers who, unknown to them, is actually a Deplacer, a warlock with mysterious powers. The group, wisely enough, decided to not doing anything at first. This until one of them recklessly decided to confront him.

That was the biggest mistake that could possibly happen. Something that they felt on their skin as he got the upper hand on them and sent them into Equestria, which was stupidly absurd for them.

In their arrival, they discovered themselves being turned into the villains... But not MLP villains. Oh no. They were the pony versions of videogame villains. That was bad enough for them since they weren't so fond of MLP stuff but the real trouble kicked in as they found themselves being in the middle of a chaotic mess. It turned out that Equestria was being turned upside down. And the guy responsible for their current misery apparently made them doing the job.

Can they overcome the equestrian crisis? Even if they can, what will happen to them afterwards? And more importantly, can they find the Displacer and put a end to their own curse?

First of all, let me tell you this:

1) I may had put the Death, Gore and Violence tag, but I will make sure to put that on minimum and use one of the at full force only if necessary.

2) Putting aside any possible grammar error, I will make sure that the use of the Comedy tag wasn't a misguided one or that the story doesn't break any potential of plot immersion. If there is something wrong with this story, you are free to comment about that. I will appreciate your assistance.

3) I was inspired by the idea that someone had before me. I'm not expecting anything from this story. Is just a idea that came in my head and I wanted to know how that will be turned out. Also, don't trust the Comedy and Sex tags. It will be less present of when you expect.

Chapters (26)

An homage to stories like The Substitute Demon, ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!!, and 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing

One thousand years ago, the Princesses Celestia and Luna were blindsided by the return of the Masters of Equus. The cult of power-mad alicorns, thought to have been banished from Equestria forever, appeared in the middle of the Princesses' battle for supremacy, and caged them away. The rest of Equestria quickly fell to their might. Even the fearsome Discord was forced to his knees before them. All of Equestria was enslaved, and an era of misery began.

Now, one thousand years later, a lone unicorn mare has learned of a creature that might be able to overthrow the Masters. A creature immune to magic, overwhelming in size and strength, sealed away for centuries uncounted. A creature of ultimate evil: the Smooze.

Unfortunately for Starlight Glimmer, in trying to ensure the creature's obedience, she modified the summoning ritual a bit too far.

Because of her meddling, the soul of a recently-deceased human is pulled from Limbo, and given life, but not exactly a body. Now he has to help her save the world, or face obliteration.

Not much of a choice, is it?

Inspired by Pen Mightier and Bucking Nonsense, the legends who – to my knowledge – popularized the "human in villain's body becomes Equestria's savior" genre. May your inkwells never run dry.

Chapters (11)

My name is Elliot I was left alone at a Fantasy Con where I found a stranger with a guidebook, now I'm stuck in Equestria as Elora from Avalar helping a small purple dragon find his destiny.

Why does that sound so familiar?

Spyro Crossover. TG/TF/Displaced Fic. Single Displaced Character Story status, might change in the future.

Made Popular On 7/29/18

Chapters (5)

The many stories known as "creepypastas" are much like campfire stories - stories spread around that are meant to scare. But what if those stories turned out to be true?

And worse still, what if you had to experience them?

The denizens of Equestria find themselves trapped in a dangerous game at the will of the Iridescents, color-shifting ponies who are the primary hosts in a hub of these stories turned fact. In order for the Equestrian residents to safely return home, they are forced to traverse and survive several levels of these urban legends, all the while attempting to seek out what are known as Slender Notes, attributed to the infamous legend of Slender Pony. But in a plethora of worlds such as those the legends bring, survival is never guaranteed.

Can the residents of Equestria make it through the various tales that await them as they play through the Iridescents' trials? Who will survive, who will perish, and who will meet a fate worse than death? And what purpose do the Iridescents and their assistants really serve in the Hubworld?

All creepypastas involved belong to their respective owners.

Rated Teen for the potential scare level of the creepypastas, and the gore tag added for stories like Abandoned by Disney and The Russian Sleep Experiment (will try to tone down RSE enough so that it won't go Mature though).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Pony-based grimdark fics, as entertaining as they are, will NOT be included here as story worlds. They are not creepypastas, and I don't get at all why people tend to think they are. Since they take place in the universe of Friendship is Magic itself, I may give a mention to them, but they will not be worlds that the participants enter and are forced to go through, due to their setting and characters involved, and them not even being creepypastas anyway.

Chapters (8)

Rarity doesn't know what killed her.

All she knows is that she's still able to move, and that's she's very, very hungry.

Coverart by Pascal.


Chapters (2)

A masked human jester known as The Fool walks into Equestria. Feeling the familiar sense of loneliness, the Fool decides to pull friendly pranks, enraging all of Equestria in the process save for a draconequus and a pink pony.

With these three working together to pull off the biggest prank in history, Equestria may have to take April Fool's Day off the calendar.

Cover art by me.
Characters and show by Hasbro Studios and Lauren Faust

Chapters (11)

Part 1: Kindness Warms the Frosty Heart

After a humiliating defeat at the hand of a bizarre human with a mutated arm, a dazed Bael, Lord of Toads and Master of the Frozen Soil, is dragged back through the Hellgate, and plummets through the tunnel walls. When he awakens, he is greeted by a frozen wasteland, much like his home, but there is something amiss. It's too calm. Too peaceful. Before he tries to find a way back, he will make a new home here, but not before some alterations, and finding a source of food. Preferably the kind that didn't have a glowing hand.

Part 2: Laughter Cools the Tempered Heart

After the defeat (and subsequent death) at the hand of God, being used by a smart mouth human, Elvis of the Four Devas gives one last request to his slayer before he passes on. But where does one pass on to, exactly? Demons are especially tricky, considering their allegiances and designs. Elvis, however, was always the odd one of his race, exemplifying moments of generosity and kindness, despite his voracious appetite and short temper. Perhaps the good in him could be fleshed out in a land of harmony...

Warning: Gratuitous Spanish

Part 3: Generosity Graces the Vain Heart

Hundreds of years after a surprise attack, a vampire king is released from his limbo, and greeted by his once perished former brother. Boasting considerable strength and new found power after being subjected to the spirit world for so long, he warned his savior upon being questioned about his strength. When all is said and done, the mighty goliath of a vampire, a master of a now dead and scattered kingdom, will understand the meaning of humility and charity. And on that day, the life of a young and aspiring unicorn of fashion and art will help show him the way.

Part 4: Honesty Smooths the Jaded Heart

Monsoon came and went, and was reduced to silver lining slivers when the lightening of vengeance struck. He conceded to his own dark philosophy as he drew his last cybernetic breath. But the universe would not let him go, not as the cynical and violent soul he is. The winds of destruction give way to the winds of change, and like raindrops to a puddle, he is reformed on a new world for a new chance. Can his brutal point of view be changed with simple and peaceful honesty, or will he continue down the dark and complex path of his natural born chaos?

Part 5: Loyalty Opens the Closed Heart

Heaven demands the highest expectations of obedience. When a powerful witch dares to tread their hallowed grounds, eager and dutiful angels throw themselves at the chance to prove their worth. However, upon underestimating their foe, the messengers of God are quickly defeated. One particular angel that jumped into the fray was stricken out, and denied the embrace of death. While floating through the endless sea of stars, its broken body finds itself coming to a new realm, untouched by Heaven or Hell.

Part 6: Friendship Saves the Nihilist Heart

Frustrations swell as time continues to pass, where research and failure go hand in hand. A darkened mind is pulled from the void, violently ejected into a world not its own. Death gives way to life, and life bares death. The final heart as arrived, but not through planned volition. The worst is yet to come. It will be up to the scholar to unravel this enigma, while a new, far more dangerous threat grows. Sing the hymn of the mantis.

Chapters (62)