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Greetings, I am Yetagain. I am a lich that travels the multiverse and tries to make everyone see that necromancy is not inherently evil. I have lived for thousands of years and have made this journal to catalog some of my more significant adventures in the hopes that others may learn from my past. Some of the things I have written here will seem ridiculous and may seem like outright lies but I assure you I have written nothing but the truth. When you find yourself doubting my words simply stop and say to yourself one of the phrases that has kept me sane throughout the years. Stranger things have happened.
(other tags and characters may be added over time, dark now guaranteed to happen eventually but NOT grimdark)

Chapters (9)

When Twilight Sparkle set out that fateful day before the Summer Sun Celebration to defeat Nightmare Moon and save Equestria, she thought that at worst she would have to deal with a mad pony goddess of the moon, but with the aid of Princess Celestia, she would surely over come that. She wasn't expecting there to be two bipedal monsters running around and sowing chaos in their wake.
Likewise, two certain cosplayers weren't expecting to be eaten by wormholes, and then spat out into Equestria. Thankfully, one is a brony, so he should be able to keep his pony-hating counterpart in check, right?
Well, he would. If only he hadn't decided to cosplay as a Berserker...

Crossover between MLP:FiM, Fate/Zero, and Warhammer 40,000.
Inspired by Malideus; Son of Invention; Of Blood, Skulls, and Friendship; and all of the other "superpowered human villain in Equestria" stories that are making the rounds right now. This is just my contribution to the bandwagon, so I encourage you to leave a review and tell me what you did or didn't like, but I will warn you up front, updates will likely not be on a regular basis. Let us not worry about that for now, though, and let us instead move on to the actual story, so just click that button there for the first chapter, and 'Allons-y!'
Cog Archival

Chapters (2)

A story for The League of Humans Acting Villainous.

Dave and Frank, close brothers, decide to go to Comic-Con this year as their favorite evil rulers: the Lich King of Warcraft and Zero of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. They get some otherwordly equipment for their costumes, and find their way into Equestria. With new intimidating powers, they plan to conquer the world, and they won't let anything stop them.

Inspired by all the fabulous stories and people in the League of Humans Acting Villainous.
Lich King is from Warcraft 3, and Zero is from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

Chapters (3)

Big Daddies: The ultimate protector of the metal city of Rapture, guardians to the Little Sisters. For years they patrolled the underwater streets of the distopia, keeping their little ones safe. But with the fall of Rapture and the death of almost all of the Big Daddies, where does one go from there? To the land of Equestria, where peace and Harmony reign. Does this peaceful land need a silent protector? And can the Big Daddy find a place to call home?

A few quickies: Little Sister's word is law. The Big Daddy will also be a bit more like the Alphas, but that will be explained later. You might be a little lost if you haven't read the other stories, but only for a certain character.

Chapters (26)

Calvin was like all other Sixth grade boys in his class. He was Adventurous, brave and daring. Some of his hobbies included Video Games, Trading Card Games, soccer and various other activities. One of those things though was that he liked to play Skylanders. At times, he even imagined himself as one of the characters as he played around his backyard and saw the family dog as one of Kaos' minions. At times, he even wished to wonder if one day, he could become one of them

But he was never prepared for when that wish of his came true.

This is his story.

[Skylanders/MLP Displaced Crossover]
Credits to everything shown

Rated E10 because it's a skylanders story. You get the rest
Featured 9/15/16 and on 1/9/17: You guys are awesome!!
Featured again on 6/21/2018! You guys are the best!!
Featured on 7/19/2019! Thank you so much for the support everypony!
Featured on 4/26/2020!!

Chapters (56)

This Project was supposed to be life changing for everyone, but all it did was change me.

Now I have no idea where I am, and I need to get back home.

Hopefully not as a Porygon-Z.

Credit to this person for the Porygon-Z and this person for the lab background in the picture.


(Sex tag added due to certain... things that are discussed.)

(Dark tag added just in case.)

(The tags are there for reasons that you'll understand.)

(Tags updated.)

Chapters (22)

Seven years after an incedeint with Spike. The mane six, the CMC and the princesses take a ride on a galleon. Which is soon taken over by an enemy ship. They take the ponies in board and plan to hold them captive for ransom, leaving the crew on small rowing boats. It seems there dates are sealed. Until a Drake, his ship and crew board the ship. It will be a very interesting week's ride home.

Proofread by StarBrony3

Chapters (6)

For the first time in over a year, Princess Flurry Heart is left alone, creating the perfect opportunity for any ol' villain to come and take her away.

Those poor bastards.

Chapters (1)

Sunburst has a sudden realization about Starlight’s age-reversal spell.

Chapters (1)

 Ah, what an amazing event is Comic Con. So many people, so many costumes, and so many merchandise sellers. Who knew that a simple bronze key and an amazing costume you can be transported into another world, oh well. At least this Equestria is not that different from the one in the show. Well, how saying goes: "If life give you lemons, make lemonade!"

Gore tag is for some of the creatures, sex tag is for some of the jokes. Teen for the same reasons plus language.

May contain some creatures from Swedish folklore, the game Year Walk, and I think from some north Europe folklore.

Maybe I`ll make some illustrations

Mlp by Hasbro,
Year Walk by Simogo.

Chapters (4)