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For a thousand years Equestria was peaceful and happy... For over a thousand years Equestria was ruled by good and harmony... No more.

The time has come for them to be reminded of the true meaning of Evil. Time to crash the party. Time to crush Equestria! Time to bring back the black! To unleash the Minions of War!

The time has come for the Overlord to awaken.

Because Evil always finds a way...

Featured not even 15 hours after it came out on the 5th of April!
And for a second time on the 14th of May!
And again on the 18th of July.
And now with a LoHAV Wiki Page!

My seconds fanfiction, and once again inspired by the League of Humans Acting Villainous.

Characters and tags will be added as the story progresses.

And this is for all of you who say that the Overlord can't speak.

Chapters (6)

Everyone knows that the bad guy is always cooler than the good guy. In fact, most would agree that, should a bad guy suddenly take up the roll of hero, they would surpass that of their old arch enemy in both deed and glory achieved.

Though, of course, every rule has it's exception. Especially should someone merely get the powers without years of experience wielding them, or even knowing what their full extent even is.

Chapters (20)

Angela was just a petty thief at a convention. All she wanted was to grab a few things, leave, and make a few bucks off of them. She had no idea just how complicated her situation would become because of it. And now, the ponies inhabiting the town of Hollow Shades will find themselves at odds with what many would call a living nightmare.

First attempt at a displaced fic, featuring a blend of the game Evolve and My Little Pony.
If you don't like that sort of thing, then don't read.

Tags may be added later on. Gore tag for mild gore, nothing too overt.

Featured 4/25/16

Chapters (23)

I am the storm.
I have sundered the skies, and torn the earth in half. I have broken Olympus, and spawned a brood so vile and toxic that the earth itself shudders when they walk. My steps are like earthquakes, and my breath is a hurricane.
In ages past, I was struck down by a treacherous blow, and brought into imprisonment.
Now, I am free.
A Displaced Story.

Chapters (9)

Dave attended a local con and wanted to buy an amulet from the Merchant. As he went to buy it, the Merchant kept refusing before another man interrupted and gave him it, forcing him to swear a vow.
Now Dave is a 'tantabus' dwelling amongst the dreams of children and saving them from the nightmares that try to hurt them. Dave, the one with the power of dreams.

Chapters (9)

Stop me if you ever heard this one; unlucky schmuck goes to con, finds weird cheap gem, next thing he knows he's causing a TOOONN of destruction in Equestria...

Huh, well then I'll cut to the chase, after escaping my prison in Tartarus I'm ready to put the Hell back in the wheel and make sure those ponies remember my name Beelzemon.

Wait, no my real name is- Ah forget it.

Crossover with Digimon Tamers, no familiarity of the series needed.
A story inspired from the LOHAV.
Special Thanks to M Specter for proofreading and editing.
Begins around It's About Time in the MLP universe.
Rated teen for mild swearing and comical violence.

Chapters (6)

I am formally known as the Mad Hatter, but my friends call me Hatter. I don't think I can call myself human anymore after what those shadow hands did to me, but I just roll with it. I'd rather have fun and be carefree than let a little dimensional traveling affect me.
Let us just see how these ponies like my madness...and hats, I hope they like my hat.

Crossover with Don't Starve, but you don't need to know much about the game.
My first published story, with inspiration from the stories of LoHAV

Chapters (6)

I just wanted to have fun cosplaying as Deadpool, but now I'm stuck with two voices in my head. Oh, and I'm in Equestria.
It all started on Japan-day in Germany, when my life turned upside down. Now I'm stuck in Equestria with voices in my head that make me do stupid stuff, and all I want to do is go back home. The ponies think I'm evil and turned me into stone. For that, I'll show them what Deadpool can do.

Chapters (6)

Taptaptap "Is this thing on?" More tapping "Come on, work you piece of sh- what? It's already on? Why the fuck didn't you say so!?" Cue breaking noises.

Johnny isn't really as stable as he used to be. Once upon a time he was a nice kid, bright as a button and thought nothing was better than hanging out with his friends. After being locked in stone for a few centuries with only the memories of the dead to think of, that changed. Now he just follows the urges that made him a killer in the first place, but he'll still have his fun along the way.

He can barely even remember his name, what with everyone calling him Freddy or the Nightmare. He will remember though, and he will have his fun with the-

"Cliché, retarded horse fuckers that shoved me in a fucking statue for fucking ages! Fuck yo-!"

Shhhhhh. You don't get fourth wall powers until like chapter ten or so. Good boy. Now then, read at your own risk and make sure to enjoy the ride because his one is bumpy!

Warning: May contain excessive offensive language and gore, as is expected when using good ol' Freddy, proceed at own risk.

Chapters (16)

You are an ancient god who dates back to the times before history was recorded. Along with your other brothers and sisters, you lived in a time of paradise and happiness. You lived in harmony and ruled over the mortals without a care in the world. Until war broke out. A war that would last for centuries and caused the near extinction of all life in Equestria. During a last ditch effort to defeat your enemy you receive a grievous wound to your already tired and withered out body, which caused your body to turn to stone. Where your body would repair itself and recover your lost energy. However it's been centuries since the war, the world and people you had once known and loved has faded into history along with your existence, but the world has gone too long without you and it's about time you return.

Need help with grammar, please comment if you see any mistakes. I'm sure there are a lot.
Anthro- ponies still have horns, wings, etc
Some chapters will be comment driven

Chapters (26)