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Just a normal evening of playing some video games with my friends until a bright mysterious light teleports us to the lands of Equestria-cliche am I right-. With our new strange powers and no known way to return home will Twilight and her friends be able to handle us and the strange occurrences plaguing Equestria. ( Also I would love constructive criticism. Tags and other characters will be added later.)

Chapters (15)

Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Celestia, a loving daughter, a friend to five, and a sister.

She's also known as a freak, a monster, and an abomination to many others.

All because of what she was.

She wasn't a griffin, or a minotaur, or a dragon. She was a draconequus, but nopony except the Princesses knew that. All records of draconequii were destroyed and ponies thought that the statue of Discord was just a statue made by an artist with a wild imagination.

Until Discord breaks free of course.

Now Twilight, her friends, and her family is forced to learn about what she truly is and also have to deal with a huge secret that has been kept from her for a millennia.

And also stop Discord from turning the world inside-out.

Featured - 24/07/2017

Chapters (5)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

A parent would do anything for their children’s happiness and to keep them safe, even if it was painful for them. Queen Chrysalis knows this more than anyone when she had no other choice than to send her only daughter away, and it still hurts to this day. However, after almost two decades of separation, a royal wedding will bring them together at long last. But how will the young mare take this? Will she accept her heritage and return to her mother, or will she shun her? Only time will tell…

Mostly inspired by Change.

(Cover may have alicorn Twilight and not be anthro, but the image explains itself)

Chapters (3)

Upon her first use of darkness its taste lingered within her mind, creating an ever growing thirst and revealing her true desires. With her recent elevation to an alicorn and princess she begins to find her desire for power insatiable. Small seemingly inconsequential steps grow into giant leaps, pushing her senses of morality and reason.

Besides, doesn't the ends justify the means? For a queen can accomplish so much more than a princess....

Special thanks to Omny87 on DA for the inspiration.

Chapters (8)

Princess Twilight Sparkle is the only daughter of the queen of the night, Nightmare Moon, and the lord of shadows, King Sombra. She is unlike any other normal equine foal, mainly because she was born as an alicorn. Just like her parents, she has the acute ability of harnessing the full power of dark magic to the fullest of its power. Her and her parents rule the Crystal Kingdom with an iron-hoof with a strong and loyal alliance with the Griffon Kingdom. They are planning one of the biggest attacks on Equestria in over a thousand years. The great thing about their plan is, their enemy has no idea about it.

Unfortunately, they are dealing with the princess of Equestria, Princess Celestia and her most loyal of guards, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.

The gore rating is for death and torture in later chapters. The teen rating may change depending on how I write how the death's and torture occur.
I got this idea while listening to the black metal band Dimmu Borgir with heavy rain in the background.
I DO NOT OWN anything My Little Pony. All rights to the characters and the locations of the show are sole property of Hasbro.

Chapters (3)

Things aren’t right. Ever since the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle has been having visions of a life that is not hers. Or… that’s what she thinks. Secrets long buried are about to bite back, truths come to the light and a conspiracy unravels. After all, how is Twilight to accept that her real parents are ponies that history says are threats to the land.

Inspired by Born Treacherous.

The Dark and Horror tags are for a later chapter. Crossover tag is for certain characters.

Chapters (4)

Twilight's abilities stem from her Gamer power which makes her life like an RPG. How will this affect her life? Let's find out!

Chapters (5)

Twilight gets killed protecting Princess Celestia and wakes up to the words Game Over floating in front of her.

Chapters (21)

Unable to recall why she's here, Twilight is told she has experienced a 'Game Over'. Then she is asked to start over. With eagerness she accepts.

Now with the ability to see reality in a way that can make Celestia envious, Twilight finds her life has quite literally started over.

Will she change the time line? Will she prevent the worst events she has ever experienced? And will she actually bother to level up Luck?

Chapters (3)