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A millennium ago, give or take, Princesses Celestia and Luna were nearly defeated by the most powerful villain that they had ever faced, Grogar, the dreaded lord of Tambelon. Thanks only to the whims of random chance, the two princesses survived that encounter, but have been forced to live in fear of the time of his inevitable return. That time is now...

...But whatever revival was intended has gone a little... wrong. Behind the wheels of Grogar's body is the spirit of a slightly extremely eccentric human. Equestria would have been lucky to survive the real Grogar, but will the ponies fare any better with this loon ruling Tambelon?

Sex Tag For Sexy Times Reasons, Gore Tag For Gorey Time Reasons.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Chapters (13)

(A Displaced story that started off as an AU of Aura Blades.)

Two best friends and a stranger cosplay and get sent to the same Equestria.

One makes the Philosopher's Stone and gives all three of them eternal life, becoming the greatest alchemist in Equestria.

One becomes Celestia's loyal guard.

The last get's turned to stone after an accident.

A thousand years have passed since then and Twilight meets the Master Alchemist on the Summer Sun Celebration... Problem is, she doesn't know it yet.

(Shallie and Logy belongs to Gust.
Yuri belongs to Namco Bandai)

Chapters (4)

Clyde went to the Merchants stand, and buys only one item. This item is powerful, and it is only because of this one item that Clyde will be able to save the world from the Changeling Queen’s evil!

Chapters (6)

Meet the new bad guy, Eric McBad! He has tried to become a villain all his life, now that he can control an empire, he will make the world bend to his cartoonish villainy!

Chapters (13)

After the event of Chrysalis fled and the Changelings became good, Twilight and her friends returned to Ponyville safelly. But little did they know that a far more sinister threat lies within the shadows, a threat can't be see by living beings are now begin to reach havoc Equestria. Reluctanly for them, a new arrival named Erick Stanford who might have what it takes to help stop the new enemies, how will he do it? One thing is for sure.


- A Kamen Rider Ghost Displace fanfic.
-This is not a sequel nor in the same universe with Drive with the Rider.
-However this event taken place after the Season 6 Finale.
-This story can accept crossovers with other displaced fanfics.
-Warning: may contain minor gore and blood shed.

Chapters (7)

Fevers, hoarding, and throwing up the strongest acid any toilet has ever seen. These seemingly innocuous symptoms (okay, maybe not so much the last one) are the telltale signs that Twilight Velvet recognizes as part of the family medical history. There was a strange branch of the family tree that had been handled discreetly. But the time for such discretion is over, Twilight’s symptoms aren’t responding to the usual treatment. It’s time to explore that branch, learn from it and bring her life back to a new normal.

This is the story of Twilight and her secret dragon heritage.

Amazing! Cover Art By: Anonpencil

Chapters (6)

Even now, weeks later, Twilight was still unable to properly explain what possessed her into taking that first bite.

She double, triple, and quadruple checked the spell, and it went off perfectly. Well, as perfectly as a full-body transformation into a dragon could go.

She just didn't expect gemstones to be so tasty...

Featured on 7/28/2018! Thanks a bunch everypony!!!!

Now with an audio reading by the talented Skijarama (AKA Tone Shift). Thanks a bunch!

Chapters (1)

Starlight knows that bending the timeline to get her revenge will not be enough. To attain the world she desires; she will have to go beyond boundaries to get it. But, will she succeed? Or will she bring her own downfall?

Extra Information
- Pre Season 5 Finale
- Pokemon Platinum Crossover

Chapters (7)

In the darkest moment of Twilight’s life, where all who she cared for have left her, a voice gives her comfort. It tells her that she is not weak, that she is not worthless, that they were foolish to ignore her. When she is offered power and knowledge that was denied of her, Twilight accepts and changes the fate of Equestria.

This story is going through revision and some editing, anything mentioning Nemoroth or Horus should be ignored.

Chapters (5)

We all know the story of how Twilight learned of the fact that Nightmare Moon was returning and how she both found and became one of the Bearers of the Elements Of Harmony, but what if there was another legend she read before that. What if, the legend of 'The Phoenix Princess' was also real. And what if the legend was centered around Twilight herself.

Well Read on and find out how 'The Phoenix Princess' and 'The Legend Of Nightmare Moon' are linked and why it seems that they are converging on Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (13)