adventure / romance 2043 stories
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On that fateful night on the moon, the princess of night is truly no more, and from those ashes, rises a new entity that is forced to take over her mantle, all her good and her sin.

Destiny weaved by the harmony itself laid before her. A part of the grand story, to be a tutorial villain, to be an exposition giver's sidekick, and to be slaved away beside the golden throne, then retired to a hut in god knows where, lost in history.

"Fuck that I'm out"

And so begin a new tale.

  1. Half of "dark" tags are there as precaution because i will skimps over a bit but very rarely. for example Non-consensual will be use one time on no-name one-time oc character in a flashback. as far as i planned currently.
  2. This is my first time writing a long novel. I promised to post the full plot outline somewhere if I somehow unable to finish it.
Chapters (31)

Our story starts with: 'Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe' The first of his name and clansman of the Meldrak household. Specifically it starts with the end of his life, at the hands or rather hooves, of his own horse as it accidentally tramples him to death after getting startled by a snake.

Darach had abandoned his religious ways back during the war, so when he died he expected nothing more than the cold void of nothingness, perhaps the pyres of damnation if he was unlucky.
What he got was quite a bit different from his expectations.

Reborn into the body of a horned pegasus, he would have to make sense of his new life as a small pink princess, and try not to disturb his new parents too much with his strange personality.

Behind the scenes though, strange forces begin to stir.
Change will come and in time it will be up to the young princess to face it...

Chapters (2)

After washing up on a beach unknown to you, you found yourself in Maretime Bay, a place full of talking, magical ponies. It didn't take long for you to realize that you were in another world, but at least you had some new friends to give you a helping hoof.

Of these ponies, Princess Pipp Petals became particularly interested in you, and you quickly became an inseparable duo. Well, sort of.

You can't say you necessarily expected to end up in a different world, but if you did, you probably would have hoped that your cute alien girlfriend wouldn't be a social media influencer.

Chapters (1)

All of us remember the classic sequel to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/DisneyFanatic23's famous story "Bride of Discord"? The one we all know as "Daughter of Discord". The story of the daughter of discord, and fluttershy, Screwball, and the son of Queen Chrysalis, Mothball. Two friends who become close lovers in a world divide by hatred, and fear. And yet they prove that their love is stronger than anything when they stand together against all odds against the vile machinations of Chrysalis. And prove that they are far stronger together than apart.

But what if there was one detail which made things a little more complex than before? Like the presence of a certain, evil centaur who had his own eyes set on revenge, and conquest? What if he was the one manipulating all those around him? And what if the changeling prince, in desperation, went to him to get his wish to be made real? An AU where the presence of Lord Tirek himself changes events ever so slightly, but still in significant ways. Can our lovestruck duo still be together in the end? Or will all of equestria suffer in the end as a result? The story, as you'll see, is a tale of love, and darkness.

Daughter of Discord is still owned by DisneyFanatic23

Chapters (12)

You ended up in Equestria about two years ago, and in that time, you've become quite close with a number of ponies. Of them, Rarity in particular has left a major impression on you. She seems to enjoy having you around, and you appreciate the company.

That said, there is one major roadblock getting in the way of your relationship. More than anypony you know, Rarity is extremely concerned with keeping up appearances. As a fashion designer and all-around fabulous mare, she frequently wants your opinion on how she looks.

Unfortunately for you, you're a human with no way of telling what makes a pony "beautiful."

Chapters (1)

Have you ever just been having a regular day, then suddenly, BAM, you're dead? Well, no, of course you haven't. But what do you expect to happen after you die? If the answer was getting shoved into an overly pink copy of a pony princess, you'd be lying. Worse yet, she made me an alicorn just like her, which causes a whole new set of problems.

Unfortunately, she was adamant that I stay and become her twin sister. I ditched her immediately in my bumbling confusion and fear, and who could blame me? The last thing on my mind was being here! Ponies, princesses, and twin sisters? What kind of fantasy story was that? I was on the run, hiding from guard patrols, and fighting for my next meal. However, my own hubris caught up to me in the end, and her super powerful mother, Cadance, found me and made me see how stupid I was being. And Cadance, is an absolutely crazy powerful pony, with an even more powerful maternal instinct. So when it came down to her word against mine, she was really hard to convince, and she wasn't taking no for an answer.

(AKA, Super wholesome, fluffy, found family. And me having fun tugging on heartstrings.)
(Cover image by: me)

Chapters (26)

UPDATE - Currently being rewritten and reorganized

King Sombra the feared, hated, and reviled regent of the Crystal Empire has finally returned from his banishment at the hooves of Equestria’s ruling diarchs. He awakens to see that his empire has returned with him before he swiftly reconquers it to little resistance.

Without wasting much time he draws up plans to defend the empire, now safely back under his control, from its Equestrian neighbors to the south. And knowing Celestia and Luna he’s surprised that they have not already reacted to his empire’s re-emergence; however, he just brushes it off thinking himself lucky for their sloppiness. As he waits for the princesses' response it eventually becomes apparent that there won’t be one.

Confused, he begins using various methods to try and get in contact with Equestria. After many failed attempts and a worrying report from a border guards’ patrol he starts trying to get in touch with the other countries of the world only to receive nothing in return. Following an even more worrying report from a scouting mission to Equestria and the appearance of a mysterious plague that only seems to afflict the crystal ponies, Sombra is at wit's end.

Determined to find out what is going on outside his empire’s walls he puts his plans of war against and the conquering of Equestria aside and sets out on a mission. A mission that will soon lead him to find out that the world he and his empire have returned to is nothing like the one they left. And the answers Sombra seeks could threaten to destroy not only him, but the world itself. 

Something has happened while they were gone, something sinister

Featured: At some point apparently

In Progress: Arc 1 ~ The Wasteland

Story will be split up into different arcs with some interlude chapters spread within and between each arc. Some sections of the story will also be prewritten while others are written then shortly posted thereafter (after editing of course😊)!

Different story tags will be added to the story as it goes along so as to not spoil certain story elements for those reading this story as it comes out. Also, additional tags will be written here if they are important, and/or I have reached the tags limit. An archived tags section may also at some point be added.

Additional Tags: OC, Crystal Ponies

Chapters (4)

What made you think Nightmare moon was just evil magic personified? Nightmare moon is just as princess Luna and vice versa, two sides of the same coin.

So when she comes back and her sister expects some kind of change? She has nothing but pure hatred and boiling blood like poison for her sister.

Featured 12/17/2021 8:52 PM PST

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle was born on the moon, 999 years before the 1000th summer sun celebration. Her mother, Princess Luna, trains her and teaches her to be the perfect ruler. Her plan is to stop this Nightmare and be happy.

Of course, Twilight gets released early, and has to face this whole new world without her mother. At least it will be a while before Celestia finds her and finds out her motives, or will it?

Twilight will have to deal with things she definitely wasn't trained for, including a possible love interest?

New cover art made by Nablyudatel, my editor!
Link to their Kofi where they take commissions!

Chapters (10)

A young woman in her mid twenties, who was now at her home resting after coming back of her job, she was tired of her life style considering it boring, in that night after she watched the tv, she wished for something exciting to happen that could change her life, she never expected that she could get her wish come true, and now, she found herself in a world of fantasy in a very peculiar body along side with others who share her experience.

Selene Light character belongs to Admiral Q Ponyform,
Atermis character belongs to Crensler
And Stellar Nova character belongs to Autum Breeze

Let me say this before anyone got crazy about it, this story is just for fun, I'm not trying to get any attention by using these characters of those authors, you got it? Great.

Chapters (1)