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This story is a sequel to A Flurry of Problems

My name was once Noah 'Storm' Smith, but it is now Summer Storm. Once I was a human just like any other, but thanks to an asshole I ended up in the body of a small filly. Hopefully, I don't end up messing up this new life just like I did in my old one. Thankfully this time I have some people ponies that care for me and will help me, as long as I don't do anything too stupid...

Updates on Saturdays.

Credit for the cover art goes to Santagiera on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/santagiera/art/Good-night-554627232

Chapters (11)

Princess Celestia has dispatched her prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle, to oversee preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. An unfortunate accident, however, cuts her student's life short. Now another must recover the Elements in her stead, or else Equus will be plunged into eternal night.

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With so many of those "X becomes Y in Equestria" Fics bouncing around, I got an idea for one of my own that just wouldn't go away. Rather than let it distract me from my writing any longer, I decided to take the idea, put my personal twist on it, and get to writing! The story is already 100% finished, Epilogue and everything, so you don't have to wait long for updates like my other stories.

Huge thanks to The Spirits Demise for the wonderful cover art, and Azriel for editing and proofreading!!

I have a Discord server for my stories, y'all are free to drop in and check it out if you want.

Chapters (12)

With only a broken wagon, seventeen bits, and a shattered reputation to her name it seemed that the world could not grind The Great and Powerful Trixie down any further. When an old friend offered Trixie the opportunity to start again, with a heavy bag of bits to help her back on her hooves, she grudgingly accepted. All that was required was a little magical assistance; no schemes, no cursed amulets, no risk of getting banished to the moon.

They never told her the ritual was to summon the Nightmare back to Equestria. Now, as the Nightmare’s new host, all that stands between Equestria and eternal darkness is the determination of Trixie Lulamoon, a mare who already lost everything for the sake of power. In her quest to maybe save the world, and certainly save herself, Trixie will explore the depth to which power can corrupt and the lengths ponies will go to possess it. It’s that, or break on life’s wheel.

With thanks to my pre-readers Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness and JCatt. And special thanks to viwrastupr for the awesome cover.

This story is supported by Patreon, if you enjoyed reading Broken on the Wheel, please consider donating.

Chapters (3)

Upon her defeat by the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon is forced by Celestia to exist in a mortal Earth pony body and experience the mortal world she so despised. Nightmare Moon crosses paths with a Great and Powerful pony who herself is on her own journey of discovery. Darkness does not yield easily to the light and Nightmare has to face the most terrible enemy of all: herself.

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle was a daughter to Nightlight and Twilight Velvet, a sister to Shining Armor, and a student to Princess Celestia. That was who she was, nothing more and nothing less.

However, on the longest day of the thousandth year, her world will change forever. A secret kept even from her will be revealed and her life will be forever changed.

A different take on the Nightmare Moon incident with a slightly darker outcome.

I'm not sure where the cover came from. If you do, please let me know. Cover art belongs to rosahadoodle

Chapters (1)

Four years ago, Nightmare Moon returned from her imprisonment in the moon and swiftly overthrew her sister, banishing her within the moon in her place. Since then, Empress Nightmare Moon has ruled over the land with an iron hoof under the blanket of night, crushing all resistance before her.

As her head maid, Rarity has served the Empress loyally for the last three years, along with raising her sister after their parent's disappearance. The thought of doing anything to harm the Empress seemed absurd to her.

Unless she has no choice but to. But even with Sweetie Belle's life in danger, can she bring herself to do it? And what consequences will occur because of it?

Set in the Nightmare Moon Timeline from The Cutie Re-mark

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch wakes up to find herself the personal student of Princess Celestia, sent to the obscure village of Ponyville to oversee preparations for the millennial Summer Sun Celebration.

Vinyl can only imagine two possible explanations for what has happened: she has tumbled into an alternate universe where she's Twilight Sparkle, or, after everypony telling her she'd do it eventually, she's finally gone and lost her mind.

Alternate Universe tag is obvious. Missing though, is the Drama tag (oh wait, they have that now--fixed!), and the "She's Finally Gone and Lost Her Mind" tag, which may be substituted by a CrazyPinkie emoticon.

Cover illustration based on a work by ThatsGrotesque. I'd love to see an artist include the versions of the Mane Six from this fanfic, though.

Chapters (14)

Twilight has always grown up close to Luna and Nightmare Moon, both whom are two sides of one coin. The Sun is but a myth most have forgotten and so are the elements. Life as far as Twilight is concerned couldn't be going any better, for there are only 2 whom she cares to hold dear. All until one fateful day in Luna's embrace she is asked to help end the darkness, by finding the elements and making some friends. Reluctantly Twilight agrees but only for Luna and no pony else. Setting off on her quest to help with the Lunar Celebration must she make friends, and find the elements all before it is to late.

(The first what if story in many to come, and since I can't post separate stories in the chapters, I will be posting them as separate what if one shots.)

While some of these what if stories seem like they could use a continuation, the idea is to put the thought into some ones head so that they can if they wish, pick it up and continue the story.

Chapters (1)

You have some pretty serious insomnia. Thankfully, though, there's this beautful, cuddly pony princess that's figured out how to come to earth, and for some reason, she's chosen to help you with your sleeping problem with lots of physical affection and snuggles.

Within this tome are the accounts of some of the nights you've spent together, complete with graphic cuddling detail.

EDIT: Woke up to seeing this featured, 3/6/18! Thanks!
EDIT: Featured at #2 same day- Rock n' Roll!

Chapters (8)

A young Changeling Princess makes a deal with the Devil to save her two unhatched daughters.
But the chaotic Devil is a fickle and devious creature and one should always be careful about what one wishes for.

Now set in the backdrop of the most prestigious Canterolt wedding in centuries, the Queen comes to collect what is rightfully hers.
But will she get what she had asked for so long ago?
Will the lives they have lived up until this point be compatible with hers and her races?
And more importantly, will they ever see her as their mother?

Special thanks to The Cake Devil for editing.

Chapters (5)