adventure / romance 2043 stories
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Set after The Flash Season 2 finale:

After being betrayed by Zoom (Jay Garrik) Flash is willing to change the past and save his mom, but the Speed Force sends him to Equestria instead so he can become the mentor of a young speedster whose powers are to be awaken.

In the meantime after spend four years trapped in a desert island, Blue Blood is willing to fix the mistakes of his past.

Edited by rich-online. Thank you for all your help budy!

Chapters (26)

A Displaced Story

Princess Luna. The true goddess of the night. It is an honor for me to serve her demurely and be in her majestic and glorious presence.

If she does command me to slay her sister, I would do so without even a second thought. If she does command me to call her Nightmare Moon, I would do so with a smile on my face and eliminate everyone who dared to call her differently. If she does ask me to take over Equestria, when I would gather my strongest forces to do so with a passionate fire in my heart.

And yet I… failed. I disappointed her which led to her imprisonment. I couldn’t do anything to stop that retched sun moving fraud.

But Princess Luna is coming back. The Summer Sun Celebration draws near and I will be ready. I will serve her once again so she can claim her rightful throne and to finally dethrone that witch of a sister that claims all the glory and fame for herself.

My name is Fenrich. Loyal servant and right hand of the great bringer of the night, Princess Luna. She shall rise once again and her name will be known in the farthest corners of Equus.

All is for my Princess.

Crossover: Disgaea 4

Chapters (21)

[Displaced] My Name was once Jack now it's Toshiro Hitsugaya.

I was attending an anime convention with my friends when I bought a replica of Captain Hitsugaya's sword, Hyourinmaru, from a shady merchant, and was transported to Equestria before the show began and made it my duty to protect the mane six from danger without them noticing me

Chapters (3)

Well this is a really bad situation. Not only have I went to brony con dressed as flutterbat but I just had to buy that replica of crescent rose and a replica of a Gothic Victorian era dress. So here I am as a humaniod vampiric fluttershy being hunted by the princesses while hiding out with my 'twin'. I'm not shy but it's up to me to stop any of the more dark oriented monsters from attacking ponyville at night while trying to prevent getting killed by Celestia who confused me for a corrupted fluttershy. Sometimes a girl just can't go anywhere without something strange happening. (Cover art is the closest to what I had in mind)

Chapters (6)

I was just a normal deadbeat. I had trouble keeping a job, even through I didn't have many personal issues that would caused me such troubles, and I didn't have many friends. So, in short, there's really nothing special about me.

But that all changed when the security firm I worked for was hired for an extra muscle at a Con. I don't clearly remembered what happened next, but I awoke to find myself in a world not my own, with a body not my own, but luck was with me, as a party was going on. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to join in as the party was rudely crushed by some uninvited guests.

Now it was up to me to save the day, learn why I'm here and why I have these new powers and body. But on the bright side, I may finally get a family I so long desired.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Alternate Beginnings: Year Two

In the third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria, the mares of Herd Apple decide to expand their numbers and in the process help Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

Reading of previous books is not required, though some events from earlier years may be referenced.

Set approximately five years before the events of MlP:FiM

Sex tag is for relationships between human and ponies (no clop)

Previous Year:
Alternate Beginnings: Year Two

Continued in:
Alternate Beginnings: Year Four

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Voices Lost

Despite still being unable to speak, Adagio's life has been looking up. She's got someone who understands her in Sunset—someone who can listen. So to celebrate their anniversary, Sunset buys a motorcycle to take Adagio on a whirlwind road trip.

But when an old enemy reemerges, Adagio will have to make a choice:

Sunset or her voice?

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

A special thank you to Undome Tinwe for editing help.

Chapters (1)

After having a mental breakdown, Scootaloo is promptly kicked out of her home and into the arms of her only supportive relative; her aunt and godmother Fluttershy. However, despite Fluttershy's expertise as a pediatrician, how she deals with Scootaloo's temperamental mental health becomes a true test of her skills as a caretaker and parent.

(Cover Art Creator: http://the-padded-room.deviantart.com )

Chapters (23)