• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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To rise against the tyrant. To taste victory. To become what you hated. He had experienced that loop and, given this chance, he would do it right this time. He would turn his suffering people on a better path from its tyrant, Queen Chrysalis.

Chapters (4)

"Ponies with magical powers? And I thought the Jedi were weird..." - OOM-5264

Shortly after General Kalani and his sentient droid soldiers managed a desperate escape from Agamar and fled the system, the super tactical droid soon made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, this time not influenced and dominated by the sith or the corrupt business leaders, instead serving it's true purpose, a bastion of freedom and liberty, free of corruption and suffering. Kalani, now dead-set on his goal, set course for the planet Bracca, having located a scrapyard filled with confederate vessels, and after arriving, activating a large dormant army of droids and the Providence Class Dreadnought Blade of Serenity they were aboard, Kalani ordered his newly activated droids to set course for a new world to hide from the empire and build their forces... And upon finding this world, Kalani observed the natives, and determined that this world would be the first building block to rebuilding the Confederacy.

This story is heavily inspired by Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger!, as well as Ponies and Lasers and Clankers, Oh My!

6/29/22: Featured boys, let's GO!

7/27/22: AYO, Featured again? YOOOOOOOOOOO-

I do not own MLP or Star Wars.

Chapters (20)

Isolated from her friends and taken prisoner in the middle of a war, Twilight must deal with the very real dangers of being percieved as an enemy as well as the nightmares of her arrival on 'Earth'. Can she overcome her own fears and the fears of her captors? Will the wayward unicorn's assistance be a boon or a curse to the 'humans?' Most importantly, will she ever find her way home?

"In short, it's a story of friendship and plasma rifles, with the emphasis on the friendship. The characters are well written, the XCOM setting is fleshed out very well, and the story is compelling. If you love XCOM, you'll love the story, but even if you've never heard of it, it's more than worth giving the first 3 chapters a read.

There's excellent action later on, but the real strength lies in the collision between the friendly and naive world of Twilight Sparkle and the desperate world of humans fighting a losing war for survival and willing to do anything to turn the tide."


(XCOM/FiM crossover)
(Cover art commissioned by a friend and created by the magnificent FoxInShadow!)
(Original cover art by the amazing Carnelian can be viewed here!)
(Gore tag for blood and some violence)
(Many thanks to the studius OminousTen, Arzoo, xXFluttershyForeverXx and finally Setokaiva for giving my rambles a once-over)
(Now with it's own TV Tropes page! Get to tropin' folks!)

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to Pony Veracity

Since the star sector was settled many space cycles ago due to the large crystalline-laden asteroids that orbit a red giant. The Imperial Alicorns that live in that sector have mined the asteroids for the precious and valuable Power crystals that fuel Imperial Alicorn space.

This star sector had been threatened by all other star sectors and was able to repel each star sector's space fleet from their borders. To ensure that the booming Southern star sector would survive for many space cycles. The wise and loving ruler of the Southern star sector, Queen Aperture, journeys on her own to the infinity star sector and Infinity palace to form a mutual alliance treaty with the heart of Imperial Alicorn space?

This agreement would allow Queen Aperture to call up a small portion of the Royal Battle fleet, the most powerful space fleet in Imperial Alicorn space, to protect her prosperous Southern star sector. But an event soon after the treaty was formed with the Infinity star sector would force these hearty Imperial Alicorns population to abandon the thriving Southern star sector. The red giant at the center of the Southern star sector went supernova, forcing the inhabitants to flee before being killed.

Now that is where our story begins.

Chapters (6)

America has many different subcultures. Among one of the most prevalent is the one which the nation was built on, all based around a single principal...

The right to Keep and Bare arms.

Also known as; The 2nd Amendment of The United States Constitution. Out of the massive assortment of people that own guns in America, there are a handful that stand out above their rest on account of their influence of the 2nd Amendment community on social media. You may already know them by their online names; Brandon Herrera, Garand Thumb, Donut Operator, Demolition Ranch, Angry Cops, Kentucky Ballistics, Hickok45, the list goes on and on... But, when this rather special group of individuals gets stranded in Equestria, right at the beginning of season one of MLP:FIM, and come face to face with one Nightmare Moon. It's up to them to figure out how to stop her and get back to earth intact.

Shouldn't be that hard, right?

Chapters (7)

For a very good reason, Anthro Princess Celestia always hosts the Grand Galloping Gala completely naked.

Twilight Sparkle has to explain this reason, to keep Rarity from fainting every five minutes.

Content Warning: If you can see this story, I left out all the titillating "Mature" rated content.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Beginning Anew

Prince Mark Wells' interdimensional business with Earth is expanding into new locations, and those require managers with knowledge of the existence of the magical nation of Equestria. Several men and women are selected and introduced to the new world and each must learn how to cope in their own ways with the culture shock.

Chapters (14)

Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie Pie's mind, only speaking whenever her other side wanted to chat or if something interesting happened, before she was ripped out of the life she was used to living and was dropped in an entirely new world, with a body of her own no less. Due to some injuries sustained in her fall she has a fateful encounter with someone who she later learns goes by the name 'Muzan', an event that changes her life once again and sends her on a quest to save this world in her own way, all while seeking to find the figure that had changed her life and learn more about him.

(Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War story series, but reading the others isn't required)

Chapters (45)

Oliver "Oli" Madsen prides himself as being one of the earliest fans of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon that aired the previous fall. Despite choosing to end his education after high school, he looks forward to a fun party and music-filled summer.

One day, Oli obtains a strange, but familiar looking book from a flea market whose blank pages mysteriously fill with text in a language he can somehow understand. Through the book's magic, Oli inadvertently transports himself to a land populated with characters he thought would only ever exist behind a screen.

This event will forever change the lives of Oli, his family, and his friends, both old and new...


My 10th Anniversary story and tribute of sorts to the series and the fandom.

Links to Images Used for Cover Art:


Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to A Flurry of Problems

My name was once Noah 'Storm' Smith, but it is now Summer Storm. Once I was a human just like any other, but thanks to an asshole I ended up in the body of a small filly. Hopefully, I don't end up messing up this new life just like I did in my old one. Thankfully this time I have some people ponies that care for me and will help me, as long as I don't do anything too stupid...

Updates on Saturdays.

Credit for the cover art goes to Santagiera on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/santagiera/art/Good-night-554627232

Chapters (11)