• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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170 years after the apocalypse, a defiant Pegasus named SwiftHaze yearns to leave her Stable 47 home. Perhaps she can finally find her purpose in this ravaged world. During her adventures, Haze and her friends learn of their links to the past, and grow to appreciate their lineage. Music guides their way.

Meanwhile, a looming threat hangs over the city of Los Pegasus, quite literally. SwiftHaze won't stand to see the ponies of her hometown overrun. She seeks to end the violence, because somebody has to be brave enough to take the first step.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School

Some time after the events at the School of Friendship with Cozy Glow, the turtles and friends join the Rainbooms to hunt loose Equestrian Magic in their town. But when it proves to be too frequent they enlist the help of their mutant pony friend Blade Swipe to join them. As Blade ventures into the human world, he is followed by Friendship School student Bright Eyes who needs a break away from the school because of the Mane Six's paranoia about thinking any one of their students could pull a Cozy Glow. Will the two Equestrians help the Turtles and the Rainbooms quell the loose magic or will more magical mishaps be too much for them?

This story was written by author/artist jebens1 who asked me to put this story on my page. This takes place following Equestria Ninjas Friendship School, and before the events of such stories like Equestria Ninja Girls of Moo Mesa and I Love Being a Rainboom. So you'll be seeing the appearances of some characters that've appeared in stories taking place following this. Specifically more human allies of the Turtles from New York.

Cover art made by jebens1

Chapters (43)

Sweetie Belle wants the Mandalorian to kill Button Mash.

With brainstorming help from the Triptych Continuum Discord, particularly FanOfMostEverything.

Chapters (1)

I should be dead. The chances of me surviving the explosion were 999,999 to 1. But despite the overwhelming impossibility, I live. And yet, I live in a world that I cannot understand, that defies all of the scientific knowledge that I have spent my life accumulating. They tell me that friendship could be a form of magic. I can not believe them. But with nowhere else I can go, I must either make peace with these talking magical ponies...or be destroyed by them. But I know this. The Crystal Empire and those who dwell within it are not ready for the freeze I bring.

My name is Victor Fries. And I am in Equestria.

Mr. Freeze will be based on BtAS and Beyond version. And yes, almost all the chapter names will be terrible puns. This will be shorter than most my stories, but I still think it's just as good. Written after season three.

Chapters (21)

Evil lurks, seeking a host that will plunge the world into eternal darkness. Finding a vengeful Tirek, they join as one, and begin wreaking havoc on Equestria. With all the princesses now under Tirek's control, who can save the ponies from this awful fate? Discord might be able to help, that is, if he weren't cursed to be a patchwork doll.

Chapters (26)

After the Grangeville uprising and the assault on his garrison, Colonel Von Krieger and the remnant of his forces barely managed to escape the town and flee into the countryside, as they hoped to hide out for the duration of the war. After hours of travelling and encountering other remnant forces, including displaced german citizens, the platoon decides to take a rest, but in the morning find themselves to be in the foreign land of Equestria, within the region of Germaney.

Little did Krieger know... This would be the start of a grand adventure ahead of him, one that would end with the birth of the greatest empire Equestria had ever seen.

The empire of the Germaneian Kaiserreich.

Crossover with 'The Long Long Holiday', first chapters are set before season 1 of FiM.

(Note, this story is not meant to support Nazism or similar ideals.)

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony

After the events that led to Spike's fateful destiny and future with Dark Spike along with the events involving the Friendship Journal, Spike has departed to the mirror world in search of a better life and home to ensure his dark self would cease to exit. Even with Twilight and her friends trying to find him, he still wouldn't try to come back to Equestria.

While in the mirror world, Spike is desperately trying to fight the darkness from the powers he gained from his fight with his dark self, in spite of it tempting him to harm others. He is not alone in this battle when he meets a familiar face.

However, as life goes on, Spike still has to choose. Which path is the one for him? And if so, will his future ever be free again?

Cover art and MLP: FIM belongs to rightful owners.

Additional tags: Sad, Comedy, Romance, Tragedy. suggestive forms and acts of possible sex, but not actual sexual content.

Additional characters: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Vice-Principal Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and more.

Chapters (20)

Now that My Little Pony: Legends of old and new is over, you might be thinking “Well how did the mane 6 meet Midnight?” Or “What happened before all this? How did it start?” Well prepare to have your questions answered.

This is the story of how the mane 6 and many of their allies overcame their greatest threat and became stronger than ever. This is the story.. of how Midnight changed their lives forever. For better and worse..

This story contains my ships and once again, If I don’t get their personalities right and if I make any grammar errors, PLEASE let me know. Now enjoy

Chapters (37)

It’s Sunset Shimmer’s birthday and everyone is having a great time! Until, Sunset found out that Demon Shimmer has returned and it’s up to the Mane 7 to stop her! They must become new superheroes to fight Demon Shimmer’s minions and Demon Shimmer! Sunset Shimmer will become the cape crusader, Pony Lass! A Batman-like superhero! They’re going to need some help from Daydream Shimmer! (New Chapter Every 2 Weeks on Saturdays and Pony Lass is based on DC’s Batman!)

Chapters (28)

When Derick's little brother becomes the target of a supernatural force, the two find themselves in the center of a plot that goes back decades.

Chapters (2)