• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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This story is a sequel to Sweetie Belle's New Experiences

It has been almost 12 years since Sweetie Belle broke up with Silver Spoon at Canterlot U because of choices that were made for her by Diamond Tiara. She has done a good job lying to and manipulating Sweetie Belle but when her betrayal was discovered, Sweetie Belle dumped her.

Ten years have passed and after losing her job and assaulting a police officer, Silver Spoon wound up serving a year in prison. Once she was released, she had no job, no home, no one to turn to and is facing an uncertain future.

Chapters (14)

(Based on this fan comic.)

With all the changes ongoing in Maretime Bay, Sprout decides to run away before he can be "brought to justice". But even though he does just that, he has no destination in mind.

Alone with his thoughts, Sprout is suddenly approached by a mysterious force that offers to be his friend. And this "friend" quickly convinces Sprout that his former friends can no longer be trusted, convincing Sprout to turn on them.

Imagine the shock of Sunny and the gang when Sprout suddenly morphs into a threat that Equestria hasn't seen in ages: The Pony of Shadows! And amidst the uncertainty of having to fight such an evil to save a friend, the five ponies receive help from the most unlikely of faces.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash here all you awesome pony readers. So yea, big reveal, I’m a mom now. No, wouldn’t give it up for the world… still… anypony want a filly… I got one… I’m pretty sure I screwed something up here… help!

(This story is going to be somewhat episodic following the lives of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash learning to become a family.)

Sequel story here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/297472/youre-wanted-ill-always-protect-you (Warning, tonal shift.)

Chapters (13)

For as long as she can remember, Scootaloo has lived in orphanages, not knowing the identities of her parents. She's happy enough in Ponyville, but deep down she still wishes she had a real mom and dad. So when she's given an assignment to write about her family, she starts looking for answers.

What she finds will shock her.

Sort of done as a response to a prompt by Phoenix Nebula.

EDIT: Re-wrote part of chapter 1, and edited later chapters so they make sense with the rewriting.

Another Edit: Dang, 2000 views :raritystarry:, you guys are awesome

New cover made by Scarlet's Feed

Listen to it here.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash has a secret. One untold to the world, except for one pony and one pony alone, her wife Fluttershy. There's a reason Scootaloo is more like Rainbow then unlike her. And as for that secret? Scootaloo is her daughter. Long ago, after a night of passion with a mare who's name she's long since forgotten, Scootaloo was left on her doorstep nine months later. Problem is, Rainbow was always afraid she'd turn out like her father, who was an abusive drunk, and because of that fear of turning out like her father she gave Scootaloo up for adoption. But when she learns the cycle is repeating in Scootaloo's home by the parents who were supposed to love and care for her, Rainbow must finally face her demons in that old Poison Whiskey...

FlutterDash Scootadopt story. Inspired by RuinQueenofOblivion's Please Forgive Me. Collaboration with RuinQueenofOblivion, a pegasister far more talented than I, and in the later chapters, Shadowmane PX-41, someone who I never knew had such a dark and twisted mind. Warnings: Filly abuse, drunk ponies, and mild language.

Reached over 1,000 views: Hooray!

2,000 views... Damn....

Chapters (19)

All stories can be changed, and Project Horizon is no different. Read the modded version of Blackjack's tale as she and her friends take Dawn and her Cult for the city of Hoofington! More crazy, more violence, more action pack. Demon Mares will battle cultists in this grindhouse retelling of Project Horizons!

Serves as the new prequel to the New Horizons:
Fallout Equestria New Horizons: Lacunae and Rampage's vacation in paradise.
Fallout Equestria: New Horizons

Chapters (11)

Twilight is tired of villains breaking into her castle, so she calls the other mane six for suggestions
and applejack has a rather odd one

Chapters (1)

After two decades of tyranny, the end of the Galactic Empire had come to pass. The Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, was slain by his own apprentice, Darth Vader, in attempt to save his son's life. His life-support system heavily damaged in the process by Darth Sidious's Force lightning, Darth Vader did not survive and died in the hands of his son, on the board of Deathstar.

Yet that was not the end.

What nobody knew was that the prophecy of the Chosen One has never been truly fulfilled and that the defeat of the Sith was merely the beginning of all glorious things the Chosen One had been destinated to do.

Through the arcane power of The Force, Vader found himself resurrected and revitalised on a strange world, with a second chance to redeem himself for all the atrocities he had commited. In time, he may bring forth things that would change the very course of the Galaxy. Only The Force will tell.

P.S.- Big thanks to mrkillwolf666 for all support he gave me. May the Force be with you!

P.P.S.- Special thanks to Bringiton6611 for editing. Teh Furce is strung wit dat one!

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash is a simple mare. She loves flying, she loves napping, but most importantly of all, she loves her friends. She loves her family. She loves the little tortoise who sleeps in the corner of her bedroom. She loves her town, she loves her country, she loves her world.

She's never thought about what she would do without it all. She's never thought about what she would do if she woke up one morning, only to discover that the world had passed her by. She's never thought about what she would be willing to do, how far she would be willing to go, to get it all back.

Featured 7/2/22 - 7/8/22

Chapters (6)

An MLP/Warhammer 40K Crossover

The Iron Warriors 38th Company has landed in Equestria, entrenching themselves like a barbed hook. They hunt the aliens of the Tau Empire, intent on destruction and pillage.
A small squad is dispatched on a reconnaissance mission, only to find that there is intelligent life on this world besides the feuding space-farers.
Will these improbably adorable and friendly equine aliens turn the damned warriors of Chaos from their blood-soaked path, cleansing them of their dark legacy with the magic of friendship and harmony?

No, that isn't happening.

(Dark humor warning; limited grimdark themes)
(Cover art by Nicholas Kay)
(This series now has its own TVtropes page!)
(This story is a contestant in the Tournament of Canterlot, a charity event to raise money for Syrian refugees! Go here for details and donations!)
(Featured on Equestria Daily 8/20/15 :yay: )

Chapters (8)