• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Equestria and the Crystal Empire have fallen to the Changeling Hegemony, led by the brutal Queen Chrysalis at the head of a mechanized horde of guns and tanks. Princess Cadance stayed in the Crystal Empire; Princess Twilight stayed in Equestria. Chrysalis rules the continent, only defied by Nova Griffonia, the poor Griffon colony in the north.

Across the ocean, the Griffonian Reich pledges to reclaim its lost territory, sundered by revolution a generation ago. While the Alicorn Sisters retreat to New Mareland, Princess Flurry Heart and Shining Armor turn to Aquileia, the Republic born out of the ashes of the Griffonian Reich. The Kaiser of the Reich is only a child, subject to a regent bent on war and conquest.

Flurry knows the Reich and Chrysalis have worked together.

She knows that war is coming to Aquileia.

She knows that Celestia and Luna abandoned her mother and Twilight Sparkle.

She knows that the world is on fire, and she is the last true Princess of Ponies.

She knows she will go home.

Cover Art by Opal Radiance, commissioned by Sunstreaker.

Chapters (121)

3/14/24 Still Alive Edition

There's only one pony in Ponyville that the Mane Six have never met. Pinkie Pie has never thrown him a party, Applejack has never sold him a mug of cider, and Twilight has never seen him check out any books. And as far as that unicorn, Lapis Print, is concerned, that's exactly how it should be.

Lapis can't risk them knowing where he lives, what he does for a living, or even what his name is - if he gets his way, the Mane Six won't even know he exists, and nopony in Ponyville will miss him once he's gone.

It should be a piece of cake - after all, it's not like the biggest magical power in Equestria is about making sure everypony looks out for each other, right?

(Rated Teen for language - mental cursing mostly.)

Chapters (19)

After a mysterious frost falls over the lands of Equestria, ponies are forced to flee to the Far North to escape the eternal winter. There, around several coal-powered furnaces called Generators, they may generate enough heat to guarantee the survival of ponykind and civilization among the snow and frost.

However, as the temperature drops, and their situation becomes increasingly desperate, the ponies of New Ponyville must make the hard decisions.

What is the worth of a foal's life?

What lengths must be taken while facing starvation?

What must be sacrificed in the name of survival?

Where is the line between leader and tyrant?

There is only one wholistic truth among the howling winds and biting cold: The City Must Survive.

Based off of 11bit Studio's "Frostpunk"

Cover art found here: https://derpibooru.org/images/2816269

Chapters (16)

After many hours of training and perfecting their singing, the Dazzlings were excited to fulfill their wish of becoming a successful and popular band.

Everything starts small though, so they went on a tour to become more famous. The first city: Canterlot.

But why are people so... reluctant towards them?

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a magical realm of ponies and friendship, where life and love are cherished and abundant.

Over one millennium in the past, Equestria was an ancient realm of monsters and danger, with lawlessness and adventure teeming around every corner.

Celestia and Luna are young fillies with stars in their eyes, exploring the newly-formed nation while upholding their (ceremonial) princessly duties. Both are on a quest to find their place in the world.

Then, after an ambush threatens to put the stopper on their mission, they meet Sergeant Constant Vigilance: a hardly-sociable, grimly earth pony, who is assigned as their bodyguard to ensure their safety.

Together, they journey, unknowingly marching towards fate.

In the process of being rewritten and remade. Stay tuned!

Chapters (2)

The nobles of Canterlot are up to their old schemes again. Trying desperately to elevate themselves from mere nobles to that of royalty, the high council begins to pressure both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into marriage. There is only one problem the two sisters face. As the law of old states, only a pony of nobility or foreign dignitary may be eligible to wed either of the princesses. The two sisters must now find a suitable candidate willing to adhere to the balance of power they had so desperately fought to maintain, or lose their right to rule.
Luckily, there seems to be a certain somebody that meets the strict criteria and who would also not abuse his position as royal consort to the Moon and Sun. Now, if only there was a way to convince him.

((I know I am terrible at writing synopsis, but please don't let that dissuade you from giving my story a chance. Rated T for light cussing, teasing, flirtatious mares, and provocative situations. May change later on depending on how I feel and the input from the readers.))

Update: I finally got a beautiful cover art for the story! It looks so freaking amazing and I am super happy with how it turned out. The artist is super talented and you should all go view her stuff and maybe even commission something from her! I literally can't justify how amazing this picture is!
Artist: Cotton
Thank you all so much for your feedback and support! Because of you all I was featured! *happy pony noises*

Chapters (12)

Ever since she married her fillyhood sweetheart, Pearl Rose has grown used to Twilight's oddities. But when she tried on a gem the princess brought back from the human world, she was changed.

Now fighting a constant battle to control her siren urges and the joy they bring her, Pearl is at the end of her rope. She can't resist her gem's urges much longer, and she wants to less and less day by day.

But maybe a trip to see the Dragon Queen will give her a way to finally be normal again.

A spin-off of this.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Grounded

Twelve years ago, Rainbow Dash caused a tragedy in order to save her son's life.

The trauma of that day forever changed her from the happy, sporty, encouraging mother into a paranoid, overly cautious, overbearing hover mom. When Haze was a foal, he couldn't have known how strange this treatment was. As he's on the verge of becoming a young stallion, however, he can tolerate Dash's interference in his life less and less as the days pass.

All the while, Soarin is watching from the sidelines, wondering what to do about it. Before too long, something is going to give, and with two of the most stubborn, hard headed ponies in the world in this picture, somepony is going to get hurt.

To fix his own family and find a way out of this difficult situation, Soarin must first confront his own past: memories from long ago, haunted by the mother who abandoned him.

Set in my 'Bright Future' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.

Edited by the lovely Comma typer.

Chapters (7)

Cover Art by Bean.

Pepper Chilly's stay in Ponyville and Canterlot brought her between Elements and Princesses alike. But when her dimension-traveling eye spotted the hourglass running out of sand, Princess Celestia paid the ultimate price. What the regicide didn't know was that her next murder would bring her back to Equestria, alongside Gamine, a guardian in training, just in time to witness the fallout and the unforeseen consequences of Celestia’s disappearance.


This fanfiction is plot centered around OCs, and is based on my own headcanon. But all characters from the show will be involved.

Chapters (18)

Cadance meets a very sleepy changeling. Knowing the changeling is in no state to really do anything, she decides to show it some love.

Some rather... cuddleful love~

Written in a few hours while running on two hours of sleep myself so if there are errors, there's your answer.

Thank you to Notowa for making the cover! I honestly didn't think I'd use any cover but yay.

For some reason featured on 5/3/2022... and also 5/4/2022

Chapters (1)