• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Graduation is quickly approaching Canterlot High. While Sunset Shimmer is happy about this celebratory milestone, something has kept her believing there's more to do back in Equestria. Along the way, she begins to think back on her past, try to understand things she had never questioned before, and take an extended return to Equestria. Little does she know, she would eventually uncover an incredibly dark and unexpected truth...

Chapters (58)

We must have shared a womb.

Sometimes twins eat each other in the womb.

Gold medalist in the 1000 words contest (group / info). Category: grim

Warning: the following fic contains cannibalism. It is technically a spoiler, so proceed through all with caution.

Chapters (1)

Applebuck always hated change. He hated it when his former colleague and BFF, Brandybuck, was repositioned to a different job, he hated it when his mother died, and he hated it when Velvet Remedy's music went silent on a very memorable day in Stable Two.

Alas, life is like a river: always changing. And Applebuck struggles to find happiness in the aftermath of the Steel Ranger's ruthless attack on his soon-to-be former home.

With his trademark stetson hat and a determined mind set, surely he can find his way?

(Please note that I have never written a full length story before, and that this story is partly me wanting to share my FoE concept, but also me practicing my writing and story building skills. If you came looking for a literary master piece, I'm afraid you're just gonna have to settle for my silly little pony-fic. Maybe you'll like it. maybe you won't. you'll just have to give it a chance, eh? That said, I'll put my heart and soul into this story because that's what I think it deserves damnit! Please enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!)

Chapters (10)

Harun is a tower of strength and a well favored warrior and messenger. He had fallen in love with one who far above him in status. Though not a princess, the young lady knows of his feelings; the young woman is one of Celestia's prized pupils.

Chapters (1)

Discord was floating aimlessly scanning the vast multiverse and he came across a small elvish man- er darkner named Jevil. Jevil just wants to play a game. What kind of game? Oh just a simple numbers game... if your HP drops to 0 you lose!
(Contains: some gore, intense battle, Jevil, Undertale / Deltarune)

Chapters (3)

We all know the story of Sunset becoming Celestia's protege and eventually falling from grace down a darker path.

But is that really all there is to the story? Or is there something deeper and more personal for the unicorn?

(implied sex, not shown)

Chapters (12)

The summer season was just about over at Stella Lacus adventure summer camp. Amie and her younger brother Wes were eager to return home. Unfortunately for them, their adventures had only just begun.

All at once, the entire summer camp and the mountain it was built upon shifted universes, leaving Earth behind for a far stranger world. In the same moment, every camper, counselor, and staff-member transformed into strange insectoid creatures, with unknown powers and incomprehensible needs.

Instead of returning to nursing school, Amie has a new goal: keep her little brother alive. If only the other campers didn't look at him like food...

Updates every Saturday. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Awesome cover by SimonDrawsStuff.

This story was sponsored by Canary in the Coal Mine on my Patreon. Thanks so much for your support!

Chapters (89)


A concept that many beings strive tirelessly for throughout their existence, yet also might never have the privilege to see.

A concept that the whole of Equestria might finally be able to enjoy for a good long while.
Nightmare Moon has been defeated and Princess Luna restored, the changeling invasion was repelled, King Sombra was banished eternally and the Crystal Empire returned to its former glory, and even Discord himself was eventually reformed towards a better state. Indeed, it could be said that the ponies of Equestria might finally be able to relax and recuperate from many an averted crisis.

But peace is a fragile thing...is it not?

Since her recovery, Princess Luna has been pushing herself ever harder towards finally gaining her subject's acceptance that she longs for so much. However, as the months drag on, the stress has slowly begun threatening to bring her towards the breaking point. Whilst seeking out what she believes might finally show the ponies that she only means well, the Princess of the Night happens to stumble upon something not ever once seen upon the face of the planet. A piece of ancient knowledge, all but completely lost to the passage of time.

However, even the greatest of knowledge...has the potential for unmatched destruction.

I won't ask that you take it easy on me, only that you try to keep any criticism on the constructive level (unless I do something blatantly stupid and abhorrent...). In turn, I will do my absolute best to take all of your suggestions to mind, and attempt improve the story in any fields necessary.
All in all...it won't be perfect, but it is my greatest hope that it will in some way pique your interests.

Proofreading credits go out to Chasing Resonance

Cover art was commissioned by Eosphorite over on Deviantart.

Chapters (12)

Vignette Valencia is the worst person Wallflower Blush has ever met. She's vain, petty, materialistic. She's the kind of person that shouldn't exist outside of horror stories about social media influencers.

She's also easier to talk to than anyone else.

Struggling with conversation at the best of times, Wallflower finds Vignette's existence so baffling that it's impossible for her to be uncomfortable around her.

Winner of a committee prize in the 2022 Crackship Contest.

Huge thanks to VoxArachne for editing and prereading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hearts Beat

Octavia and Flash Sentry have a lot in common.

One of those things is failed relationships.

Another is the hotel hallway they're currently trapped in.

This fic is a midquel to Hearts Beat, taking place entirely within the chapter "Vulnerable". It is highly recommended that you read Hearts Beat up through "Vulnerable" before starting this fiction - it will contain spoilers for Hearts Beat. That said, this is technically a stand-alone story, so feel free to check it out if spoilers don't scare you away

Chapters (6)