• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



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Meeting herself was not really something Sunset had ever planned to do. But once she does, she insists that they’re different people. What that leads to is something she was not expecting to enjoy.

Second place finalist for the Sunset Shimmer X Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest! Proof read by Sunlight Rays

Sex tag is only for suggestive jokes and comments. This is not as serious as the title and cover art makes it seem.

Chapters (1)

A young man that newly transfered at Canterlot high and found a new girl thats makes his heart beat. Although its gonna be a challenge for him will he ever be able to make a boyish girl that is Rainbow dash to make her heart melt for him or will he fail and get rejected.aka you

Chapters (11)

It's a brand new day for Sunny Starscout and her friends, the magic of Equestria restored and the tribes united, it was new chapter in the lives of the mane 5. What better way to enjoy your hard work than enjoying it with your friends?

That is what would've happened, if it weren't for a strange statue appearing out of nowhere. Now pushed to play a tempting game with a creature of chaos, Sunny and friends will have to accept just to win a prize that could be a one in lifetime chance.

Post Mlp New Generation, spoilers of course.

Chapters (3)

It's cold up north, but Reinbow Deer gets by. Mostly by looking after the littler members of the herd. But what's a deer to do when one fawn barges in babbling about some dark blue dream alicorn and a message that needs delivered?

No AU tag because.... of certain spoilers for the Gen 5 movie.

:pinkiegasp:Now with a written review!:pinkiegasp:

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Just over a decade ago, two budding entrepreneurs made a major discovery: changelings convert love into power. And that power could be extracted.

Spurred on by the sudden infusion of energy, Equestria has rapidly industrialized and modernized. Transformed, technology and society has advanced by leaps and bounds - all thanks to Flim/Flam Corp and their changeling batteries.

Not every pony is accepting, however. Not every pony is okay with mass-produced changelings kept in tanks to turn Equestria's ambient love into electricity.

After years of leading her rebel organization on a campaign against the changes, the former Princess Cadance has finally made a breakthrough. Though it has cost her dearly, she's found the key to bringing down Flim/Flam, freeing the changelings and returning Equestria to its normal state.

Unfortunately, Shining Armor - her personal Javert - is blocking the only exit.

Written for Imposing Sovereigns III.

Have a helping of Princess Cadance and Integrity.

Or alternately, Shining Armor and Justice.

Featured 10/19/2021 - 10/22/2021!

And reviewed by Reviewfilly!

And listed in Equestria Daily's 25 of the Best Shining Armor and Cadance Day Fanfics on 2/14/2022!

Chapters (1)

Leo, without consent, is sent into another world full of magic, monsters, and ponies. Uncovering the mysteries of the world, journey with our hot-blooded hero as he overcomes hardship and obstacles with his new friends, slowly accumulating power along the process. Seeking the truths of the world, Leo might just find who put him here. Will he be able to handle the price for finding the answers? Or will he crumble under the pressure?

This story has somewhat of a serious tone, with a comedic undertone. If you like characters growing from weak to strong, fantasy world building, and heart-pumping and intense action, this story might be just for you!

-Heavily inspired by Wuxia and Xianxia novels such as "Martial World" and "True Martial World," focusing on "Taoism" fantasy. Also heavily inspired by "Gurren Lagann".
-Any constructive feedback is HIGHLY appreciated, being my first written piece (no proofreader as well).
-This is going to be going along the main FiM story timeline but with twists so most changes to the canon are intentional.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any media linked or used. It is only used as an optional way to boost the reading experience. I also do not promote the use of drugs.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten

Sunny Starscout's ongoing search for Equestria's ancient past sends her up to the northern arctic, where it is written that a city protected by love once stood.

Cover art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (22)

Tossed through a portal as the last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familiar face; her own. Nothing is as it seems, and as more is revealed, Chrysalis finds herself questioning how she ended up like this. The real question is can she handle the answers she unconvers?

Chapters (35)

Everypony remembers the tale of Flash Magnus, the pillar of bravery who saved his fellow cadets from the dragons, earning him his title and the shield of Netitus.
He remembers too. He still remembers to this day.

And there is nothing he can do about it.

Based off the "Ghost in the room" prompt from Bean's writing group. And now time to give the special thanks to these beautiful people because they are beautiful and everyone needs to know it.

Lysanderas, shirlendra and bean for their help in editing and fixing this story. Wouldnt have been possible without them!

Special thanks to the rest of the group too. Stay classy you all!

Cover art by short-tale. Thanks to you too!

Chapters (1)

Sunset think's it's deeply unfair that her human counterpart is better looking than her. On top of that, all her friends assume that she wants to date herself. They might be right about that.

Winner of Third Place in the Sunset x Sunset Competition

Chapters (1)