• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



  • Featured 23594 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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King Sombra has just taken Canterlot, Twilight and her friends have been scattered, and The Royal sisters have been imprisoned. Sombra thought he had destroyed any possibility of resistance, clearly, he didn't Think twice about it. And whenever TheRussianbadger is given a task, you'd better believe he'll accomplish it, no matter how insane it seems or how extreme his methods...

A one shot parody based off of theRussianbadger and his cohorts shenanigans.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Celestia's three most favorite students, her earth-pony adopted son Spike, the half dragon Twilight, and the latest ascended alicorn Light Heart, get in trouble, they are all sent to a mysterious country named MoonRacer.

Will the make friends?
Will they find love?
Or will they stay as they are?

Co-Writing with Light Heart101

Art by Shaslan
Full Size Art here

edit: editer is was Miner

Edit: MoonRacer is like Oz

Chapters (11)

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

Cover art used with permission by the awesome thegreatcat14!

Will be updated as more stories come to me.

Chapters (50)

After being exposed as the ring leader of Anon-A-Miss, Apple Bloom is "Banished" to the town of Allspark Wells. There she will live with her honorary "Uncle" Ironhide and his friends as she comes to terms with what she's done and rebuilds her life. As she gains new friends, Apple Bloom begins to realize that despite what she's done, she has a place to call home. After all, Allspark Wells is the place "where new futures are forged."

This story is written with the implication it is set in author SunnyDays’s “clipperverse,” and though not officially part of their universe, it is made with their permission.

Chapters (98)

Argyle Starshine returns to Maretime Bay, surprising Sunny and her friends who were under the impression that he was dead! Understandably, Sunny is thrilled to be reunited with her father. Izzy Moonbow is happy, too, but can't shake the feeling that something is off about Argyle. And when Sunny begins acting abnormal, Izzy's concerns only grow.

Written for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest. My prompts were: Argyle, Izzy, G1/2/3 Character, Maretime Bay and Changelings

You can find other entries in the contest here.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has been given a mission to investigate reports of a banshee in a remote village. What she finds will stay with her for a long, long time.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Spartan-B312 A.K.A Noble six. The unsung hero and the only other Soldier designated as 'Hyper-lethal' of the Human-Covenant War. Were it not for her actions on Reach, the events that lead to victory over the Covenant and Flood would never have happened.

But that victory had a cost heavy price with Noble team dead and Six left on Reach as the Pillar of Autumn made for orbit.

Alone against the Covenant she was doomed. But she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

For three whole days, she fought. For three whole nights, she struggled against the full might of the Covenant on Reach. And on the third and final day, she fell.

Exhausted, battered, and beaten she was finally overwhelmed and presumably killed from what the helmet cam footage shows, the only thing remaining of the Spartan after the glassing of Reach was a broken helmet. But even after that, there is one constant that is never broken.

Spartans never die...They just go missing in action.

Now armed with a new equine body and armor to boot in a barren wasteland resembling the one she had just left behind, Six's Journey hasn't ended yet.

Cover art by the wonderful: Panini you can find them here
Holy wow Featured within the first 6 hours
I-I have no words to express how happy this makes me

Halo: Reach Crossover (And yes my Noble Six is female)

Character tags shall be added as the story progresses

Chapters (50)

Twilight's had enough to deal with being the newly crowned Princess of Friendship.
However, when someone returns from Equestria's distant past, things begin to turn a bit unusual.
Now she has to deal with this strange mage that has been calling the library home for far longer than she has.
Who exactly is he, and why is he returning now?

Featured on:

Edited: 9/19/22

Chapters (50)

Story was written while I was on a depressive sugar high. Yeah, that's a thing. Not it's not. By the way, please do NOT take this story seriously. It's not going to be. It's more of a more or less funny what if-scenario.

The one who made the pictures.


Around four years ago a couple of mugs tried to rob Sunset Shimmer, severly injuring her in the process. In the hospital she stayed in a coma, until four years later she wakes. However the world has changed drastically in those four years, namely magic is now her thing and her friends rule the world.

Chapters (7)

Sunset decides to dress up as a demon for a Nightmare Night party. Her fellow students don't handle it all that well and now Sunset has to deal with her unwanted reign.

Happy Halloween!

Chapters (1)