• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



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It's been a long week for Lyra and Bon Bon. They had a lot of fun at Camp Everfree, but now all they want to do is just hold each other and relax.

A One-Shot set in Not Just Any Old Continuity, but can be enjoyed on its own.

Takes place shortly after Legend of Everfree/TimberTwi Tales: First Impressions.

Here's a list of all my stories for easy access!

Chapters (1)

For the first Nightmare Night since her crowning ceremony, Twilight chose to organise a celebration of sorts in Canterlot. Some nobles suggested a play. Some, a parade. An end to the discussions came when Pinkie suggested both.

It came to happen, unfortunately, that just hours before the playrade one of the actors twisted his ankle. The one tasked with playing the role of Death. Once again, Pinkie came to the rescue with her own solution.

Twilight really wished she hadn't.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a magical land where hopes and dreams come true. Come in and you'll feel the magic of friendship inside you not only growing, but thriving...

Just make sure you don't forget to breathe.

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio now available!
Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions now available!

Chapters (1)

It's been three whole years today... Three years since they left; Since my friends died...

But that will never happen again.

~Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash: Fastest flier in all of Equestria, one of the two top students in The Wonderbolts Academy, Element of Loyalty, and friend to many.

That was three years ago. Three years ago that her friends died in what was supposed to be a tornado to help her and Lightning Dust clear clouds to improve her scores in The Wonderbolts Academy.

For over three years, she's lived with the shame that she helped killed them.

But today, she plans to create something that will save anyone from the same fate: The fate of falling to their deaths.

It's nearly finished... By tomorrow at most. By that time, I will have finally created Zero Gravity.

~Rainbow Dash

Parts of this, including the title, were inspired by Black Gryph0n and Bassik's Song: Zero Gravity. Go check both it, and all other songs they made by the link provided.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to That Which Makes up a Rainbow

What are we? Are we just memories or is who we are something more? When everything is gone who are we in the end?

For one mare, that is a question with only one answer. She has a life with no past, but also with no scars. Follow her through the pain of building anew, when everyone around her clings to the past and to hope. What can be wrought from the turmoil of loss and birth? Could it be... a soul?

Chapters (18)

With Pinkie Pie's brutal murder the whole of Equestria is on high alert. With no clues leading to who did it, it begins to look like Pinkie's killer will never be found.
Rainbow Dash begins to find herself loosing control both mentaly and physicaly. As Applejack tries to comfort Rainbow Dash. But she unintentionally becomes her next target.

Chapters (11)

When an elemental phenomenon with mysterious abilities returns after many millennia, it threatens Equestria with its presence. But it's soon discovered that only one pony can rid the land of this terror.

The feat will prove much easier said than done, as The Mane Six and company may realize defeating this enemy may come at a terrible price.

(Timeline of this story: Set during mid Season 6)

Chapters (21)

It's summer time and the latest graduating class of Canterlot High find themselves at a turning point in their lives. For many they will be heading off to college and their possible careers. However, for Sunset Shimmer that is not an option she is willing to risk. As an illegal visitor from Equestria, Sunset had thus far managed to fly mostly under the radar on the nature of her origins. With college out of reach Sunset is at a crossroads, stay in the human world in which she loves with her friends despite no career options or return to Equestria.
The choice may be made for her as the magic continues to run loose and at an ever accelerating rate. Sunset must find a way to contain the loose magic or face facts that the portal must be closed or destroyed in order to keep the ones she loves safe.

Sex tag primarily for mature conversations and innuendos.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Gods and Monsters

Sunset Shimmer, daughter to Princess Celestia has returned to Equestria from the other side of the Lunar Lock Mirror to spend 30 moons with her family and friends. One year into the current cycle Sunset has become depressed and short tempered with frustration, missing her wife and is in need of time away from Canterlot.

To change things up as well and fulfil the promise she made to spend more time with her mother the two head out to a white sandy beach island. However, there are strange things going on. There is a great unease about, the locals are moving about like lost castaways, and the hotel's owner/operator seems to be in on whatever foulness is about.

Can the two resolve the mystery of Pelican Island and have a good time doing it or will they just become the latest victims of the 'curse?'

Takes place during the time gap of Chapter 2 of Gods and Monsters.

Sex tag for adult topics and conversations.

Chapters (13)

Wallflower has been living a difficult life since the destruction of the Memory Stone, but no one else knows and she's gone to great lengths to keep it that way. The last thing she needs is to be even more of a burden, after all.

Written for Scampy. Cover Art by the wonderful Countess Rose. Find her Twitter @CountessMRose
Prequel to Love Deeply and First Day.
Find the collected works for the SunFlower Saga here.

Chapters (13)