• Member Since 18th Sep, 2018


I'm a male and a fan of G4 and G5. I support the Sparity and Hitch/Zipp shipping. Go to my group Reviews of MLP:FiM to see my reviews of the show.

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This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania Mystery

Alllllrighty then!

The Mane Six and Spike are off on another adventure as they travel through the Multiverse to Miami, Florida. It is here where they meet Ace Ventura, a wacky and hilarious animal detective who is on the case to recover a missing dolphin that just happens to the be the mascot for the Miami Dolphins football team. Follow them as they encounter many bizarre clues all while staying ahead of Lieutenant Lois Einhorn, who has quite the grudge against Ace. Will they be able to prevail or will this mystery prove to be too much for our Equestrian heroes?

Warning: This story contains foul language, violence, and a little bit of sexual themes. If any of that bothers you...go f*** yourself. But if not, please like and comment on this story and enjoy the ride

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Legends Never Die: The Return of the King

The end is coming. Sunny Starscout has rejoined her friends, and together, they must find a way to save Equestria from itself - and all the warring creatures inside it. But it won’t be easy - especially with every nation turned against them. Finding allies and putting their trust in them is risky and nowhere is safe - not once the hatred of the world is put on full display and threatens to destroy them all, trapping them in an endless void of anger, violence and division. Sunny and her friends need to unite the broken world that they have found themselves in - or suffer the consequences if they fail.

WARNING: Contains no relation to My Little Pony: Make Your Mark or My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This is strictly related to events that happened after My Little Pony: A New Generation.

Chapters (21)

In the Marks for Effort episode, Cozy Glow confesses her intended failure of her test to make things right with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Things didn't go the way it should be.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria: A New Generation

Sunset now joined the new generation ponies as she taught them more about the magic of friendship as they enjoyed their time together, while also seeing how much Equestria developed now that the magic and the magic of friendship returned. And now Sunset helps carried on Twilight's legacy now that Equestria needs to recovered what is lost while also trying to figure out how it came to be and what happened to Twilight and her friends while enjoying time with Sunny and her friends along the way.

To keep in mind, this is a side story that takes place after the movie of MLP: A New Generation, but also in between the Make Your Mark series so this story take place between them.

Image credit goes to Bookhorse125

(Note: the inspiration goes to Phantom-Dragon since he came up with the idea from his last story Equestria: A new generation, so give credit for him for this inspiration)

Chapters (72)

Cover art: Izzy Moonbow
By artist: Fensu-San

While Sunny and Izzy were preparing lunch that day, Izzy discovers that she can do more than levitation. This leads to some unfortunate problems around Maretime Bay and beyond.

Chapters (1)

Spike has an item in his pocket, an item for Rarity, and a question to ask. Courage is the one thing he's lacking, every time he's around her he finds himself unable to ask the one question that's been on his mind for a while now. He's older now and he knows it's time.

AUTHORS NOTE: I did the drawing, this took me a few weeks. For each part of it, I did 8 live drawings videos. Showing how this drawing came to be. This drawing was started on 4/23/22 and I finished it on 5/4/22, the drawing and story evolved over time into what I have now.
I really hope you enjoy this. Leave a like and comment, I do reply.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forgiveness Denied

With BrawnyBold's permission decided to make a sequel to his "Forgiveness Denied" story during the events of the episode "Marks for Effort".

The Cutie Mark Crusaders won't forgive Twilight and Cozy Glow after what happened at the School of Friendship. When Neighsay hears about this he decided to take an advantage on Twilight by creating an angry mob to attack her so he can take over the school.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Starlight and Sunburst's Misadventures in Flurry Sitting

(Familiarity with Starlight and Sunburst's Misadventures in Flurry Sitting is strongly recommended, though not required. Takes place after "A Horse Shoe-In".)

Now that Sunburst is the new vice headmare of the School of Friendship, Starlight is thrilled to have her childhood friend and special somepony close to her at all times. Especially as she prepares to take over the school when Twilight ascends to the throne.

However, Trixie can't help but notice that her best friend hasn't been on a date with Sunburst in a very long time. Wanting her friend to be happy, Trixie takes it upon herself to give them one as a way of making up for her behavior during the search for a vice headmare.

Sunburst is eager to accept the offer (especially once Twilight gives her blessing), but Starlight is distracted by her worries about taking over the school. Can a date with Sunburst cheer her up? And does Sunburst have his own plans in mind?

Chapters (1)

(This story is a prequel to Birthday Built For Two, though it is not required for you to read that to understand this fic. Takes place between "The Times They Are A Changeling" and "To Where and Back Again". Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art.)

Starlight accepts the fact that Sunburst is Flurry Heart's Crystaller, and that means he's going to act a bit odd at times. But for whatever reason, the stallion now seems to be acting even odder. A fact that puzzles Starlight to no end when she decides her trip to the Crystal Empire is an excellent opportunity to pay Sunburst an unexpected visit.

But before Starlight can even find the time to ask Sunburst about his behavior, she finds herself getting roped into something most unexpected, helping Sunburst foalsit Flurry Heart for a day.

Just how much trouble can one alicorn foal cause for two fully grown unicorns with no prior babysitting experience, quite a lot actually. But maybe the experience will give Starlight the answers she needs about Sunburst? Or perhaps Sunburst will slip up and tell her himself?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Legends Never Die: The Search For Sunny

In the Crystal Empire, darkness is brewing - King Sombra has returned. Flurry Heart is petrified, but with her friends by her side, she tries to do everything she can to defeat this pony who tried to take so much from her. Meanwhile, Sunny Starscout journeys beyond the borders of Equestria to befriend the creatures that live there - and discover that the situation is much more dire than any of them had thought. Equestria's fate now rests on the shoulders of seven ponies, and the future remains uncertain.

WARNING: Contains no relation to My Little Pony: Make Your Mark or My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This is strictly related to events that happened after My Little Pony: A New Generation.

Chapters (22)