• Member Since 18th Sep, 2018


I'm a male and a fan of G4 and G5. I support the Sparity and Hitch/Zipp shipping. Go to my group Reviews of MLP:FiM to see my reviews of the show.

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An older Spike is writing a romance story at Carousel Boutique and a sudden noise causes an awkward scene between Rarity and Spike. With Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all being witnesses.

Chapters (1)

A picture I found inspired this romantic scene between Spike and Rarity. I got permission from the artist Mauroz to use the picture in my story. The second I saw it I knew I had to write a scene. Yes, I did crop it a bit (to be on the safe side). You can find the full image here.
I wrote this in about an hour. I hope I did the picture justice. Enjoy this heartfelt scene between Spike and Rarity. Leave a comment, and also check out the artist's other work.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Meme (smol)
By artist ShadowReindeer

Pipp decides to enlist the help of her friends and sister for a live stream displaying the many ways of taking pictures on a phone. The rest of them seem happy to help, but Zipp would rather not help at all.

Thank you to StraightToThePointStudio for another amazing reading
Strike A Pose by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

Rarity is such a tease. An older Spike is helping Rarity in her Boutique and gets to find out when some new fabric comes into Rarity's shop. Can he resist her teasing?

Author's note: I'd written a story called Spikes Turn Teasing, where he teased Rarity. I had to do one where she teased him. Yes, they are totally separate one-shot stories.

Chapters (1)

Spike and Rarity have been together for a while now. Yet a letter now has him going gaga, and looking love-struck. Rarity isn't sure what is going on. He's been acting differently as of late. She's determined to get to the bottom of this with the help of Twilight.

Chapters (1)

Spike was just your average, run of the mill, regular kind of baby dragon, who is Twilight's Number One assistant.

That all changed, however, when he got involved in secret agent works with a retired guard and a background pony. Now, he's doing secret agent stuff.

He's a S.M.I.L.E. Dragon.

Chapters (1)

Izzy Moonbow has always wanted to make friends with those around her and beyond, being the only happy unicorn filly in Bridlewood. One day, her life changes forever when she receives a mysterious glowing lantern with a letter inside, telling her that she has friends in the Earth Pony town in Maretime Bay and that she should visit!

She so wants to, but the problem is, her father doesn’t want her to, worrying about her safety….

An extended version of that emotional campfire scene where Izzy recounts her childhood and receiving Sunny’s letter through flashbacks….

Chapters (1)

Graduation is quickly approaching Canterlot High. While Sunset Shimmer is happy about this celebratory milestone, something has kept her believing there's more to do back in Equestria. Along the way, she begins to think back on her past, try to understand things she had never questioned before, and take an extended return to Equestria. Little does she know, she would eventually uncover an incredibly dark and unexpected truth...

Chapters (58)

Carousel Boutique is getting to Rarity. She's hearing voices while she's working. She's always working on dresses and this time she didn't pay attention when a now older Spike comes in and says something to her.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Another of my one-shot Sparity stories.

Chapters (1)

Rarity finds something special in the gem cave that has her questioning her feeling and coming to a conclusion. Gifts are more about giving, and they should come from the heart. When is truly a gift? One that is found or one that is given?

AUTHOR NOTE: Another romance story between these two. I have so much fun writing these 1000 word stories, I find them easier to do than longer ones. They come out so much faster and easier.

Chapters (1)