• Member Since 18th Sep, 2018


I'm a male and a fan of G4 and G5. I support the Sparity and Hitch/Zipp shipping. Go to my group Reviews of MLP:FiM to see my reviews of the show.

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This story is a sequel to Twilight Sunset Twilght

In my story Twilight Sunset and Twilight… Princess Twilight reveals to Sunset that Rarity and Spike are together, this is a little side story of how they came together.


The drawing is my own, I spent an hour drawing this one live on my Facebook page. I'm really proud of this one.

Chapters (1)

Hitch and Sunny have known each other for years, having grown up together along with spending their whole lives in Maretime Bay. It's no surprise that the two are close friends, a bond that hasn't been broken no matter what.

So imagine Hitch's surprise when Sunny stops by his office one day with a proposal: She wants to go on a date with him. And she's not taking no for an answer.

With no other options, Hitch agrees to the date even though he's extremely nervous. He doesn't want to jeopardize his friendship with Sunny if things don't work out, and he has no idea what Sunny has planned for him.

(Featured on 4/26/2022.)

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Remember Me
By artist jhayarr23

Whilst rummaging around in the barn's attic one day, Applejack finds something unexpected. Nothing bad or a nasty surprise, but something that takes her back to the days when she was just a foal.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Legends Never Die: A New Age

Sunny Starscout has disappeared, and her friends are frantic. While everypony else reluctantly agrees that the earth pony is not somepony they can trust anymore, her friends refuse to accept this fact and resolve to find Sunny and lift her of the curse they are sure has been placed on her. However, they are warned that, if they assist a traitor, they themselves will be considered traitors in their own right. Meanwhile, Sunny is held captive in the company of three of Equestria’s worst villains who have dark plans for the land once they succeed in taking it. Assisting them are two ponies who have dark intentions of their own. Sunny is still recovering from the effects of her curse and has no hope left for the future… until she discovers the plans that these villains have for her friends. She needs to find them and warn them. All of Equestria will be at stake.

WARNING: Contains no relation to My Little Pony: Make Your Mark or My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This is strictly related to events that happened after My Little Pony: A New Generation.

Chapters (23)

Rarity shows up at Friendship Castle and an older Spike ends up passing out. He hadn't been expecting her to show up out of the blue. Concern washes over Rarity and emotions come to the surface.

The two drawings are ones I did, these are my own designs of Rarity and Spike as humans. I'm shocked at how good I'm getting at drawing these two.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to When Ponies Fly

Earth-pony Twilight Sparkle and her friend Rainbow Dash visit a realm of forest and magic. And find that all is not quite right, in the place where the unicorns dwell...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series, starting with:

Chapters (4)

Can the Magic of Friendship heal all wounds in the 14th chapter of Twilight Sparkle and her friends?

With Grogar and the Legion of Doom defeated, Equestria struggles to heal itself from the conflict with its former dictator. But Twilight Sparkle and her fellow princesses will find a way to help lead their homeland and their subjects on the road to recovery!

Continuation of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 10, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 12, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 13

Chapters (23)

(Takes place immediately following "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". Proofread and edited by deadpansnarker. Featured on 4/15/2022.)

Diamond Tiara has become a new pony, a much nicer one at that. And she's ready to make amends with those she's previously wronged, no matter who they might be.

However, the very first pony she has to apologize to is none other than Silver Spoon. And that's a bit of a problem because Silver isn't entirely sure Diamond's change of heart is sincere.

Diamond desperately wants to reclaim the friendship she once had, and desperately wants Silver to believe that she's changed. But can she find the right words? And more importantly, will they be enough to convince Silver?

Chapters (1)

A pony from the past returns with the intent to steal Spike away, and it's Babs Seed! Wait...why is Babs Seed after Spike in the first place? Oh, there's a reason.

This one was done for an idea that PONYPIPP suggested in my story The Last Scene. I'd been asked if I did commissions. Well, I wasn't about to say no this was my first one. I am so glad I did this!

Chapters (1)

When Flurry gets called by the map when she is still a filly who will she be called to go on adventures with, and where will she go from there? Find out by reading.

Chapters (21)