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This story is a sequel to Chrysalis Goes to Therapy

After her therapist had suggested her to do so, and mostly because she'd paid for the session, Chrysalis decided to organize a family reunion and invite her parents to it, so she could have a chance to finally talk with them after all the time they'd been separated.

Of course, there were a series of minor inconveniences. Like the fact that her mother was a tree living in a swam. Or the fact that her father didn't know about the fact that she was his daughter. Or how he would have never followed an invitation to the swamp, and would have probably attacked her if she'd tried to approach him directly.

Nothing that couldn't be solved by some tried and tested changeling persuasion, though. Ponies usually referred to it as 'abduction'.

Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia is still a Spider and Chrysalis hasn't been Informed

The day prophesied to be that of Sombra's return is nearing. The Cutie Map has sent Twilight and Rarity on a mission to Canterlot, and the two can't seem to find the problem. A mysterious force lurks in the background, trying to stop the purple alicorn. Time is quickly running out, and Rarity is the only one who can figure out what's happening and put a stop to it before it's too late,

Also, Celestia is a giant spider, but when you look at it that fact isn't really all that important in the scheme of things.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Celestia is still a Spider and Chrysalis hasn't been Informed

Celestia is a spider. That is the one truth, the one irrefutable principle that rules over Equestria. Society, as it is known to modern ponykind, is built and shaped by this and this alone. No one, not a single pony or creature, dares challenge the notion that she who moves the Sun has eight legs, six eyes, two fangs, and is in fact a giant spider. For it is the truth, and everyone knows it.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia is a Spider and That's pretty much It

One day, Celestia had woken up as a spider. A rather curious event, but one the Princess had approached with a surprisingly calm attitude. She'd decided to take no further action than that of informing her subjects of the fact that she'd changed, and to simply continue her life.

In a rather unfortunate turn of events, the Changeling Queen herself, seeing as she was not considered to be one of Equestria's citizens, had not been informed of the occurrence. This led to a rather awkward situation when she met Celestia for the first time after the transformation. Celestia found that encounter to be quite entertaining. Chrysalis didn't.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)

On one morning, without explanation, Princess Celestia woke up as a giant spider. Her guards, her sister, her once student Twilight and the rest of her ponies and other creatures of Equestria were rather shocked at the fact that such a transformation had taken place in her.

She didn't seem to mind it.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Polish translation by Dolar84.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Things Change

It had been months since Celestia had told her that, but Luna hadn't forgotten about it. Finally, one morning, the right conditions presented themselves for them to finally have the discussion Celestia had been postponing for so long. Finally, Luna got to ask her more about the porn she'd supposedly written and published under a pseudonym.

It didn't exactly go the way the younger alicorn had thought it would. Safe to say, some of the results were rather unexpected.

Written for the fourth anniversary of what is probably my favourite story on this site.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Things Change

When in the past Twilight had pondered the possibility of reforming Queen Chrysalis, she'd always thought about it in a hopeful way, imagining all the good things that would come from bringing her to the good side of things. The reformation process had certainly not gone the way she'd expected it to, but now Chrysalis was finally one of them, someone she could call a friend, willing to come with her and learn from her.

A creature strong enough to overpower Celestia, with no memory of her time as an evil shape-shifting love-stealing queen, with no knowledge of how to properly interact with others, and with a very poor understanding of how to treat personal space when meeting someone new. Maybe inviting her to stay in the castle in Ponyville had not been the best of decisions.

Chapters (4)

After having fought and won many battles against the changeling Queen, Princess Celestia always hoped that one day her offer of peace would be accepted and that Chrysalis would walk in her castle as a friend and not as an enemy.

She did not think it would happen like this. She thought the changeling would come in through the door rather than the window, for starters.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Takes an Acting Class

Chrysalis had finally managed to escape from her prison. Not an easy task, given how Celestia had kept trying to have them continue their lessons while she was imprisoned, but she'd done it. Now that she was free, although guards were still looking for her, she decided it would have been a good time to pay a visit to the therapist Black Fire had recommended to her.

Chapters (1)

Celestia had decided to become better at acting. It was a skill that could become useful in the future, and also something she wanted to learn. So she found the most expensive, well-regarded, respected, praised and recommended instructor in all Equestria and arranged a private lesson with her.

She was rather surprised when she found out who her teacher was going to be, and so was her teacher when she found out she would be teaching to Celestia.

Things didn't exactly play out the way they'd planned after that.

Chapters (2)