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When King Sombra returned for the second time, Princess Cadence wound up discovering the true origins of her birth, throwing her whole world out of whack and causing her to question her own identity. In order to solve this dilemma, she journeys to Canterlot to visit the ponies she's known her whole life as "Mom and Dad" in order to hear the truth from their mouths.

*Part of my head-canon universe

Takes place between When Darkness Falls and The Return of the King

I would suggest reading When Darkness Falls first as this contains spoilers

An extra-special thanks to Viper Pit for the concept!

Chapters (1)

After his violent defeat, the former tyrant King Sombra has managed to claw his way back from the land of the dead and has returned to Equestria to seek revenge on Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony. However, the Emperor of Darkness is no fool. He knows that he cannot simply seek retribution on the Main Six or the Princess of Day, so he waits, gathering intel on his foes, learning of their weaknesses. When the time is right, he will strike. Can our heroes overcome King Sombra's plot for vengeance?

Sequel: The Return of the King

*Note: This story takes place in my official headcanon universe, not in the one for Shattering a Heart of Darkness

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Ending of the Beginning

The moments of our lives are fickle things. We never really know what moments we'll remember years down the road, and we surely have no idea how significant some moments can be until they're already long past.

For three former villains, a great number of moments occurred between their fateful meeting with the former Princesses of Equestria and their ultimate revenge on two callous ponies from Manehatten. Some moments were tiny, still others enormous, but there was one thing they all had in common; for this odd little family, they meant the world.

Step back and peer through the window at these moments, these scenes, in the lives of three creatures who united to destroy, but were bonded together forever by love.


A collection of small scenes in the lives of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow between the events of the first and second chapters of 'the Ending of the Beginning.' They'll be written in no particular order, and put in order once all the scenes are completed.

Cover art borrowed from Flutterthrash


Villain-Tines Day- "Tirek and Chrysalis have their first Hearts and Hooves Day."

Rules for Dating Our Teenage Daughter- "Tirek and Chrysalis have a heart to heart with one of Cozy Glow's suitors."

Mother (Figures) Day- “Cozy Glow has some questions about how Chrysalis really feels about Mares Day.”

Sixteen Tons- “Tirek gets a job.” Suggested by Animation Crusader

Pick On Somepony Your Own Size- “Cozy Glow gets some unexpected back-up when dealing with a bully.” Suggested by Ember Shroud

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year- “The family celebrates Hearth’s Warming with some of the friends they’ve made over the years.”

Progress Reports- “Chrysalis starts getting mail from an unexpected source.” Suggested by Frustration in Excelsis

The Sound of Little Hooves- “Chrysalis has something very important to discuss with her husband.” Suggested by K9Thefirst1

The Imitation Game- “Chrysalis has mixed feelings about Cozy Glow’s choice in Nightmare Night attires.” Suggested by Vaguely Demented

We Need to Talk About Cozy- “Chrysalis attends her first parent-teacher conference.” Suggested by Animation Crusader

Upcoming Chapters;

Sleepovers 101- “Cozy Glow has Lily Vine and Mustard Seed over for her very first sleepover. Tirek and Chrysalis are unsure what to do.” Suggested by Green Cuppa

Decisions, Decisions- “Cozy Glow can’t decide what university to attend. Tirek and Chrysalis have an idea, but it comes with a heavy price.” Suggested by Wisp_of_a_Willow

Neigh-Borhood Watch- “The family’s neighbors debate their true intentions.” Suggested by ppg1998

The Chrysalis Revenge Squad- “The family is visited by three mares who don’t believe they’ve changed.” Suggested by ruthim345, bottleH2O, and Razzy.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Frenemies... With Benefits

At the conclusion of the Battle of the Bell, the three villains were incapacitated by a giant cupcake. But when the cupcake was poofed away, the trio of doom were nowhere to be found. For over a year, Equestria has stood sentry against their inevitable attempt at revenge.

Now two retired monarchs are about to discover that somehow, against all odds, the greatest threats in Equestria's history may have found the impossible; a happy ending.


The conclusion of the Frenemies Trilogy, with cover art borrowed from raritylover152.

Chapters (2)

We all know the story, human from earth goes to Equestria from buying a mystical prop from a mysterious unnamed salesman to attend Comicon. But what you didn't expect was the prop to be a box of mask making materials and a puppeteer kit. Now with supplies to make more costumes and the super villain name of the 'Puppet Master'. You have to wonder, Just what lessons am I going to teach these Equestrians through my villainous ways.

Inspired by the grand adventures of: Malideus and Dullahan!

Chapters (74)

Chrysalis was blasted from Canterlot by Shining’s and Cadance’s love for each other, but she hasn’t lost yet, she still has a secret weapon against them.

A weapon that only an ancient love-sucking being with a keen mind and an army of spies can wield; a deep understanding of the pony’s laws.

So, she arms herself with a business suit, glasses, and a briefcase full of documents, and marches on towards Canterlot.

Featured 4/20/2020, this time was intentional! :pinkiehappy:

Narrated by StraightToThePointStudio: Narration

Reviewed by Javarod: Review

Now translated to russian! by GrandCat

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Savage: Encounters

It has always been known that the Everfree Forest was a dangerous and mysterious place. But now, after the appearance of a new and truly unknown creature, it has become an even more dangerous place, where one could easily lose their life.

This story was made as an alternate ending for the Savage: Encounters chapter Close Call.

A big thank you to Alicorn Priest and Friedom Fiend, who helped me make this fic readable.

Chapters (1)

For many years there has been a mysterious creature living in the woods. Many rumors have spread about this creature. Some say its capable of killing anything it puts its mind on, even predators many times its size. A very strange creature that nopony had ever encountered face to face. That was, until now.

The story will tagged complete, since I don't have anything more to write. If I do get an idea for another chapter it will be published here.

Image not mine but from Aeflus, check him out he has really impresive art! No really, go check him out.

Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell, FreedomFiend, Glocky and Scrambled Crackers who have helped me out with this story. Really, these guy's are awesome!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Savage

The rumors were many. Some reasonable, others unbelievable. But it was not until some unlucky souls stumbled upon it that they were able to find out their veracity. These are some of the recorded instances when the Everfree creature came in contact with the neighboring populace.

These are the other encounter ideas that I had while developing Savage, not its sequel. Any continuation of it will be in the original story.

Art is not mine but by aeflus, go check this guy out! He has some pretty neat art. Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell,FreedomFiend, ScrambledCrackers and Alicorn Priest

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to 1000 Years

1000 years later after the events of 1000 Years, Null will be thrown into the deep end, seeing if he will sink or swim. How will he cope with his newfound freedom? Will it be what he hoped for? And most importantly, what will crack first? the eggshells he treads on, or he himself?

WOOOO. featured already from the first chapter with a couple hours! 5/9/19

Chapters (30)