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Word around Ponyville is that Queen Chrysalis is planning something.

Something big.

Something terrible.

Something beyond imagination.

If only Queen Chrysalis had any idea what that something was.

Artwork by UncertainStardust.

Chapters (1)

In one last ditch effort to take over Equestria, Queen Chrysalis does the unthinkable and makes copies of herself using the Mirror Pool.

Unfortunately for her, even brand new copies of the Queen don't like being bossed around.

Artwork by DashieSparkle. Based off the ending to "Queen Chrysalis Does The Thing".

Chapters (1)

Wait! So Rarity's being impersonated by a changeling? And Twilight too? And... the rest of the Elements of Harmony?

Okay. So what's the big deal again?

UPDATE: labeled as complete. I really can't think of anything else to add to this story. The second chapter will remain as a bonus.

Chapters (2)

While strolling around town, Twilight Sparkle accidentally knocks out Derpy's contact lenses, revealing perfectly normal eyes hidden underneath.

So what else could Derpy be faking?

Chapters (1)

If there's one thing that King Sombra misses most, it's being inside his old Empire. Sadly, both Shining Armor and Princess Cadence currently rule there in his stead.

Now if only there was a proper way around those two idiots.

Original artwork by Keriwi1: HERE!

Chapters (14)

Rumor has it that if a pony says Discord's name five times in front of a mirror, he's forced to appear there.

So who thought something like that could actually be true?

As well as annoying.

Artwork by blmn564.

Chapters (1)

Years following his explosive demise, King Sombra has remained as mysterious a figure as ever.

Up until Twilight Sparkle's discovery of a diary thought lost and forgotten, that is.

Sex tag required only for one particular part.

Artwork by Joey-Darkmeat. Colored by Mynder.

Chapters (2)

After accidentally learning that each Princess has their very own secret rooms to retreat inside whenever they wish, Twilight Sparkle makes it her mission to uncover just what could be inside Princess Celestia's.

Perhaps Twilight should have knocked first.

Artwork by Hawk9mm.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Secret Secret Room

In order to destress every few weeks, Princess Celestia takes a potion that allows her to be a child again, living life without a care in the world for hours at a time. Thus far, the effects have been stupendous.

So, with that in mind, could the same treatment be applied to the most nefarious villains in Equestia in hopes of lessening their evil ways?

Queen Chrysalis, Discord, and King Sombra beg to differ.

Artwork by olegsavoskin.

Chapters (1)

I didn't ask for this, any of this. But now that I'm here, might as well make the most of it. But, why am I here? What purpose does my presence here serve to Equestria?


Author Notes: Yes, this is a HIE story. Yes, I know how much people hate self inserts or anything similar to it. And yes, I don't care what people say about this. I'm writing this because I feel like it and nobody can stop me from doing it. To quote Eminem, "See you can hate 'em, he don't blame you frankly he would too." Since I can't use too many character tags, just assume I'll be using every character from the show.

(While I actually thought of the title and premise for this story by listening to Aerosmith's Permanent Vacation, the current cover art just seemed to fit the opening chapter better.)

Note that the Gore tag is simply because of things like characters getting stabbed, shot, etc... Nothing too graphic or descriptive, but better safe than sorry.

Chapters (46)