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Awoken in the early morning by giggles, Cadance finds Chrysalis playing with a strange creature in the park.

Written for the Fluffle Puff Contest

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis impersonates Twilight to eat in style and it backfires. Fluffle Puff goes shopping and Twilight helps.

I did not draw the cover art, Zorobutt did.
This story was made for this Fluffle Puff contest.

Chapters (1)

Fluffle Puff is a very, VERY affectionate pony. She usually goes to Chrysalis for snuggles and down time, but Chrysalis is away on a trip over the weekend.

Fluffle Puff can't accept not having snuggling time for that long. She decides which other pony would be the best for this thing, and naturally, Fluttershy comes up. Fluttershy's good with animals, and Fluffle Puff acts like a cat anyways, so why not?

Naturally, this is going to be a disaster.

Edited with the help of Salnalus and Kirishala Evenstar. Cover art is...oh come on. Haven't you seen Fluffle Puff's videos?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluffle Puff in the Crystal Empire

Continuing from "Fluffle Puff in the Crystal Empire", Shining Armor sits down during an awkward tea party with Chrysalis. He has no idea what to do.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Figuring Out Fluffle Puff

Twilight has come to visit Cadence, Shining and Flurry when they spot Fluffle Puff. This can only mean one thing: Chrysalis is here! Now Twilight has to make sure another incident doesn't occur, but Cadence quickly takes a liking to Fluffle Puff and wants to take her home.

This cannot be good.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Big Sis Comes for a Visit

So Twilight Sparkle is trying to figure out Fluffle Puff and the chance just happens to come by when she least expects it. She spends a day with Fluffle Puff, joined by her friends, and witness the fluffy pony's whacky antics.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis Comes for Nightmare Night (Featuring Fluffle Puff)

After their return from Ponyville, Chrysalis just wants to relax and enjoy the company of her fluffy little pet. Of course, she soon realizes she won't be alone in that department since Big Sis has dropped by for a visit.

Featuring characters from FluffyMixer's Fluffle Puff Tales.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mane 6 Meets the Queen’s Pet

It's Nightmare Night and the whole of Ponyville is out having fun. However, Chrysalis decides to show up with her pet Fluffle Puff. What kind of mischief will they be up to tonight? Can the Mane 6 stop them? Why am I asking these questions? Please, read and enjoy yourself.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis. She is evil, cruel, manipulative and downright mean. So there's no way anypony could love her for just being herself. However, the captured Mane 6 would soon learn that there is a special somepony for anypony.

Chapters (1)

"What does Fluffle Puff eat?"


Inspired by a question my morphine-addled wife asked me yesterday while driving home from the hospital.

Live reading by the author here.

Chapters (1)