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Princess Celestia has lived for a very long time and, as such, has had many regrets. One of her biggest ones was driving away her beloved protégée, Sunset Shimmer, who had abandoned her and jumped through a portal to another world.

As time had passed, Celestia's guilt over Sunset had only grown. To resolve their issues, Celestia made it her mission to bring Sunset back home. Whenever the moon lets her, Celestia crosses the portal herself and uses the little time the portal allows to look for Sunset. Many moons and a few attempts later, Celestia finally finds Sunset!...Or does she?

The girl Celestia finds certainly looks like Sunset and even says that is who she is, but this girl claims to only be a simple guitarist and knows nothing about any "Princess Celestia." What will come of this meeting?

Chapters (3)

After a mishap with Rainbow Dash's guitar, Sunset Shimmer goes to get some more guitar strings. On the way back, she just so happens to run into her human counterpart.

Chapters (1)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash needs to learn cooking, she's surprised to find who is the best chef in ponyville!

This is a story made for Cereal's 2-hour story submission. It is a rushed fic, but I think it deserves a place on this site!

Chapters (1)

With the events of the Molestia Night behind them, Luna's mind wanders around the topic. It is only a couple days later that she remembers some very crucial details about her stay on the moon. With the night young once more and her passion heavy, she seeks answers to the questions that her older sister brought up, as well as to her own. The way she does it, however, turns out to be very... Naaaaughtyyyyy...

-The events that take place in this story kick off directly after the events in the Epilogue of Princess Molestia.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally)

Cozy Glow has a bone to pick with a lot of creatures at Twilight's School of Friendship, but six in particular stand out. During a small get-together with the other members of the Legion of Doom, Cozy Glow regales Tirek and Chrysalis with her plans for revenge!

At great length. Whether they want her to or not.

An entry into The Discovery — A Young Six Writing Contest

This story is in-continuity with Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally), but reading that story is not necessary to enjoy this one.

Chapters (8)

Seeking redemption, Corvo—a problematic mastermind—helps save Equestria from threats which far surpass the limits of Celestia and Luna; but it all becomes much more difficult than they could ever imagine, escalating into a hopeless, war-like mental chess match.

The comment section below is a spoiler-fest. Ye be warned!

►Fan art right here, done by The Sexy Assistant
►Pre-reader: Bootsy Slickmane

Chapters (17)

Dan wakes up to something he thought couldn't possibly happen. He's in Equestria. He doesn't know how long he is going to be here for or if there may be some greater purpose for him. All he does know is that he woke up in a tree and fell out of said tree and that even in Equestria it still hurts...oh and the ponies are still adorable.
Who knows? maybe this will turn into a bigger adventure with romance and comedy and stuff...as long as he doesn't do anything too stupid first.
With references, comedy, romance, heartbreak, anger, sadness, giant monsters, and kickass music i give you Dan's story of ADVENTURE!!!

HAZESHIFT 5/24/2014
AND AGAIN!!!! 1/9/2015

Chapters (44)

A long, long time ago, there was a knight who set out on a noble quest to save a fair maiden and, if possible, slay the dragon keeping her captive.

Only... things don't always go as planned.

Many thanks to the incredibly talented hattonslayden for letting me use this picture for the cover art. Check out his work some time!

Update: featured? Oh my... I feel all tingly inside...

Chapters (1)

One lonely night, Starlight decides to release Cozy Glow from her stony prison, and plans to let out some of her frustrations on the vile filly until she discovers that Cozy Glow can't seem to remember who she is anymore, or much of anything else from her past.

Could this be yet another trick conjured up by this scheming pegasus? Can she really be trusted?

The cover art was done by VectorVito. The account on DeviantArt has been deleted. The cover art was used with permission.

Click this Soundcloud link if you wish to listen to music inspired by the story.
The music was made by Vector_Monster.

Chapters (18)