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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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It's a beautiful day. Sun shines, birds sing and people hang out with friends. Such a normal day for everyone.

Except for Jimmy, because he's gonna hang out with Fluffle Puff. What could happen?

This is a one-shot short story dedicated to JimmyHook19. Such a good friend he is.:pinkiesmile:

Also, this is my 10th story!:yay:

Anyways, hope you like it.:twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

The Fluffle Puff Pony. A legendary equine that comes around only once every thousand years. And she lives in Twilight's library! Take a trip to Ponyville and see an average day in the life for the one, the only, the inexplicably fluffy, Fluffle Puff, as she fluffs, and she puffs, and she blows Ponyville down!

I in no way own Fluffle Puff or anything related to her. I am but a humble fan entranced by her antics.

Chapters (5)

Pinkie Pie is the richest pony in the history of Equestria. The secret to her wealth?

She has no idea.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Trip Through the Mirror

For a changeling, love is magic, and magic is love. They are one and the same within the changeling body. To share magic is to share love. And we all know what happens when an unreformed changeling shares love. Unfortunately for Chrysalis, she got caught up in the moment and forgot for just a second. But a second was enough...

A "what if?", alternate ending for "Frenemies".

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally)

Tiatarta! The hidden gem of Equestria’s resorts. Sandy beaches, colorful locals, and relative isolation make this the ideal vacation destination. So what kind of friendship problem could this tropical paradise possibly have for Smolder and Ocellus to deal with?

And what the HAY is Queen Chrysalis doing here?! And what did she do to her mane?

Reading Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally) is recommended for context.

Chapters (15)

Ponies like snuggles. Spike likes to give snuggles. But Spike is a five-hundred-foot tall dragon, and finds it difficult to give snuggles without accidentally popping the pony like an overripe tomato in a hydraulic press. Spike believes he has found a solution.

Part of the Hellpiercer 'verse, but knowledge of that story is not required.

Reviewed by TitaniumDragon!
Art by Harwick.
Featured on Equestria Daily and Fimfiction.

Chapters (1)

Not too far into the future, Twilight Sparkle visits Queen Chrysalis, in response to a letter stating her intention to ask forgiveness for her crimes against Equestria.

Inspired by this.
Cover Artwork by Art-Anon on DA.

Chapters (1)

[An idea I had based on Breaking Out to Avoid Being Broken In, written by Justice3442 (story and author are clickable).]

It's breakfast time for Twilight Sparkle, and she finds an unexpected guest at the table.

Chapters (1)

Starlight returns from the marketplace to come across two sworn foes calmly sharing tea, much to her confusion.

Much to her confusion.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis Works at Quills and Sofas

Luster Dawn finds out, much to her consternation, that Chrysalis works at Quills and Sofas.

Chapters (1)