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One week after Flurry Heart is crowned the Ruler of the Crystal Empire, she runs into Cozy Glow.

For FanofMostEverything's second Imposing Sovereigns contest.

Special thanks for Miller Minus for his feedback and editing!

Chapters (4)

Cozy Glow woke up cold and confused. The last thing she remembered was being turned into stone. Twilight has presented her with an offer, either she can try and be reformed back into a good filly. Or spend the rest of her days locked in the castle dungeons for the rest of her life. The mane six will each take Cozy Glow into their homes to try and reteach her about the magic of friendship.

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer's been informed of the Cozy Glow debacle, and now she's worried about Cozy’s human counterpart. Is it wrong to suspect someone based on their parallel self’s sins? Snappy character vignette that gives equal POV time to Sunset and human Cozy trying to figure out just what the other’s deal is.

Teen rating for depictions of mental illness and Cozy’s casual use of crass language. Cover image made by me slapping some EG vectors on top of each other in Microsoft Powerpoint.

:pinkiegasp:Written reccomendation by a very reputable user:pinkiegasp:

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash, a billionaire industrialist pegasus invento is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon for a group of terrorists. Instead, using her intelligence and ingenuity, Rainbow builds a high-tech suit of armor and manages to escape captivity. However, upon returning home, she uncovers a nefarious plot with worldwide circumstances and she vows to protect Equestria and the world as the Invincible Iron Mare

Chapters (2)

"Dear Princess Celestia, as your (former) most faithful student, I feel I have to warn you that this is probably a trap. Chrysalis cannot possibly be serious about this. Why would anyone, much less her, want to shoot a documentary on us?"

Chrysalis, queen of all the changeling hives and infinitely cunning architect of their plans to conquer Equestria, has a problem: She knows diddly-squat about ponies. But Chrysalis is cleverer than most—or all—changelings, and she's already devised a brilliant solution to this trifling issue: Make a movie about them.

Tenth place winner in Equestria Daily's Outside Insight contest.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A day in the life of Chrysalis

Chrysalis is between a rock and a hard place, on one hoof she has Equestria that could keep her subjects alive and happy for years but cannot conquer it. On the other she has a race of changelings to feed so how do you feed your children? The Changeling queen is not above her subjects but will do anything for them...even give up her castle and everything to keep her subjects alive and how do you do that. Only Infultrate equestria so you can use what you know about love to make happy couples and further increase the output of love. Ya nothing can go wrong with this plan...especially if she chooses her main headquarters to be in ponyville.

Chapters (12)

A short summery of the day in the life of the changeling queen.

Just did this to have some fun didnt really take to seriously lol

Chapters (1)

Fluffle Puff has been good friends with Chrysalis for a while. She lets her feed off her love for her, she likes drawing cute pictures of her, and its clear she REALLY likes her.

But they haven't dated much, if at all.

So when a Tumblr question puts her up for it, she sets out to make the most epic date ever.

Edited with the help of PieDisliker.

Chapters (1)

A new evil has risen in the wake of destruction caused by Princess Celestia Dr. Professor General Dread. Seeking to take over Equestria once more, a certain Queen finds herself facing off against an adversary unlike any other. The Puff is back and fluffier than ever.

Note: If you haven't ready the first one you probably should. It's not terribly long, but context is always nice.
Fluffle Puff, Defender of the Universe (First Story)

Chapters (1)

Equestria's greatest villain, Dr. Professor General Dread, is threatening to destroy all life as we know it. The universe itself is in dire peril, but is he prepared to face The Puff?...

Chapters (1)